Balanced shield edition.
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if bang didnt ult him he wouldve died there
The kino story lines
>Ambition revenge
>Ruler went from getting caught out last year and losing finals to catching faker mid winning finals
>heartseeker varus was the skin used to kill SKT, shooting them right through the heart
>faker dethroned so they can hype him up next season
>crown went from being depressed all season recalling last year's finals and overcame SKT and won
>le Ambition was the best mid before Faker
The only people who say this are people who wern't watching back in S2
xth for my wife Syndra
Ahri is cute.
faker just needs to sleep it off okay
>despite buildup, disappointing result
>mostly just farted
A season 5 poop
Is gooksports finally over?
Can Riot go back to balancing the game normally like they should always be doing?
Silver babby here, where did that shield come from and why is it unbalanced? Locket + Janna combo?
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is Zoe but u can call me t3h Asp3ct of Tw1L1GhT!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! TWIIILIIIGHGHHHTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iirc it was barrier locket and lulu shield
It was fun while it lasted, night Anons!
>Can Riot go back to balancing the game normally like they should always be doing?
They haven't been doing this since like mid season 2.
Maybe Faker was crying with happiness because now he can go eat breakfast
he got his wish tho
what? next patch shakes everything up again
Everyone that got caught in the game 2 j4 ultimate are prime candidates for getting benched!
careful what u wish for fgt
>yfw crown picks Ahri for the maximum disrespect
>Letting Huni pick Yasuo
What did they mean by this?
Even if Toyz was better in S2, Ambition was best in Korea and the revenge storyline is real because Faker soon made him irrelevant.
alright /lolg/, let's use our challenger powers to analyze skt games trough worlds
>who fucked up the most?
Yasuo + Gragas is a really strong easy to pull off combo. Unfortunately Peanut never pulled the fucking trigger.
I'm too broken from to post Ahris, user.Have a animated gif of Ahri getting fucked if it makes you feel better
u fucking stole my post
My personal theory is that he's secretly been waiting to lose, because he has a contractual obligation to play even though he's dead inside.
Huni picked Yasuo game 2, and did well with Faker, but Bang threw too hard, with some help from Peanut and Wolf.
I'm talking about about "tee hee we're not going to touch censer for months because muh worlds" and other cancer that was left untouched for similar reasons
So can someone tell me why Kalista was banned every fucking single game
>literally almost 6 years after he "peaked" in his first showing, Doublelift will STILL be sinking teams
That feel when never will be given a lot of money to be absolutely shit at something like Doublelift is with LoL
some user said you can pick every champion they want but i dont think its the case.
faker wanted ahri last year and he picked syndra. I think they can only pick champions they played at that years worlds.
and if not, he would probably pick viktor anyway
So no Skt skins this year
>le Toyz
>le Ambition
Unironically Froggen was the best mid laner of all time before Faker, he shit on those Korean fucks over in fucking OGN
So if Bang was actually paid off, how could they prove it, and what could potentially happen? I assume a rematch is out of the question.
our guy
>faker and huni outside
wish granted
Bang, easy, no contest.
I still need to watch those games again. I don't have a strong opinion offhand on who fucked up on TSM. Obviously Sven, and Bjerg probably did the least bad, but that's about all I know offhand.
She's the most broken in the Ardent + ADC meta, and does literally everything better than anyone else.
speaking of which, dont think i forgot about you nigger
the power of PEEL is too strong in this meta
Fuck off thorrin
its very likely
these plays were extremely bad
accidently ulting a low hp varus hp is questionable. doing it 3 times, twice when there was no reason to ult varus in the first place, is really questionable. and then theres that flash play.
She's fucking broken because her kit is incredibly overloaded for an adc and a hop on every attack is just fucking ridiculous.
I've been taking shit about huni but he didn't do so bad in the semis and the finals
i feel like teams really fear kalista, kind of like how jayce slowly became 2nd ban, except you saw how that happened during worlds rather than from scrims.
