Does Europe really have a problem with the islamic invasion? Does europe have really a rape problem?

Does Europe really have a problem with the islamic invasion? Does europe have really a rape problem?
I'm Italian so what happens in my country really don't matter (rape stats in Italy were always sky high).
Don't show me the sweden rape stats because are bullshit, if you touch a girl in that country is considered rape.
The problem is that the facts are never clear:
Right- wing populist assholes are taking the shit too far
Left-wing don't consider things problem until the world explode

entire streets in Paris are shut down when it's time for Muslims to pray

that's wrong on general principle

Muslims have the end goal of having autonomous control of entire cities for themselves

Time for European trump to emerge

We are too smart for that, thank you tho.
Now fuck back to /pol/ you cocksucker
Yeah, I agree on that. We need to make them fit in our society not the opposite. That wasn't the question tho

>Does Europe really have a problem with the islamic invasion?
>Does europe have really a rape problem?
>Don't show me the sweden rape stats because are bullshit, if you touch a girl in that country is considered rape.
>The problem is that the facts are never clear:
Yes they are. Police and other officials release statistics on crime, costs and immigration.

The facts don't matter and have never really mattered in debates like that. It's all an indirect consequence of believing whether you are economically and socially better or worse off than you were before. Muslim immigrants could rape 0, 1, or 10 people a day and it'd be irrelevant because people already perceive them as a threat to their economic destiny because of their views of government and corporate elites who they see as exploiting Muslims for cheap labor and votes to the detriment of natives.

The facts could be clear as crystal and nothing would change but the tactics of provocateurs looking to personally profit off the conflict.

Your description is accurate, especially Sweden's rape stats. They do not have the highest amount of rapes, they simply count each instance of rape suffered by a rape victim in the stats which inflates the numbers higher than what other countries would admit.

Obviously not all Muslims yada yada, its just Wahhabism became way too big after WW1 and especially he cold war.

What could be done to liberalize immigrants?

I'm fine with letting them in, but 100% down with fucking cracking down massively if they think they're above secular law.

You we just feed them HFCS and pop culture till they don't give a shit or what?

That stat is bullshit.
It's photoshopped.
Seriously if some one has attendable stats and not from country where catcalling is considered rape I'd belive it
Yeah that's the problem that's why I don't fucking listen to media or politicans.
I just wanna know about rape, my views on immigrants won't change
Exaclty and woman are not happy to admit that they have been raped

Yeah that's a good question

>It's photoshopped
because it was translated you mongoloid

It's because the whole debate for decades has been co-opted into the culture wars narrative, so it's always a matter of how liberal/secular immigrant can be for the left or how culturally incompatible they are with the West from the right.

Immigrants don't assimilate. They just work and raise children who go on to participate in their new societies and politics. Neoliberal politics however turned that paradigm on its head, and so the children of immigrants become rootless.

It's not that they can't learn to be liberal or that they're incompatible because of their parents' home culture, but that they are consistently doing as poorly or even worse than their parents and end up adopting a counter-culture of their own specifically geared towards rejecting everything else (including the culture of their parents).

If you want to know about rape, do some old fashioned leg-work and find or do some interviews and case studies with specific victims and criminals. Big data most times is just there for bureaucratic politics.

>It's photoshopped.
If you think you know Finnish, go ahead.

>Left-wing don't consider things problem until the world explode
Nice historical thread m8.

Fucking Veeky Forums
It's like a bit of Reddit and Tumblr lost on Veeky Forums...

with some /pol/ shitposts and specs of actual history somewhere in the clusterfuck.

Speaking of Sweden and rape, was rape prominent among the Vikings?

I'm pretty sure /co/, maybe /cgl/ and a bunch of other boards are similiar.

Ask yourself what Muslims have contributed to European culture that has advanced our law, philosophy, art, literature, music, science, technology or architecture.

Then ask yourself what they've brought in terms of terrorism, sexual offences, violence, crimes against property and poor hygiene.

They are people who were brought to Europe by the governments of our nations because they were known to be backwards, regressive people who have three wives and ten kids, and you're lucky if the father/husband bothers to work

Not all dogs attack kids, but you wouldn't want a pitbull wandering around a kindergarten

>Does Europe really have a problem with the islamic invasion?
No, most of migrants doesnt get full citizenship and can be deported easily.
>Does europe have really a rape problem?
No. Rape stats is false, its hard to check because names of victims not published.

>Ask yourself what Muslims have contributed to European culture that has advanced our law, philosophy, art, literature, music, science, technology or architecture.

Historically a lot, but immigration was never about advancing a culture but increasing labor and services. People said the same kind of things about the Irish, Italians, and the Chinese, and it had less to do with issues of culture and most everything to do with there being too much too fast for the labor market to handle, pissing off everyone but the largest of corporate interests.

>We need to make them fit in our society

unfortunately they are worse than animals, they can't fit

I understand there has been cultural exchange between Europe, North Africa and Asia since time immemorial, but my point was what has this post-WWII wave of tens-of-millions of these things done to benefit Europe? Nothing.
People think that because their son has a sweet Moroccan girlfriend and their niece once dated a Turk, Muslims are wonderful, peaceful people. My point is that a few niceties from a few individuals does not negate the huge adverse impact they have had on European society

Also Muslim immigration to Christendom is hardly comparable to Italians and Irish emigrating to the States

Also, people speak as if it is only The West that has issues with Muslim immigrants

Ask people from Hindu, Sikh, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Taoist, Buddhist or fucking Pastafarian backgrounds if Muslims pay their cultures any more respect!