/palg/ - Paladins General

NOTE: You will be playing against bots in casual queue until you reach account level 5.

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fuck nando

Remember to join the discord for some game discussion, playing together and much more

Except for the bugs, this game is in the best state of balance it's ever been in.

>that retard who doesn't understand how team comps and abilities effect how much healing happens

>that retard who gets trolled by some moron who just keeps posting a number at him

So why are you supposed to go with battering ram for ash legendary? Guess I should also take the cdr in loadout for it

I started using the shield one instead of ram, i dont even have the loadout for the shield because im too lazy to make one so im using the battering ram one, and it works nicely

Yeah honestly either of the other two look better than battering ram to me

It takes a bit to get used to that your charge doesnt give damage reduction anymore, but it works
I would use the ult charge one, but i wanna try the shield one for bit more until i move on

why are people hating on maldamba

Yeah I think I'll just mess around with different load outs and the other two leggos to see what fits for me

why is it that when I play smite every second match has a horrendous lag despite having a fine ping but I never encounter any lag in paladins ? really feels deliberate

bugged gourd has 40% increased aoe

40? More like double

I shall pour my heart to make her happy and protect her beautiful smile.

I'll join you in loving her if her clones get bugged with 100% more healing range

her elbows are messed up

I'm trying.

Soooo, when is Damba getting fixed? Or should we get ready for Damba ban on lan?

>why are you supposed to go with battering ram for ash legendary
Her dash has a long wind up, so at least you won't die during it with the damage reduction. Also, it makes you almost immune to some ults, like Viktor's can't do shit to you if you got it.

c-coulda used a better image

>stunned by a yellow grumpy
why is this still a thing

>3 points from Plat
>Get 2 shit teams and a thrower
Fuck me. I was climbing so well and now the playerbase turned into Overwatch.

ruckus is fucking trash now

Everything is trash now, I'm just logging in for the daily rewards and playing 1 (one) ranked game so I don't lose master

watch out,people here might call you shit for complaining about a bug

Stay comfy my friend yingposter.

>Kinessa steps off the point at 78% for no reason so I have to drag my ass back to point

Always comfy.

Your game runs smooth as fuck. Nice!

What is the approximate latency rate?

>playing bk witth 70-90 ping
it took me a while to figure out that i have to explode bombs at my face to deal with people up close even though explosion itself doesn't look like it wiould hit the enemy

>enemy has 2 healers
>flanks buy deft hands
I am fucking fuming right now

>and then scolds you for pushing the frontline forward
Haha, snipers.

paladins needs loli tummy

>that nessa is almost 3k elo
okay so is it time to call people sub 3k shitters?

>don't pick Inara or Torvald in comp
nice game palababs, good job nerfing the only other tank that was decent

if you pick more tanks than the enemy team, you still win.

i just bought Overwatch

What am I in for?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is currently live (holy shit user that means RIGHT NOW!)
5v5, all ranks, levels, and regions welcome
password is veegee

if you're randomly kicked or some shit, just try to rejoin, the custom games system for this game is absolute dogshit

this is the Paladins general my friend

8 spots left, get in here

would play but i don't want to deal with 200 ping

Frustration and depression

what region are you hosting from


I will play it with 200 ping

Buyer's remorse after 3-4 hours

Yeah. I was pretty surprised looking up the ELO stats afterwards because I was the lowest other than the Talus. I smurf way too much.

Maeve´s a cute


muh dick
enjoy your ban also

who says we dont get good art
shame you'll get banned though

Poor Maeve is selling her body again.

Actual flat Maeve is just too good

if yo play maeve you're a stupid third worlder weab shitskin piece of shit waifucuck literal nigger with an iq lower than a turd and need to kys

So are Grohk and Pip considered good now?

You can always be sure that if the region isn't specified, they're talking about na. That's just how burgers talk.

What was it?


topless boy

Maeve should get a super saiyan hair skin.

nigger download 4chanx

Can you gift founders pack without using steam? Or can you link your steam account easily

thanks for the maeve picture

stop posting maeve

stop posting

disappointment and people pretending they have fun

A more polished version of this but with less overall depth.



hirez give me code for evie announcer pack thanks

>some skins you can buy with gold/gems
>some skins are chest only
>some skins are gbp only
christ they can't make up their minds

shooting at shields
any picks you get being erased by mercy rez
throwers everywhere in comp because most of the community has given up on the game

>no pic found in the archive

pm'd it to you

it was a topless maeve, you missed nothing
since she has nothing under her top

I see the thumbnail, im just sad i cant see the full pic

You can google the nude version

you can find it here:

Got it, thx

Is there a reason “Reduce Damage” and “Reduce Explosive Damage” are different cards?

one's reduce direct damage, which is bullets and stuff that can only hit one person.

the other reduces damage from sources that can hit more than one person.

one of them says reduce direct damage
like a hit from a sniper or gun
but explosion damage is like against bomb king or eevie

the illusion of choice

It's amazing how much better Evie looks in fanart where she doesn't have that awful spray-tan thing going.


I think he means her skin looks unnaturally orange or brown, I guess.

The illusion of having a brain

The item system should be reworked to be more like mobas.

>they have aimbotter
>we have a drophacker


Look at her old ingame portrait and her character model. It reminds me of a bad spray-tan a girl in one of my classes got. Fanart of her and her new ingame portrait both make her look more fair-skinned and I like it better.

To counter what annoys you most instead of just being a brainless "lol buy this 1 reduction card" button.

Vivian needs to come out sooner.

i hope she's cute
i've got 60 chests saved up

The no reply meme has to die.

I agree.

why dont you reply then faggot