I agree he played like he wanted to lose, I'm asking how they could prove it was rigged.
Huni did pretty well overall. Bang was losing bot lanes in the quarters too.
There is literally zero skill left in midlane any more. Why the fuck does Lost Chapter exist?
Stay mad pleb, its the truth
welding do you think you can boos tme tomorrow
tomorrow but more likely monday
He did almost win OGN 2012 and finished 2nd in a close bo5.
>there are people here who are genuinely disappointed that SKT lost
Fucking hell, why? They were slowly destroying League's esports scene from the inside-out with their constant dominance. It wasn't healthy for the game.
you cant, unless theres back transfer leaks, or a contract or something
Faker for no picking/asking for Malza. His terror will haunt hot forever.
do you even know who i am lol or do you boost ranodoms
>tfw Riot accepts Crown's wish of getting Viktor even though he didn't play him even though they declined Faker's wish for Ahri to get one after they won last year
You know the results of this finals has me looking forward to the upcoming LCK intros, I don't really give a shit about anything else desu.
So theyre out finally?
I'm not disappointed they lost, I'm disappointed in how they lost, or more specifically Bang.
No one wants a 3-0 series.
i could tell who you were by the babaji comments :^)
kkoma for signing blank
not everyone is a salty tsm fan who thinks that you need to lower the bar to make shit teams win
I'm not disappointed that they lost, but I'm disappointed that it's SSG they lost to.
Nobody wants the same fucking team winning 4 championships in a row either.
And Samsung is any better? Why are people acting like lolisports is saved?
I feel like 3-2s are never really indicative of the stronger team although its more exciting to watch
>I'm salty
You may want to get that salt imbalance looked at.
i havent talked to you in years...
faker did
yfw the recall has viktor throwing an ahri statue on the ground in skt clothing, and then burning it with his laser
oh, then i have no idea gimme a hint
League needs more international events, LCS taking up 80% of the year was a mistake
This is Malza bullshit single handedly won all 3 games. SKT failed to analyse meta.
>2018 - Samsung
>2019 - SKT
>2020 - SKT
>2021 - Samsung
you mained nasus top and janna support to get to diamond last time i played with you
but that was in season 4...
No, SKT did quite fine. Bang simply threw really hard, and Wolf, Peanut, and Blank did bad to ok, and Huni did well except for game 1 where he was counterpicked.
then tapei assassins 2022, fnatic 2023 and then league dies
na remains title-less
This is false you casual cuck.
So who was mvp this series? My vote goes to SSG Bang.
This LMAO these niggers acting like WOW WE'RE FINALLY FREE
what the fuck
i didnt really play janna much but i did pick the dog a lot you right i played jayce and skarner then
just talk to me on my friendslist if you want lol or add me if im not on it already
SKT could have perfectly lost against Misfits or RNG, they got lucky and got destroyed by the superior team in the finals.
You won't see more of SKT
This . I wouldn't have any complaints if Bang/Wolf, but more importantly Bang, were up to par like they were during Spring but this was a complete joke.
Now the SKT meme is well and truly buried.
eh you picked janna and i played jinx when you helped me get from gold to plat
>SKT could have perfectly lost against Misfits or RNG
It's okay mr Riot employee, you don't have to keep forcing yourself to hype things up
This delusion, this will be SKTs roster next year
Explain to me how this team could possibly lose
>come home from work
>got some beer ready to watch the VODs of the games I missed together with a work collegue
>we even got popcorn
>get a message from another friend
>He just outright tells me the result without any comment on the games
why do people do this? What's the point in telling someone the result of a competition 5 mins after it happened? Does he want some recognition for his perceptive skills from me?
>KT players
Fuck that, except Smeb. Take Smeb over Khan. Your picks are 100% wrong.
just like KT
what is OBJECTIVELY the most fun champion in the game?
don't EVER change lolg you retard