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nelf master race

Alliance literally got cucked with void elves lmao


horde are a bunch of faggots, but garrosh was the only one who actually embodied what the horde is

what a mess of a faction




q&a stream already finished?

They have better leaders though, just worse subraces.
Dark Iron are cool

> enjoyed the Horde part of the cinematic
> Nightborn are in Horde
> desert and jungles instead of the cool locations Alliance gets

>Expecting PVE'ers to know what to do when the target moves

>all the servers are pvp servers


Anduins burning hot cock




Most of the quests associated with dark irons tend to be the most fun. Glad to be able to play as one.

hopefully never

Void elves suck, but dark iron dwaves are good. I like lightforged draenei too. The night elves with darker skin on the horde are kind of shitty imo

I want to kneel in front of anduin!!

The Q&A panel starts in 3.30 hours.

>all servers joined into a big pvp server all pvp players will be tossed together
>"lmoooo wor pee vee pee is deddddd xdddd"

ded game

everyone moving to classic

>be human that loves 7ft draenei or nelves
>they laugh at small human dick

>going horde vs alliance again with the current state of the horde

hell, the horde couldn't even beat the alliance in the second war. this is such a joke

> got his ass handled to him by a random orc soldier
> had to smash a shield for a few seconds like an autist before he got to hit the troll holding it
> all while Chadvanas singlehandedly brought down an entire siege tower and ripped humans apart by Void tentacles

Fuck, those threads are way too fast for me to follow compared to pre-reveal, even on dual screen.

No, you see if they said "Hey we are making classic" then it took them until near or after BfA? You nostcucks would go fucking nuts on them.


I'm torn between Zandalari and Dark Iron, I might just have to be a fag and play both

Nightborne are great though I hope they have those tattoos you see them walking around with.

>Tauren pulled into the iron age by Dwarves
>Dwarves get a renewed respect for cultivation after HOLY SHEET LAD WUT DID YOU PUT IN THAT DRINK!?

NE/Tauren Druid crossover makes the transition smoother. Baine and Anduin would hit it off immediately as leaders.

It makes too much sense for Blizzard to actually do it. Watch Baine take a bullet for The Bitchshy Queen or something to contrive a reason for the Tauren to stay

Has any racist every been more RIGHT then Garathos? He's more of a prophet now.

>tfw no nelf to bully your dick


Wow guys, do you have any ideas who the final boss of this expansion could be? Blizzard is really being subtle here!

>Random orc soldier
speedreaders please leave

Reminder to report and ignore the ban evading raiders from /wpsg/

>posting Overshit

I want to kneel before Anduin!

is that a cosplay or fag?

not enough people beat this faggot up

Would a resto shaman be a good healer in classic?

The horde killed everyone that wasn't in lordaeron city during the second war and only lost because gul'dan betrayed them and orgrim chimped out in response.

eternal sadness

thank the autists in ruin and aredone

>blood elf players

Because thats whats happening now right? We're more wondering how they're going to manage to fuck it up then wanting it immediately.

Just admit you're wrong buddy, spouting bullshit at me won't make your previous statement any better.

>We probably won't see a reunion between Baine and Anduin in BFA
There's just so many things that could happen in that scenario, but obviously we won't get it because Blizzard can't even remember Baine for more than a few minutes.

I expect a massive day 1 and a quick death

Especially looking forward to all those players rolling drood, and watching as they slowly realize the terrible mistake they just did

The only tauren that are chill with the night elves are the druids in the cenarion circle, who are an independent faction. The rest are savages who will never join the alliance because of muh honor.

I liked them as the modified night elf model they are in legion, but they changed them to just be regular night elves with a different skin color

they still lost, and the horde chimping out on each other is nothing new, they did it with garrosh and they'll do it again with the undead

it's a joke faction

Fembelf players look like that?!

>Random Orc soldier

* makes 500 videos about blizzcon *




>PvP Templates

Why do these exist? In PvP, your character's stats are already premade for you, you can't customize them.

Imagine if this was done in PvE. Stat templates are now a thing for all PvErs because they wanted to cater to hardcore Mythic raiders and not make them worry about gear, only focus on skill. Easier to balance for devs, and easier on the players since no split runs.

Totally cool trade, right?


Couldn't Battle for Azeroth lead to a restructuring of the factions over the course of the expansion with 9.0 being brand new factions from the aftermath?
I just want to see Tauren hanging out with Nelves and Dwarves

i unsubbed to this guy, he's obnoxious

He left that troll in like a 2ft deep crater.

Jaina is CUTE!

Didn't Garrosh kill Baine?


Horde lost every single engagement and only made it to Lordaeron because so many of those niggers avoided the actual alliance armies

this is your average horde player

>implying he didn't shag evitel

this desu famalampai

>random orc
>horde playres dont even know their own faction

5 so far. I think that another one might come today.

No because if they had mentioned it last year you all would be waiting double the time for it. That is why there is no whining when you cut the wait in half.

You are clearly retarded.

I jus twant to you know before I die of this high

I love you all

I've loved shitposting with you all


>Saurfang's new model
No, I am not gay, I cannot be gay for Saurfang.
Is it gay if it's an orc?

Did you do Ecstasy user?

>random orc soldier
>Void tentacles


Their honor has been returned with literally nothing. Their debt is paid, the one who swore it killed (However indirectly) by a warchief that went on to go full fucking chaos god.

When does Tauren Honor become Tauren slavery?

its worse, its gay nigger

>Dwarves and Tauren chatting about their exploits and adventures at a tavern
God, it hurts to live when this isn't a thing.

People asked for this for years (skill should be more relevant than gear!) and when blizz finally implement it they decided they hated it.

tauren still being on the horde is baffling

>muh debts

thrall is gone and cairne is dead, killed by an orc



no but i feel numb and shit and happy but this is real shit

>this is the current state of horde "players"

Lord forgive me for what I am about to do.

>pic related floating around for a yearish
>Kul'tiras finally shows up
>there's fucking Quilboar on Kul'tiras

Blizz stop browsing Veeky Forums.

How long until /ourguy/ cucks that faggot Nathanos?

Go do something else, this general isn't worth your high

I liked the part how his hits don't really do much until it looked like he decided to use the light to boost his strength, his sword flashed+made a sound and then cratered that troll. They kept it consistent that he's not really born with the body of a warrior and his power is the light.

I'm still sitting here trying to figure out why the Horde still exists.
>Taurens share a druidic bond with Night Elves and their duty to the Orcs ended with Garrosh
>Blood Elves share a bond with the Light and Draenei, also share a linked past with Nightborne.
>Orcs and Trolls are pretty much secondary citizens in their own faction
>Forsaken still don't give a shit about anyone
>Goblins just want money (Not to mention Gallywix being the Goblin leader is the stupidest thing ever)
What binds the Horde at this point?


ding ding ding

his right hand bitch, Azshara, is the gul'dan of the expansion so 2nd raid boss


what is this

Blizzard are right when they say "you think you do but you don't".
