ban him from the room while the draft is happening, hack his teamspeak so he can only speak 10 seconds every minute, DJ captaining. EE isn't that bad as a player buit everything else about him is why hes losing
Henry Thomas
Fuck anime.
Remember that being part of the chosen race or a fuccboi makes you better at dota.
Lucas Davis
Blake Cox
i pigg razerr..!
Jeremiah Gomez
Just GG out please
Benjamin Murphy
>that shitty low hp bait by Jerax >EE actually fell for it please end this
John Wood
Name a worse team than Fnatic I dare you
Adrian Torres
How does EE keep getting to play in LANs he didn't qualify for?
Isn't this the third time it happened?
Kevin Walker
Did fnatic not sleep at all or something? This is like the worst pro performance I have ever seen.
Hunter Green
>EE isn't that bad as a player But thats not true. Carry is arguably the easiest pro position because literally everyone elses job is to make it easy for you. You just have to use their information to find free farm and get big.
Gabriel Bell
When does /ourguy/ swindlemelonzz play?
Ian Edwards
Just fucking buffonery
Dominic Taylor
I'll trade you this piece of stale bread and half a bottle of water if you suck my cock. Think about it because it might be the most decent meal you're going to have this month.
Liam Reed
>EE so desperate that he decides to give SEA a try >Bulba so desperate that he decides to coach EE i want some fucking explanation on how do they get into these tournaments EE has been losing 4k pubs in SEA he's a joke that no longer has his typical 1% chance of doing a single good play
Isaiah Stewart
>tfw horrible game with no communication, no plan, teammates literally lying and baiting me to go wrong item builds >it's a fucking 4stack So that's why I stopped playing unranked. Time to give pango a whirl in ranked I guess.
Cameron Gray
I wish Reso was playing in a better team, a team that has the potential of winning TI
Evan Baker
if i pulled that talent off, would you die?
Samuel Sanders
dude FREE damage on random target every 5 seconds!
James Mitchell
They were probably up all night watching the best anime of the season, Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
Lucas White
any NA one
Ryan Garcia
the problem is he keeps picking retard heroes for whatever reason
>lc 1 >batride 1 >razor 1
Cooper Jones
>20 mins gg LMAO
Alexander Collins
Robert Flores
Cooper Walker
>EE get rekt by NoTI When will he end himself?
Easton Harris
>Fnatic is so fucking terrible that NoLans is godlike
Blake Gray
Is fist of the north star worth watching now if I've never seen it before?
Dylan Turner
fnatic will comeback this who cares about first game honeypot just watch
Hudson Barnes
honestly and truly baffling
Ryan Flores
>over 20 reports lmao, got a pic or twitch clip of that?
Wyatt Gutierrez
fnatic really had no chance eh
Tyler Brooks
god damn son
Joseph Robinson
Luis Jackson
You're right, it should be easier in the early game but there is also more pressure on the carry
Luke Allen
This is Resolutions patch, right?
Andrew Ramirez
>draft deathball picks >gg out in 20 minutes I think this isn't exactly what EE planned
Adam Sanchez
Leo Williams
>losing to h0neylans BAFFLED
Julian Adams
Truly the gift that keeps on giving
Lucas Brooks
>first game sweetie, I...
Ryan Ross
>deathball picks What part of Envy's draft was deathball? His entire draft was a mess.
Owen Williams
How do I build core lich in this patch?
Tyler Russell
>minglul >zulul
why is bulldog allowed to be so openly racist on twitch?
Owen Nelson
I could feed a whole family for over a year if I sold my dota items I got from betting lmao
get gud shitter, its not that hard to be smarter than the hivemind and get +EV from stupid odds, but then again you are the very stereotypical hivemind tard so who cares thanks for the ez cash I guess
David Lewis
i think he would die even if he didn't reengage
Ryder James
>smurfs on 4k account >complains on twitter that the players are terrible >thought he's gonna be embraced as some chad celebrity >ends up getting reported by everyone instead based 4k sea players
Xavier James
Pick bane instead
Angel Hughes
fnatic more like fnashit amirite
Gabriel Jenkins
poor pie misclicking on the ground rather than on Envy
Leo Martinez
It is the position 1 chad patch so yes
Brayden Long
Spoken like a true fucking retard.
Camden Lee
so whos the team getting a free win against OG next?
Jaxon Sanchez
The one where he static links S4 middle with like 100hp and S4 just turns, claps and kills him was also great.
Adam Price
He was going to die anyway and went for the damage on Brew. Are you people retarded or just pretending? The only fuck up there was PLD missing the deny.
