Did christianity ruined cultures and traditions?
Did christianity ruined cultures and traditions?
It overwrote a lot of them, particularly when there were ethnic replacements involved, like in the New World and Prussia, and Northern Ireland.
Ironically cultural syncretism survived alongside Catholicism for a long time; Protestantism is when association with anything that was done because of "pagan" tradition was rooted out, generally by the same "Germanic" countries who fap over the Norse tradition.
Not to mention all the old art, writings, buildings, and historical records destroyed by Protestants.
"Ruined" is a value judgement, but if you ask me I think pre-Protestantism Christianity was more amenable to finding a best-of-both-world modus vivendi with the cultures whose religions it replaced, and most of the non-Christian cultures overwritten in other places were notably cruel and violent, so I would say no in a lot of cases and not inherently.
christianity and capitalism
No but Catholicism sure did.
>inb4 it's the same thing
>Christianity + Tribal-level peoples
>Christianity + East Asian civilizations
ruined cultures.
But eh, of the three only Koreans swallowed the Christcuck Pill. The millions of Chinese Christians are syncretizing Christ already.
Seeing how Latin America and the Philippines are doing better than swathes of Protestant Africa...yes, they are two different things.
literally genocided european pagans and native americans
spawned islam who literally genocided zorostranians and are still genociding
Yes, thankfully.
Pre-Christian European """traditions""" were no better than African cow piss drinking or ancient Japanese fart-warfare
>christianity ruined cultures and traditions
Christianity, specifically Roman Catholicism, brings countries to a living standard.
Before that, these "cultures" consist of living in huts made of shit and worshiping rock gods.
All of us would still be illiterate farmers tending and having sexual relations with our goats if it wasn't for Christianity.
Not at all if done right, like the jesuits did it in South America with the guaranis. Sadly, they were expelled
Christians were the SJWs of late antiquity.
Anyone that thinks anything are the SJWs of anytime.
People think they are right all throughout history, what a revelation, even right now you are an "SJW" because you believe Christians were the SJWs of late antiquity and anyone that disagrees with you is stupid.
Yes, but they also brought new ones. Protestants were the ones who just wrecked culture and tradition without bringing in anything new.
What did he mean by this?
From the Christian perspective it would be good to eliminate other religions and any traditions not compatible with Christianity because that means less people would go to hell.
Does anybody have that picture about God and the pagan gods, where God is a giant Jew nose?
If by "ruin" you mean divorce from the local character of the landscape and its unique finesse? Yes. Civilizations with complex and codified traditions, like the Confucians, the Buddhists, and the Shinto of Asia for example or the Aztecs of the new world are seriously diluted by Christianity. However, those who have virtually nothing, like the Germanics, can only improve.
Compare German religious literature to the yet irrevocably Christian-tainted Eddas, and then compare shitty syncretic cults of Santa Muerte to the fertile philosophy of the Aztecs. Look at their accomplishments as a society before and after. The Germans can claim no pre-Christianization glory like the mesoamericans. There are no German pyramids or codices. There is no Germanic Coatlicue. It has nothing to do with Protestantism v. Catholicism.
However, Christian tradition has gained considerably from assimilation/syncretism with pagan custom, Celtic and Hellenic mystery cults being the most obvious examples. Without them there would be no Christmas, Easter, Halloween; there would be no frothing penitent nuns, bleeding mystics, no ineffable trinitarian mysteries, etc.
>Egyptians, Persians, Hellenes, Romans
>Aztecs, Toltecs
>Chinese, Japanese, Hindus, Khmer
>mudhut tier
Please tell me you're roleplaying.
Not even once.
>that picture