/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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>GUDAGUDA Honnoji Event begins November 8th

>Fate/GUDAGUDA Order translation

>Interlude AP Cost 1/2 Period:
November 1st 4:00 UTC to November 8th 3:59 UTC

>Da Vinci's Selection FGO's Finest Fellows Pickup Summon
2017-11-01 4:00 - 11-08 3:59 UTC
5* Waver
4* Siegfried, Lancelot
3* Prototype Cu, Alexander

>[AWA FGO Panel]



Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

Master Mission: Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
Rate ups in JP FGO: i.imgur.com/ufcB3OP.jpg
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=1447471767

View: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo

Add yourself: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

What did she read?

snek thread

Clearly says protagonist x mashu on the book.

mana transfer with no command seals

Of Spirit, Jacques Derida, 1987

She's a fan of deconstruction

The Saint

I don't speak moonrune

Tell us how much have you saved for Okita?
What will you do if your free quartz aren't enough?

Alright anons what are your spooks for this new years guaranteed 5* gacha?

Mine would be tamamo and orion. I just hate orion in general and having a NP3 tamamo would be useless. Hell I'd love another vlad instead so I can NP3 him.

Anyone who isn't Jack or Altera

I'm going to drop up to 20 rolls on Okita. May luck guide me.

Waver, NP2 Saber and Vlad is okay

fluffy servant

Im fine with any 5* EXCEPT Waver.
I can't fucking take NP3 Waver.
Please universe, don't make me suffer like that, Im still using bronze and silver servants because I can't roll anything better for my other servant slots

NP2 Tamamo
NP3 Waver
NP2 Aoi Seiba

>It's A Thing tier

>Useful tier
NP3 Drake
NP2 Vlad

>Worth It tier
NP5 Altera

Stop making me like Tamamo


Stop making me oppress Spartacus

Fluffy Servant in every thread until she can be adopted


Stop making me adopt Jack


Fluffy Servant

>until she can be adopted
Feel free to continue afterwards

now THIS is fluffy

Mein kampf. She watched the 4cc and was inspired by /pol/s performances.


Id honestly roll for jack if they gave her the cute white dress as an alternate costume. I love how crazy her usual get up is but seeing her in that cute white dress warms my heart more

this thread is making me feel warm and fluffy inside

Stop making me masturbate to Medb

Tamamo is one of the few support servants who actually gets a benefit from noble phantasm levels. It's not ideal, but it's not nearly as bad as Waver.
We're less reddit than fgog

this one?

180 quartz, 14 tickets. My chances aren't great.
What I'll do really depends. I have a driving test the day before, so how I do on that will determine my state of being should I fail to get Okita.


>Happy and content tier

>Perfectly average tier
Vlad III

>SPOOK tier

>+1k Heal
user really? Her skill cooldown never changes and overcharge is overcharge thats not constant

>modestly fun meme
>you say "heh" as you smile while you browsing the thread sometimes
>redditors come into the thread
>They bastardize the meme
>Shit gets reposted and recolored and remade like 200 times just for the "upvotes"
>Now it's no longer funny
>Redditposters keep posting this shit anyway
>Start hating the now obnoxius meme







>180 quartz, 14 tickets
>My chances aren't great.

user your chances are fucking abysmal, how did you ended with so little quartz?
At least you got something good out of them?

where can i give you some reddit gold user you made my day haha ^^ (upvote please)

Yup. Makes her look cuter and better. Rather than stir lust it stirs paternal instinct. I really hope they start making more alt costumes. Jannu Alter would look stylish with her shinjuku outfit

It's not an exclusively Reddit behaviour, it's simply how the internet works.
People will post things they like, whether it's to share it, or just for the attention. Not sure why people call it a Redditor behaviour because it happens on every site.

Alright Fatefags, give us a comprehensive list of Servants who are Virgins and who are Chads

350 right now and around 10 tickets, if anyone will make me whale this year it would be her but i pray it doesn't come to that.

more alt costumes would be cool

Surprised nobody mentioned Shuten, she's like the least reliable Servant to have unless you have considerable leverage over her

>when /alter/ was filled with so much autism over the state of NA they made a shitpost reply chain and flooded the SEAmonkey FB page with it, resulting in several blocks and faster dangos
Early alter was fun

she's an assassin

>Three weeks into no fap
>Trick or treatment comes out
Haha I'm never going to make it, right? I should just kys myself


485 Quartz and 59 Tickets.
The wait is killing me, I hope this will be enough because I can't afford to whale too much. I'm starting to get really scared of failing to roll her, no idea what I'm going to do if that happened. Please priest all I'm asking is one copy of Okita and I'll never bother you again.
I just want to hold her in my arms and pat her head while telling her how cute she is. I want to hold her hand when she is sick and buy her sweets and make her happy.

I figured summoning Shuten would useless in an actual war because she would just neet it up, get drunk all day and fuck you for mana ocassionally, o kill you if you bother her too much.
But she doesn't seem like the kind that would backstab you

I've made some really stupid rolls in my time, user. Thankfully they burned me pretty bad so my mind is steel. A little too late for Okita perhaps, so I'll save a ten roll and begin saving for the next rate up I want. I have objectively good things, just not any one true thing I want (though in the case of Gilgamesh, Saber Alter NP. 2 and two Kaleidos, it's more of a case that I didn't know I wanted them until I got them).

>tattered cloak
>slut suit
>slut suit with slightly more covering
They could've made it her third outfit

who the fuck is maria the ripper

So which Free Quest of GudaGuda Event is the best to grind Honnouji points? 10AP for quantity over quality?

