I tried some Canadian broken coast weed recently. Easily the best shit ever, if they went public I'd buy in, problem is I'm from Australia
>up 2k on the mini rally on friday
>probably up 10k today
What app is that OP?
Bought 30k a while ago... This shit is basically free money with the legislation passing on thursday.
what's going to happen after Thursday though? I want to hold long, but don't want to see my gains disappear after the dip
second this what app?
>he doesn't know
Nobody can say for sure. I'm personally betting on it to go way up for a loooooong time with small dips every now and then. So holding for a couple of years.
Any kind Veeky Forumsness men want to give the rundown on the best ways to invest in pot?
Looks like the standard Bloomberg app
>hurr durr I don't even know basic shit.
Is there a risk these investment might decrease in value and result in significant financial loss?
Aussie weed compaines shot up cos of the fucking Canada legistalion
Look at
>tfw you STILL didnt buy
i deserve to be poor. good luck lads.
Invested in
ACBFF - Aurora Cannabis
SPRWF - Supreme Pharma
if there were two other cannabis stocks besides these that you saw were going to make the most gains, which ones would they be?
are you canadian?
if yes just buy into the big guys, tickers are
if you aren't canadian you're going to need to buy through an otc brokerage, symbols are different
currently they sell to 130k medical patients
potential with legalization might be optimistic and if expected sales of 6-8 billion don't happen they might go down
cronos, don't know what otc it is though
im making that cake in sl right now
don't sleep on TBP
Why the fuck are so many retards buying SL
expected to get a bump when it's sales license is approved
might already be priced in
Is there a marijuana index?
Buy individual stocks for the big ones WEED, ACB, OGI, APH and for a bit of everything get in on the new ETF HMMJ