Charles Taylor
first of all check if they have mid/safelane pangolier so you can afford to go meme, otherwise ring of repick
Eli Morales
>envy still gets paid for that shitshow
Connor Price
Black man version of LUL is racist? Just because he's black?
Zachary Morales
I guess his master plan was getting aggressive kills with Balanar and Furion and go for quick objectives but honestly who even knows what goes trough that mind
Easton Russell
Parker Morgan
Ok smart bitch then what mid hero should I play in 3k?
Ryder Gomez
Read the manga.
Jacob Wilson
LOL NIGGERS!!!!!! is the biggest dank meme on twitch right now
Julian Gray
>MOBA Fucking N0brain
Ethan Wright
>"envy loses a lot of games on 4k smurf" Who's even spreading this bullshit rumor? He had like a 80% winrate. Do you guys think it's possible to climb to 6-7k with a literal 100% winrate?
Brandon Flores
get off Veeky Forums envy, you have more games to lose
Henry Williams
based hao poster
Chase Perez
gale ends when ee is at bit over 100 hp so it was impossible for ss to 1 hit him, and envy is even running away from him
Lincoln Ramirez
If you didn't notice even before that engagement rEEtard went up to the high ground where all the veno wards were. It's as if he couldn't anticipate the reason why they managed to kill the veno was because veno was farming ancients. Truly baffling.
Julian Brown
How do we fix Fnatic?
Angel Phillips
when is envy going to be expelled from the scene this isn't even funny anymore
Jaxson Thompson
>dotapit >they don't even play the games in a pit Dotards?
Cameron King
>you have more games to lose Actually...
Logan Sanchez
move to south america and play in SA qualifiers instead there, fixed
Justin Lee
>inb4 ee does another blog trying to justify this entire shitshow of a team and put all the blame on his seamonkey teammates what are the chances lads? will he get away with it again with all the white knights running to his side?
Sebastian Wright
>Do you guys think it's possible to climb to 6-7k with a literal 100% winrate? by spamming brood if you are mechanically above 7k? yes
Samuel Foster
kick EE
Hunter Martin
>DOTApoot has to lower the volume during every transition
Jordan Martin
Bane. First three levels are Quas->Exort->Wex. Max Quas->Wex->Exort. Get more levels in Wex early if you need sustain. Talents: Damage steal, 40%XP, Damage Reduction, Brain Sap Heal. Build Soul ring->Midas. After that it's all situational.
Gabriel King
>+650 doom damage...Over 16 seconds >or eating a creep thats worse than an alpha wolf
Are ancient creeps better than i think they are? Because im looking at their shit and they arent really "wow"ing me
Tyler Harris
>play SA >get dumpstered by UMA DELICIA pls let this happen
Easton Walker
I don't even think they could consistently beat SG. EE should have been a good cuck and stick with El Presidente desu
Leo Hall
Spam BS, DO NOT buy into the treads roa rad meme, get phase, blightstone raindrops, run max q and e with ONE level of w if you really need the silence (against tinker or something), run down some fools, get blade mail then SnY, finish off with Silver Edge, if the game goes late, get bkb + Skadi / Butterfly / Satanic + Linkens perhaps. t. climbed from 700 MMR to 3.8K MMR in ~year spamming BS with maybe a 100 ish TA games. remember dmg >>> hp on BS
Josiah Clark
>kick xcalichink >get a captain
Jason Lopez
A hero that stuns itself for 5 seconds should not be core. Bane is a support.
Jayden Lee
this game makes me feel such intense rage
Michael Hughes
>spamming broken shit WOW
Aaron Morgan
Fuck you idiots.
DJ, Ohaiyo and especially Xcalishit all played as bad as EE. It's not EE's fault his team is awful and can't keep up with his captaining.
Angel Smith
>When envy went in with his rapier still on cooldown and died yesterday Just lmao
William Davis
Rush midas to get to the gpm talent faster to get even more money, get attackspeed, get bloodthorn or buriza for big crits from FREE relics.
Evan Thompson
>babeebooh his ult maens he can't teamfight at all!
William Garcia
>Whiteknighting EE unironically I would tell you to kys but you people are a gem
Wyatt Brown
>inexistant crowd Why do they even bother?
Colton Myers
wait why all match is Bo1?
Grayson Evans
Christian Ward
DJ and Ohaiyo got Top 4 at TI6 Meanwhile EE got last place and Xcalibur sucks so bad he cant even go to a Tier 3 team