Lads, i'm about to graduate with a meme tier degree, what's my next step to avoid slavery? Or.. best entry tier jobs?
How to avoid wage cuckery?
Chances looking slim. Where do you live, whats your degree?
Go armed forces at this point
If you've really fucked up, they have a higher chance of paying you more.
Just go POG if you don't wanna get a greater than 0:1 KDR for life. Worst case they somehow bomb the FOB, and at that point everything is fucked.
To make a good resume and not suck at interviews. I've had people who did a ton of research and internships in school apply to work in my lab, but if you can't talk to me about what you did without seeming like a moron, I'm not going to invite you back for round two.
Also I don't give a single fuck what shit you did that isn't related to my field. Please keep that shit off your resume, no real employer cares that you have organizational skills from working at a grocery store in college.
You're going to have to work for a living user. Unless you marry up, inherit a fortune, or get lucky you'll be wage cucking. If you're smart you can invest and get out early but from the shit choice you've made for a degree and this stupid question in your life I imagine you'll be working for the rest of your life.
Deal with it.
Learn a trade. Is a good life.
College is for Jews, liberals and faggots.
It's also for people who make a lot more money than you all while not busting their balls out in the sun.
Sociology+ U.K ... should i become an hero now?
You may be right about being in the sun.
At least they don't rot in an office.
What's your field?
Do you have any experience with blow jobs? I have a friend with great hook ups for knee pads.
Tried to suck my own dick once, it went okay
Don't plumbers make $80k?
Okay so i've accepted im going to be a wage cuck, which route is likely to be the least painful and lead towards a decent wage?
>work enough to buy two houses, ine nice and the other whatever you want it to be
>rent the nice house
>live off of rent
I always had this idea in my mind. Is there any reason it wouldn't work? I ran the numbers and i should be able to live pretty well unless i am missing something somewhere.
What? Are you implying you can't have an outdoor life if you work at an office?
Yea, lots of differents degrees earn that and more, but you also don't have to deal with literal shit.
The point is that nigger needs to get off his high horse and quit thinking all degrees are SJW tier.
Nigga how you gonna pay for all your living expenses with rent from one house?
Even if you buy them both outright like a fool you'd need to charge thousands a month and live like a monk.
Plumbers for Wendy's make 120k starting with a 9 inch dick.
Wat about being a sunday manager stocking shelves at a grocery store in high schook tho?
Screenshotting this.
I get 50k to bumble around ina loader and shitpost 50 hours a week.
Dropped out of community college 2 fucking times
Can confirm. 2000-2010 wagecucking 70 hours a week smashing fingers and breaking bones. Pic related i fot to pay for until a few months ago. Was laid uo over a year. My shit was so fucked uo they couldn't even put a cast on it and god bless my mother in law i crashed on her couch.
2011 get a job hobling around a quarry. Run haul trucks with my left foot and run skid loader wide open wuth hand throttle and joysticks when the boss is gone.
Learn to run some shit there. Quit to work near home for better company and pay. Fuck near neet status making 50k.
Life is good. Get a trade or 2 or 10. Just bounce around and find wtf u like or freelance. There is a pedo 4 doors down with a yard full of washing machines. He sells working trash for $50 and averages 5 a day. He makes more than me without a job.
You likely are if u dont understand the following
>tenants are shit
>eviction law
>tax law
>llc real estate law
>hoe to fix or hire property managers
I own the home next door. One of my best friends lives there. Wife is pissed. Mutherfucker never pays rent on time. Wont switch electric to his name, and we gotta have lowes put carpet in.
Like everything else it sounds great on paper but in reality u are either a slum lord or working 2 jobs.
Just do your homework faggot.
If this isn't a troll post - I think a literal retard got a hold of someones computer.
Topkek. Just as easy to have 20 as 1. Probably buying number 3 for thr lot or storage shed for used appliances. Moving and renting this shithoke to some poor broke fucker. Aside from a much needed llc im headed to the other side at a brisk walk. If they sew me i got shit anyway and keep my valuables leveraged. Have fun with your 3 tagged and insured cars with no moror or tranny or interior u cuck. I bank loan 3 cars and push them around the yard.
Well i cant type for dick nor give a fuck about any education passed basic math because i am 31 and have yet to need to know the dates of WW2 or how to bake a cake or how to conjugate a fucking verb in spanish.
Jeff foxworthy may be retarded but "a glorious absence of sophistication" once embraced feels like a million dollars
Start a business
Long story short life will not stop trying to break me. Shit on at every turn. I wont fet up and get even more autistic every time. Started casting aluminum dicks with best friends. 1 an hero. Looking to scale up production.
Or just kys...
Get a "business analysis" job at some huge corporation. If you have a BA and 3.0 gpa its pretty easy to get. You essentially make power points and other bullshit for your boss. It'll pay ~50k starting. If you get luckily you'll get fast tracked for "management" and make maybe 100k. I say "management" because near everyone at a huge corporation is a "manager" it doesn't really mean anything. If you get unlucky you'll make 50k for the rest of your life. There is really no in between.
Look up a "business analysis" job. Copy and paste the requirements bullets into your resume. It doesn't matter if you actually have them or not. Worse case scenario they call you out on your bullshit and you don't get the job anyway. Most likely you'll be able to do 5min of googling and know enough to bullshit about it. In the interview just act laid back and confident, if you don't look nervous or like you're trying too hard you'll get hired.
