/assg/ General

Why Can't I Hit Hatchets? Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Eaten by the Entity:

Other urls found in this thread:



First for Michael.

F13 deserves more love


Next Halloween, /he/ is coming home.

Killer deathmatch when?

Post your best rage screens

the last thing f13 needs now is single player content

they're shooting themselves in the feeties

Stop caring too much about gaining rank/killing every survivor. Enjoy the hunt. If you're having a good match and the last guy isn't a dick, let them go so you won't rank up as quickly. Once you eventually get to the higher ranks and it stops being fun, take a break until rank reset (or cheat/derank).

>Guy tries to flashlight me as I pick up a survivor
>Little does he know, I run shadowborn on basically all of my killers and he does it too soon


Not soon enough.

post yfw you didn't bought freddy


who is the strongest killer?


The music is. The movie isn't.

Oh wow another 4/10 movie big deal.

in terms of in game strength? I think leatherface and billy would beat everyone else one on one.

dont know who would win between them though.

Depends on rank.

Billy and Nurse are the most meta at high ranked play. Shitter stompers like Freddy where people have no idea how to counterplay because they are new are best at low ranks.

Michael isn't by any means the strongest killer, but he's the most fun if you like to play like me and actually try to out-sneak/trick survivors into doing what you want as your main strategy.

What was his fucking problem?

How about a a "testing" map with throwing range for Huntress hatchets, obstacle courses, Billy racecourse, etc. on a dedicated server with support for up to 20 players of any type, no points, Killers can't kill Survivors
-Brought to you by the Entity, "Give me more blood, you sacks of shit!"

Think I just had a world record game, under 5 minutes. So balanced.

I've gotten a quad down in like 4 before. This was back when Decisive wasn't an obsession thing and Hook destruction was permanent. Including Bleed-out, it took about 6 or 7 total.

Yeah I'm fucking done. Insta-leaving flashlight games. Hacking in bloodpoints. Facecamping every game. I'm so god damn motherfucking sick of this shitty survivor culture that has been allowed, no, PROMOTED to exist.

In lore, I'd argue Nurse. Freddy would put up a good fight, but I don't think the Entity would allow him to hurt its killers, mostly because the Entity probably hates him. Trapper is probably strong too because I'm pretty sure he's the Entity's favorite. The devs confirmed that the killers can't stand to be around one another, so it's fun to imagine stuff like this as canon.


If it's only a game, why am I being teabagged and called names after every single game? If anything I've been more consistently mature than my opponents.

You put way too much importance into what others say online if that actually bothers you enough to make you quit.

are you playing rank 1-10 killer? it's pure masochism

But aren't games supposed to be fun?

>prestige leather face
>back to level 1, no perks, add ons, nothing
>still rank 6 though
>get in game lobby
>watch as 3 survivors equip flashlights and the fourth a toolbox
>it’s already over
>game goes exactly as expected
>down one, two others swarm with flashlights
>this goes one for 5 Minutes
>teabagging Claudette
>sabotage hooks
>pallet looping
>basement body blocking
>utter cancer
>still manage to kill 3, now it’s just me and bill
>he’s injured but I have no clue where he is
>hatch is open
>I find the hatch and see scratch marks
>walk away slightly
>suddenly limping bill dead hands to hatch, starts teabagging
>he keeps teabagging as I get closer
>almost on top of him
>still bagging
>he jumps
>hook, instant death
>post game lobby
> “garbage ass hatch camper”

As flawed as this game is sometimes, I get no greater satisfaction from any other game than when I perfect score against scumbag survivors.

Should I bother with F13 just for the survivor aspect since I absolutely hate Jason and his shitty movies and only want in because of the big map and fanservice?

>Why Can't I Hit Hatchets?
You need to be more patient and wait for better openings. Don't expect to constantly hit the skillshots you see posted as webms ITT. Yes it's fun using TotH to hit a survivor that's not even in your lullaby range, but that's your dessert; easy 10ish meter shots are your meat and veggies.

>double bp event
>survivors burn 2-3 party streamers
>get 4k
>they all end up making 4-7k points

Best hook camping build? Kinda wanna try giving survivors a taste of their own toxicity.

Just practice until you make mama proud.

Insidious on LF. There's not much else you can do perkwise.

>Just got Dead by Deadlight

Here goes nothing

Hope you didn't waste money on Freddy.

Don't die.

Dying Light? Enduring for DS?

Don't camp unless someone is an asshole. If they are, you absolutely should camp their ass.
Don't act like an asshole while playing a survivor if you don't want to get face camped after the killer gets you.

Myers should be able to stalk anything the player can see. This cornfields breaking line of sight stuff is bullshit.

Depends on whether you prefer looping the killer and evading his grasp just as he thinks he has you or looping him and then knocking his ass to the ground right when he thinks he has you.

Fucking finally. This shit should have been 550.

Insidious camping is underrated af. Course it doesnt work against competent people but it sure fucking counters swf kiddies.
>screams of despair in post chat
>genuine seething rage
>all over getting sac'd
Nigga just move on to the next game you wasted 5 mins of your life waiting to cuss me out in post game

>do this
>say gg and leave lobby in span of a second
they wasted 5 mins of their life and didnt even get the last word, bitches.

has anyone placed a tremendous map offering and have it still choose another map?

>say gg ez noobs
>immediately leave
>they friend request me to try to cuzz me out
>reject them

Should I watch Halloween?

Monitor and Abuse works wonders on LF

First two are good. Third one is shit and not just because there is no Michael. Downloading fourth one now.
I really liked that stupid "stuck in a window" hentai-tier scene.

are there survivor perks that let the killer see where you are? i feel i must be using something that's leading the killer directly to me every match.