>meanwhile some user might get her with 1 ticket and you don't.
Stop triggering loser flags

>what are command seals

>Please priest
Bad idea getting his attention

She eats people, and unless her Master is ready to supply a sufficient amount of people for her to eat, or just straight-up rejects her that, then she'll eat you. In that situation, you either die because she is still an Assassin in the end, or you successfully end up having to waste 1 or 2 Command Spells to stave her off that to make her more cooperative.

10AP is the best for HP yes.


>I'm starting to get really scared of failing to roll her, no idea what I'm going to do if that happened
This is what I felt about Tamamo. Rolled her in 60 SQ. Good luck, user. Everyone deserves to roll their waifus as long as they don't think of them as temporary

You just have to live with the fact some will get her and some wont.

Burnt my entire quartz and ticket inventory for tamamo and died inside when I only got orion. At least there was a 5*. Some anons burnt more with no spooks whatsoever

You either get her or dont. Plain and simple

>please priest
I will take it from here.

I mean I have no problems with her current outfit since its eye candy but that pure white dress really is eerily soothing to look at.

Where can I find wild beasts besides Gaul?

That's because sundress > everything else

Whats her story really? I havent got time to read HA anymore since wageslavery is a thing for me now

It would've made an excellent 4th ascension piece

Caldera Island in Okeanos, that'll make you farm horseshoes

priest's kid

Kirei had a child?

Yeah he jerked off in the bath, never do this

Fluffy servant is a Reddit meme now? I'm sure they're posting it on their site too.

>I've made some really stupid rolls in my time, user.
>I have objectively good things, just not any one true thing I want

Damn user, you are truly me.
I did the same, fell prey to bait gachas, used 300 quartz and I got 3 Kaleidos and 2 SRs out of them, but not the SSRs I was rolling for.
Now Im almost exactly in the same position as you, 14 tickets and 150 quartz.
I probably won't even try to roll because chance of failure is too great
If I had a free slot on my friendlist I would ask your FC since you don't see this kind of dual suffering everyday

>I'm starting to get really scared of failing to roll her, no idea what I'm going to do if that happened.

If you don't get her at least you will go into the next salt collage as consolation

Stop posting.

Anything I don't like is a Reddit meme

(You) sound upset. Is your elitism kicking in?

he's a good dad desu

I have no idea how someone manages to actually dislike fluffy servant.

nice blog


Guy that complained here
I like Medb and I like the original and one time "fluffly servant" post every thread.
It's comfy and made some anons slowly like Medb
What I dislike it's the constant faggotry of making a fluffy version of every servant and posting that shit every thread, you don't see how tasteless and repetitive is that?

As someone who doesn't know her lore too well, why isn't she trustworthy?

She is an Oni.
Oni are basically persons that were so bad, fucked up and depraved that they are turned into demons to serve japanese satan in his army.
So Shuten ate people daily and caused so many problems that Raikou and company had to kill her

>posting that shit every thread, you don't see how tasteless and repetitive is that?
Is this your first general?

>has shit taste

it checks out

She's one of the 3 greatest demons in Japan, and unlike Tamamo, she doesn't have much loyalty and really only appears to see Master/Servant relations as an amusement. Not only that, but her legend basically has her be as frivolous as one can be, seeking out pleasure above all else.
Much of her communication with the Master has to do with her straight-up wanting to eat him/her, and even if it is done in a "joking" manner at times, it's not something that she is beyond considering the many instances of such during her life. If you don't allow her to commit whatever henious acts she wants, or just aren't amusing enough for her to warrant staying around, then she may very well just eat her Master. Even if she does possibly care for winning the HGW, losing ones Master isn't necessarily a direct loss considering they can always contract to another Master, or sustain themselves in other ways.

Anonymous poster who dislikes overusing of memes? Are you me? People these days just make cheap edits of existing memes like pepe and wojak instead of making good OC and it saddens me.

nothing, I've already Salter, OG Saber, Altera and I intend to blow some $$ on Shiki so in the Saber department I'm already full.

Just let it go. Can't blame people for being too enthusiast. Lesser memes won't survive the test of time.

>She's one of the 3 greatest demons in Japan
Given her firepower and lack of moral values, I guess Shuten would be a better candidate than Kintoki if you want to win a war right? Assuming you could find a sweetspot where she doesn't kill you.

Also another question.
Talking about Fate lore and not strictly about gameplay, would a Shuten servant be stronger than a Raikou (berseker) servant?

I've spent 300 AP on Island of Wyverns with no Dragon Fang, what the fuck man. Is the Google Doc just a sham?

I just want to ascend Drake.

I used 150ap today and got 2.


Just rider daily it senpai, you might get a scale once every 3 weeks too

user its just probablity
Its technically possible for you to try to farm that stage till the day you die and not get a single one
Just accept the game will fuck you everytime and you will never be disappointed

Shuten's effectiveness would be very reliant on what type of Master it is. If it's one of the more ruthless types of Clocktower mages, then she may very well end up being an effective choice.
Kintoki's problem comes from the exact opposite. His stats are actually pretty excellent and well-rounded, though he does get outclassed by some. He's one of the only few who can actually compete with true monsters in terms of STR due to a combination of Monstrous Strength and Mad Enhancement. The problem is that in a HGW, his personality would get in the way too much since he's just not willing to sacrifice people, and is pretty stupid. If the opponent chooses to exploit this by attacking in a civilian area, then he'd probably lose.

Considering the second question, that's very hard to determine. Right now we know very little about Shuten's actual strength since from what I remember, they still haven't included her in any FGO Material yet. In Onigashima, Raikou is scared off by Shuten basically just implying that she may use her full force or some sort of form. Like Tamamo, being one of the 3 greatest oni means chances are she's probably operating on some sort of limitation, but even then that's just speculation.
In a straight-up matchup however, Raikou would probably win because of anti-mystic stuff. Demon Magic is broken, but Raikou is specifically tailored to fight that stuff.