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Don't let the Thotja thread win.

>two early threads
Kill yourselves

cute Mae


Missed opportunity


post cats


Her ear fucking twitches

What the FUCK

I still wonder if the user that filled it out was actually legit or not...

It was but he deleted it and block it

>no def ploy
This was on my defs this morning


I’m going to fall for a meme

I have a Henry and an extra Taco.
Is it worth it?

I haven’t done it yet but im almost certain it’s not worth it

Recommend a good team for Nino.

how much she weight in arena? i have 40+8 donny but i'm quite hesitant to fully build him

No. henry should be raven + TA. Anything else is a fucking meme.

Completely neutral, right? Is this good?

Big sis Eirika

Yeah, his def is not that good and he is +atk -hp
gonna build him that way then


Def Ploy on Spookura?

Nino, Ephraim, Dancer, Lucina/Marth

only if it doesn't come from Arvis

Yeah. Arvis is a meme anyways.

wait nvm. i though it's your unit

+spd is better

Even as a subhuman Sakura is adorable.

*ahem* MEOW

Where the fuck were all these Sakurafags when she got her ass kicked by Shitlise in the gauntlet?

*Saves GHB’s*

I disagree. Because then it makes his best bane -HP, which is fucking awful. Neutral is probably his best spread, except for maybe +Def -Res.

When the fuck is Faye's girlfriend going to make it into the game?

Should I give Elincia or B.Roy L&D? I only have the one to give.

Wouldn't Eirika's tankier nature help Nino more, or would be benefit from the damage Ephraim brings and bonus being a blue type?

too far

Well she didn't have cat ears then.

>Wanting more staff units to clog up the pool.

Not him but hp is a dump stat anyway

>Faye's girlfriend

Don't talk shit about Silque.

Elincia kills everything in two hits anyway

I liked Sakura beforehand too but I would have fallen for just about any character that got the nekomata treatment.

So I've edited the new descriptions into the chart. Now it's finally complete!
A good day to all of you and your futa wives!

I don't understand Sacae's Blessing, how are melee units supposed to counterattack a ranged unit

Nice shitpost

now this is cringe

Distant Counter or weapons like the Ragnell/Alondite

Check on Ryoma, Xander, Camus or Hector

Distant counter is one of the biggest issues archers have dealing with.

Distant Counter and weapons with built in Distant Counter

Why is Hana disgusted?

>dota fags

and Black Knight

Not too far enough.

*blocks your path*
Heh, just leave brave Lyn to me

Where is she?

>forgetting BK

I don't like the newer ones, they have way less detail. May make my own version in a while.

oops wrong pic guys, my bad

I didnt think clairfags existed

>install game
>get free Brave Lyn
>try rolling for Ayra
>get a 4* Reinhardt and Priscilla from first roll
>get Eldigan and Titania from second roll

I'm gonna need a lot of Gunters

20k points more before I'm free

>having friends
She has one husband and some kids she doesn't even care about and might as well not exist as far as she's concerned.

>fort def
>no bowbreaker

Fuck off Gaggles. Where's Wolf?

I dont get it. Why is Tellius full of autists?

I was on team Lachesis.

You have two for free in the rotation

She knows what you're thinking.

He's als available as a free unit

Lucky you, there's two free in special maps rotation.


Thracia is fanfiction

>Sakura ntrs Hinoka

What the fuck is wrong with my Amelias?

Special maps says it's Stahl and not Gunter for me

He'll be there eventually, each day of the week has a different unit

it changes every day

Next saturday

How can they remake it without causing anal pain to the fanbase?

Think they'll change the pool next year?

holy 40 defense batman

>Thotja thread deleted

It's entertaining to see multiple replies at once.

Thanks lads, I'm gonna need a bunch cause I just got a 5* Mathilda too

>wife is top tier

Characters who got into Top 10 of their games during CYL poll but aren't in Heroes yet.
Archanea: everyone is in
Valentia (outdated): Valbar, Kliff, Silque
Jugdral: Finn, Lewyn, Lakche, Ishtar, Mareeta, Nanna, Marty, Ced, Asvel, Machyua, Sara
Elibe: Rutger, Lot, Dieck, Lugh, Canas, Dorcas
Magvel: Joshua, Marisa, Lute, Lyon, L'arachel
Tellius: Mia, Ranulf, Illyana, Lethe, Micaiah, Sothe, Haar, Tibarn
Awakening: everyone is in
Fatesland: everyone is in

Alright cipher, give me one reason why DADgar didn’t get a card in the last set?


He's never going to be if you keep giving him attention.

I like to help

If you ever roll a Faye fodder Mathilda and her to Lyn and congrats you have the best unit in the game


>Who is Leif.

T. Horseti fag

Didn't know Lot was very popular

If I were to choose Eirika I'm guessing Azura woulld be another compliment?

t. kaga

t. Finn