When swamp first released I once had people put up 3 swamp offerings (1 green, and 2 uncommons) and we still got put on autohaven

Camping going well, surprisingly I have double pipped three times in a row. Tasty salt after every game, too.
I legit felt blood enter my penis when her ass was wiggling in that window.

>get 3 people down in basement as leatherface
>get this in endgame chat

there needs to be some sort of apparatus or even an item to help a survivor onto their feet without the use of another survivor

Is Bill a good guy to play as?

Only Object of Obession does that

But Killers have BBQ & C as a perk, which lets them see survivors at a distance when they hook someone

legit laughed out loud

Personally I view most Bill players as annoying hookboming asscunts. Borrowed Time is good and Unbreakable is okay. Left Behind blows. As to his character, I think he's one of the taller males and his groans of pain are moderately loud

How exactly does Chassis work on LF, which part of the animation speeds up?

No Mither, Unbreakable. I think there's also a medkit addon, but I don't spend BP on survivors.

Funny thing is, killers still complain about the Iron Grasp nerf, despite the fact that saboteur, one of the strongest survivor perks, was essentially deleted from the game.

Sabo was an utterly fucking gamewarping perk that had an absolutely disgusting effect on any game it was used in. Terribly designed, it's never going to be usable without also being fucking broken.

Actually, back when sabo squads were a thing, there were hardly any complaints about "gen rushing" aside from BNP stacking, since survivors had a secondary objective option that extended the game by a fairly large chunk of time.
If the killer had Iron Grasp/Agitation, the basement allowed them to hook survivors normally.

But now that sabotaging hooks is pointless, all survivors can do are gens, and killers cry "gens are being done too fast!" instead of "all my hooks are gone!"

It always amazed me, when I hop over to survivor queue to relax, how unbelievably easy playing survivor is.
>loop a freddy for 3 generators
>lose him three times
>gives up on me at the end
>hooks me when I fuck up
>just get unhooked for free and escape
Thank god they're nerfing this broken atrocity!

Yeah, but like, the secondary objective facilitated the game being effectively impossible to win unless you ran ONE or BOTH of those perks, and the game was somehow even grindier than it was before and there was zero guarantee you'd encounter either of those perks on the blood web, unless you were trapper. Your only win condition when literally every hook on the map is broken and every chase ends with the survivor fucking off to the furthest corner of the map is to slug them which is roughly about zero fun for anyone involved. I actually prefer gen rush to a game that's basically artificially extended by my complete inability to accomplish my objective through means I can't really control.

Whats the worst map and why is it haddonfield?

Its Lerys, for both sides.

it's actually lery's hospital

killers get juked to hell, and survivors can't find shit
unfun for both sides

Lery's is fucking horrible, way worse than haddonfield.

Lery's favors killers. Gas Heaven and Cow Shed are the top 2 worst maps for killers.

Haddonfield's retarded cousin Badham Preschool.

>Lery's favors killers


Killer dependent, really. Playing Hillbilly or Huntress in Lery's is miserable, but people who can't deal with pallet loops or big buildings get fucked on maps like most of Azarov's maps. Slow killers pretty much never want to go to swamp.

his autistic swinging is faster when he bumps into something and you end up not spending as much time standing there like a retard swinging

Played Killer for the first time, I landed 90% of my axe throws so that's neat, but I only killed two people and the two survivors teabagged at the end

>Lery's favors killers
No it fucking does not, there's windows and safe pallets is safe areas that force you to lose survivors because there's no where else to go.
>Gas Heaven favors and Cow Shed favor survivors

If you think gas heavens 2 loops in the middle makes it favor survivors you're a daft idiot. After those pallets are cleared survivors have no where to go that safe, as well as the station itself being a death trap until its opened
Cow Shed has no where for people to hide or juke after the few pallets at the shed are gone.

Your opinions are poorly thought out

Asym. game with actual babes when

>Your opinions are poorly thought out
I mean, I think this disagreement just comes down to you being bad. Sorry. Resorting to ad hominem doesn't help your case either, newfriend.

>Explain how you're wrong
>ad hominem
You're an idiot.
Now what's me attacking your character instead of your points, and you couldn't do the same and just said I was bad.

Your rebuttal did nothing to disprove my points.
So unless you want to elaborate, you're just reinforcing and proving the case that your opinions are poorly thought out.

>open 4 exit gates with jake
>2 games are hatch games
>only get 1 gate


Isn't Jason's game supposed to be the one?

Who's THIS sperm worm?

Lery's is good if you run hex perks. Totems are not as noticeable in weird corners. Ruin can last for over 5 mins + TOTH can have you cut through to totems real quick as most killer. but other than that its a shit show or a gg. Haddonfield is worse travel time is harder, a lot of hiding spots, underground loops, billion windows, very survivor friendly.

>Explain how you're wrong
>ad hominem
>You're an idiot.

So do folks here become friends and play this game together?

There's a discord but people in this thread have meltdowns over its existence for some reason. I hear SWFs take place there.


Who do I report people to to get them banned for griefing/sandbagging/insults?

Fuck off plebbit.

>because I'm pretty sure he's the Entity's favorite
why? 'cause he's the mascot?

>The devs confirmed that the killers can't stand to be around one another
was this actual lore or like when they said "The killers probably just sit still in an empty room when they're not killing people lol"

No we view SWF as cheating at the game because it makes it way too easy and everyone here is against cheating in any form.

I think for most of the lore questions they get they make the answers up on the spot. But it's more official than what we say, so

The "meltdowns" are just petty people taking pot shots at people they're too cowardly to say anything to on this discord

Are people in the discord friendly?

Sure, if you have their exact type of insufferableness.

What would having your eyes forced open forever like the doctor even be like

wouldn't they just completely dry out and constantly bleed

One way to find out. If you don't like it then just leave. If you make friends, then it worked out.

Fixed that image up for ya