Typically the "business analysis" "works" ~35-37.5 hours a week but most of that is staring into space or browsing the internet. You'll be able to coast doing only around 2 hours of real work a day, planning meeting schedules, making power points from templates, analyzing "ROI" for certain business projects that are pretty much already decided on no matter what you come up with. Not a great job but better than busting your ass doing manual labor.
Thing is the tax is higher if you don't live in your house. Then there is maintenance, and dealing with people not paying rent, or periods where its vacant. It is profitable obviously but not necessarily a great return on investment. Although it depends you could have great tenants who pay high rent for a long time, but you could have the reverse as well.
Collegecucks btfo.
Trades for life.
>you'd need to charge thousands a month
why so much? who needs thousands to live?
Nah im saying office envirements trigger me. Must be outside in the sun and ice. Fucking hell i dont even have co wirkers and i hate talking to people
Fair enough.
It gets really cold where I am so I didn't do labor long before I went back to school and found my career. Funnily enough, the cold drove me to success kek. Also if I spent all day outside working I probably wouldn't want to go hiking or work out on the weekends.
$1000/mo is under the poverty line in any city.
Literally less than minimum wage.
You'll also have to have enough in reserve to fix anything that breaks in either house.
i have no idea about american costs, i am yuro, my family has always lived with 2000 euros a month and we weren't rich but definitely managed ok, i ran the numbers and i am certain i can live with 400 euros of necessities,so 500 should suffice for the bonus stuff and money to waste. Of course i will make myself a pretty nice reserve to repair stuff in case the house is temporarily inhabited or whatever happens.>Fair enough.
>It gets really cold where I am so I didn't do labor long before I went back to school and found my career. Funnily enough, the cold drove me to success kek. Also if I spent all day outside working I probably wouldn't want to go hiking or work out on the weekends. It won't be a life of luxury and i probably will have to say no to quite some things, but that's far better then having the majority of your day being straight up sufferingforever.
I have a house in mortgage(i didn't want it, parents did it) which should be abot 800 - 700 euros rent. whatrt really worries me are taxes on rent which i know nothing about and will probably fuck me up.But at worst i can buy two houses and put them both on rent, that has t net me 500 right?
that quote was a misclick
Exactly, how can I buy my 3 frappucinos a day and expensive designer belts without thousands a month!?
Ugh, imagine living on less than $3000 a month, you like literally can't go shopping and clubbing any more than once a week, omg like stop being poor.
most of these things i already knew, the only thing i am worried about is taxes, but thank you anyway
also if anyone has better ideas on how to have a steadyish income in another way i am interested, i chose house renting because it seems relatively safe, the only other idea i got was managing some kind of shop, but the only thing i would like to do is a Tabletop or geenric Veeky Forums shop and that's not very profitable unfortunately.
>Learn a trade. Is a good life.
Tell that to my cousin who might be permanently disabled at 35 (still waiting on the test results) from over 15 years of heavy lifting.
I fucking love posts like this, inspirational as fuck
I almost want my entire life to fail so I can try cool shit like this
Would a BS still be ok if I don't have a BA?
You'll need at least $1000/mo just to sustain yourself if you live in the city.
Practically, you'll need more, unless you're an ascetic with no interest in saving and no intent of repairing damage (which you'll need to do if you want to maintain your one and only income stream).
>aspiring to be poor while still owing obligations to people
What's the fucking point
Just out of curiosity where would those 1000 go? Would you care to make an approximate breakdown of how you think you need a thousand?(i am european and have no idea)
rent : $1000+
everything else: ??? you got no money left
You're not going to like this OP, but-
Just accept the wagecuckery for a few years. Expect to work as a cuck for a period of about 4-5 years as a first step (while saving this entire time), remember to save your income, i'd save about 20% at your current situation and place that into mutual funds, this wont generate you much but it's likely an extra $20-$30 per month passive income you can accumulate (if you invest about 10-11K). I'm basing this 20% off a $1,200 monthly earning (bare minimum wage at a shitty location in the US). If you do more aggressive saving you can increase monthly dividends to $60-$80 per month. Always buy bulk wholesale.
Use your days off to eat healthy, exercise- it'll do wonders for your psychology and physical requirements for cuck-work.
>College is for Jews, liberals and faggots.
Kek. Looks like someone is bitter that liberal arts fags like me make 6 figures while shitposting on Veeky Forums all day.
I feel bad for you kids if you end up with any.
>College is for Jews, liberals and faggots.
Or people smart enough to realize they don't want to work hard the rest of their lives.
learn from lynda or spend alot of time on youtube and then come back and talk to us about this shit. if you can maintain that conversation, you're hired
i thought he wanted to avoid slavery
>15 years of heavy lifting with poor body mechanics
Ftfy. Its not anybodys fualt but your counsin's that he was too stupid to fine tune himself 15 years before letting this happen. I can tell by your post alone that youre fat and/or dyel as all hell.
At a shit firm you'll get shit pay...I hope you're not talking about consulting though. It's much more difficult than what you suggested; you're travelling all the time working 70+hr weeks, working in teams to solve a variety of business issues depending on your sector. Consulting interviews are fucking brutal tests of attrition as you go through case study after case study, hoping to god you do not fuck something up.
At the big firms you're competing with the brightest students from ivy leagues...for a former dishwasher like me it was a tough pill to swallow. I had to study my ass off and I barely made it.
Big 4 analyst here. Surviving. For now.