Overwatch General - /owg/

D.Va is best tank edition

>BLIZZCON is going on RIGHT NOW and they're dropping all kinds of shit
>new self-aggrandizing theme park map
>new fekkin Oirish hero, cor bloimey, wers mi feckin Giniss
>new short about /besttank/
>some e-sports tournament later this afternoon / evening
>fuckton of new legendary skins coming in the basic lootboxes soon™

>New hybrid map, "Blizzard World," coming early 2018

>New offensive healer, "Moira," coming soon™

>New cinematic, "Honor and Glory"

>Quarterfinals have finished, if you're interested:
- UK vs. Sweden (Sweden more enriched; 3-0)
- Canada vs. Australia (Leafs outshitpost the Auzzies; 3-2)
- China vs. France (French's intense frogposting overcame communism 3-1)
- South Korea vs. USA (SK is SK, 4-2)

>Semis will start 9:30am PDT, 12:30am EDT, 4:30pm GMT, 3:30am AEDT. Bronze match and then Finals follow after
-Sweden vs. Canada
-France vs. South Korea

>Random panel on 'United Nations of Overwatch' 2:30pm PDT, 5:30pm EDT, 9:30pm GMT, 8:30 am AEDT

>Final OW Q&A of the event will be 5:15pm PDT, 8:15pm EDT, 12:15pm GMT, 11:15 am AEDT. Expect half of the speakers to be poorly passing trannies asking if they will get more inclusion, and the other half being the dev's classically dodging questions

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PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/21179257
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

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France is tilt


2gd is partially the reason why she turned into such a wreck, but all these owg shits are fawning over leftovers - her without knowing her history

2CP is ultimate gook territory. Its over, lads.

Best grill

rip france


Winston is best Husband

first for the leafs saving us all from the gookocalypse

In what way
Why are you such a lying fuck

Why can't Euros put up as good of a fight as the Americans did? Are they just worse at Overwatch?

>This ad supports PlayOverwatch

Pick your hero

Burgers got eaten
Frogs got run over
Leafs will get blown away
OWWC would be 10 times better if they just gave SK the gold let all the other teams play each other. USA v France would've been great to watch.

>her history
yeah she dated 2gd and he dumped her on christmas day because he's a commitmentphobe, it's not exactly a secret

The short hair she got to support her mother when she got cancer but then liked the fact it was easier to maintain. The tattoos are her own art design, anything else?

>it begins


leafs wont take a single round on any map

kurokko was too good for her.

Hnng...muh girls

nsfw version


Muh paladin playstyle

oh oh

I doubt Canada can beat SK even in fistfight


Creepy ass smile my dude

canada is literally china 2.0

I need Recluse to web me up and suck me dry

Is zunba the best tank in the world?

>Manu wailing on AKM as Mercy heals him.

>that creepy ass smile

How do we save esports overwatch?

>flower widow headshot

SK are human aimbots

>leave Korea du South to nous


frogs on hard tilt

>Frogs can't even draw hanamura

It's over

Best skins

>people still believe this

>frogs all look exasperated

On Winston. Kaiser is the best Reinhardt as far as I'm aware.

I want to see them frotting

Hivemind confirmed

That's a shame they didn't win...I'm tired to see those rice eaters in every game.
Honestly, anything would be better than that. My interested for e-sport melted few years ago because there's no surprise or suspense

that got more than 1 tick 2nd point, they can win

Mama Hong unironucally

Firestarter just so I can burn supports alive

Welp, time to hope for the bronze medal, gg France and glin OWL if they find a spot lel

>Frogs serious af
>SKoreans are literally laughing with each other
They aren't even taking it seriously. It's glorified QP for them


Watch retards scour this for the next hero despite nothing but launch heroes came from this sheet

someone kick out those shrieking bitches.

>sombra still never picked on competition games.

its over frogs

just go torb, sym, doomfist and mei for shits and giggles

james literally admitted this
If you're trying to push some kind of "soe is a crazy bitch" story you won't find any proof


She was played seriously once yesterday.

>Dragon nipples
non canonical

I swear to god if they give Moira a fucking paddydance instead of a retro 80's bowie groove come the anniversary

>diving mcree and dva as monkey
the fuck did he expect

They're all picking Drawamura instead of Anupiss for some reason.

I kind of wish this was in higher resolution because I wanted to take Mama Hong's picture and blow up the manslaughter words.

I recognize that bulge.

and pray tell how she's ""such a wreck""
because you sperg aout about girls with short hair and tattoos?
2GD took it harder than she even did


What is even happening?

>implying they won't win drawnamura
You gotta believe

>bastion beats tracer

What the fuck?

south korea throwing so they can play more maps

>mama hong
next hero when

She was literally just played by both teams on numbani

SK trollpicking Bastion for memes


actually rigged



was basically ideal distance for recon gun's spread, even at full spread all bullets will still hit tracer with decent aim

gib me old Pharah skin

300iq korea mind games, folks




>trying to win without a mercy

nice meme

>Hnng...muh girls

She was played all the time the past couple months

I understand what you're saying, but come on. It was only in the last 15 seconds of the match, and that was just so they could touch the point.

Everyone used to look so much better, why did Blizzard turn them into disney characters?

please have a canada/france finals so these koreanboos can fuck off back to /sc2g/

bastion is a legit pick vs orisa cheese m'shitter

>bastion "trollpick" on nepal kills the burger
>leaves the based french unmoved


so blizzard paid south korea to draw this out right?
they obviously don't just want everyone knowing south korea are going to win, so they have to make it look like they actually struggled

xth for F L U F F Y

>Bastion gets picked
>Team loses
>Flower gets focused
>SK loses
>Tracer/Genji/Winston/Dva/Mercy/Soldier 99% of the time

This game balance is atrocious

you mean in your shitty bronze league matches, because she was picked twice already in korea vs france fuckface

They're throwing for more maps to make things seem more interesting. Expect the same with Canada in the finals. I wouldn't even be surprised if SK is scripted to lose there, even though they should stomp.


nublizzard is shit, you should know this

>SK gets a $10K check if they let France get 2 wins but get the game winning map

This year's storyline is great!

>3rd best spot for the flex DPS on a few maps
Strange definition of 'all the time'

Mfw France was the hero we need to save us from SK overlords

>kills the burger
>on a map US wins

>Bastion is always a troll pick just like my pubs