Which animal is more beneficial to human civilization?
Which animal is more beneficial to human civilization?
Dogs more beneficial to herders and hunters, cats more useful for sedentary farmers and mariners?
Dogs can be useful on a farm if you have livestock.
But yeah, I'd have to go with cats for actual civilizations where people stay still and there are grain stockpiles.
Rats will straight fuck you up.
Dogs by far. Cats are only good for pest control.
Look at this glorious dogger.
Cats can't EVEN compete.
Actually Horse
Fat happy dog
And this.
good night puppers
Terrier breeds are better ratters than cats anyway and that's all cats do.
Cows, thanks to them, we no longer depend on hunting. And therefore, we ceased to be nomads.
Horses > Pigs > Dogs > Cows > other livestock > >>>>>>> Cats
No wonder your taste is shit,
Cows suck compare to goats
Domesticated chickens, hands down
Cheapest and most effective source of protein that can be raised on a farm
Cows come next, all the developed nations can digest milk
I like cats but dogs are literally a tool for working that helps humans in hundreds of ways.
Cats are useful only as a low cost low mantaince scarecrow for rodents.
You mean for domestication purposes, right?
If we are talking about consumption purposes, fishes trump all of them. Early civilizations were all based on rivers and having food pop out of them was a godsend.
I can't argue against that.
You can't fuck a cow.
I heard goat taste better
>Kissing prostitutes
It's true low cholesterol
Dogs are the worker.
Pussies are self explanatory.
Pretty much the only useful thing cats do - killing vermin - can be done by small dogs just as well, and larger dogs can kill undesirable animals that no domestic cats could ever hope to.
Dogs are fascist bootlickers
Cats are for intelligent, independent libertarian minded people
toxoplasmosis: the post
For anything more than raising a cow or two as a side activity you still have to move around.
The dog is a peasant and the cat is a gentleman
you can eat almost 100% of his body then you got milk, leather and fat
Then get some oxen or a mule to plow field to plant parsnip and barley
Same for goats dumb ass
>cats more useful for sedentary farmers
The English and the Chinese peasants thought if you bred a dog small enough, it will be a far more effective ratter than lazy cats, which tend to stop at the first kill.
Hence the invention of the Terrier breed. These things literally will pick up a rat, kill it by shaking it violently, and hunt for the next one. Since fields are often inundated by more than one rat, dogs are better in this regard.
Have fun eating without peasants.
And just so for evidence
Can you imagine cats- on a rice paddy or a vegetable field- doing that?
the dogs are better killers but the thing with cats is there´s something about their smell that make rodents shit with fear and leave
>the animal that was accepted by humankind without extensively altering its behavior is the cuck
>the animal completely completely subjugated by and subservient to humans isn't
Isn't it more like humans got cucked by cats?
what´s the problem with your keyboard
All domesticated animals have extensively altered behaviors. That is the fucking point.
Cats are significantly less domesticated than dogs, if at all.
My cat is 10 yrs old. Plays fetch, hunts mice/rats. Keeps himself clean,doesn't slobber all over me or bark for hours when I leave. My cat will sleep right next to me. I honestly believe he would bite you if you tried to hurt me. He has balls,
Maine Coon cat. here is a pic of one chasing a fox. Fox is scared. Next pic will be my boy,Moe
The fix not scared just spooked
Pigs are underrated.
They are smart enough to be trained to hunt mushrooms, are naturally delicious, their poo is both flammable and a great fertilizer, and they eat basically anything, cheaper to keep and faster breeding than cattle, and more independent and hardy than sheep.
Hail Bacon.
Sheeps and gaits are hardly stupid
My cat picks up on my emotions. If I'm feeling bad he knows and will come up to me and rub me and try to make me feel better in a cats way. Cats are smarter than they are given credit for.
The cat is ready to kick that foxes ass. Determination in the cat.fear in the fox
dogs are more beneficial to hunter/gatherers, they were domesticated by hunter/gatherers for a reason. cats are by far more beneficial to civilization, they were domesticated in civilization for a reason. anyone who says otherwise is someone who has/likes dogs and it's as simple as that.
No the fox can kill like a coyote can
You can't milk a pig.
You dear sir, know what you are talking about
No one claims cats are more beneficial then dogs. They are just cute, fluffy, selfish, and filled with hate. Cats have played us like a fiddle. Not only did they get us to take care of them for no good reason, but they are also one of the pets who we let roam around unrestrained retaining most of their freedom. Not to mention that they have been heavily worshiped at least twice in written history. All the while they give us toxoplasmosis so we die as soon as we get immunocompromised.
Meanwhile dogs do everything for us and show undying loyalty and love. We never put them up on a pedestal, they are always just our best friend. But the cool thing about dogs is thats enough for them.
Yes you can.
I have a Maine Coon, too. Fucking god-teir cat breed.
In general, dogs, but I personally prefer cats.
Rat dogs.
the fluffier the cat, the more fierce and noble they are for some reason.
skinny cats are pretty cowardly and sneaky.
Cats also can't guard for shit.
Dogs are more versatile.
it comes down to what is actually beneficial to civilization, which people aren't considering when saying "dogs have a wider variety of uses". they got all kinds of crazy uses for being in the woods n shiet. guard, hunt, warn, food when needed. that doesn't have anything to do with civilization.
cats kill a lot of stuff. fed housecats, when they go outside, murder things. things that break into your food stores, carry diseases, kill you in the middle of a city where a dog ain't worth shit more than companionship or meat. there's a reason cats were worshiped in egypt, without them cities would be covered in a literal blanket of vermin.
dogs are more useful if you subside off of hunting or needing to be warned of or protected from danger on a regular basis, such as a hunter gatherer lifestyle or certain forms of back country dude. cats are more useful for civilization itself, because without them it's rat party 24/7 and everything that comes with them all over your food and up in your business.
>cats are only good for keeping you from starving while dogs can do tricks for shits and giggles
M8, I used to live in a farm.
Let me tell you that field mice -which are the size of cats- are not afraid of cats. Dog is better.
>field mice
>toping 60g on europe and 35g on 'merica
>size of cats
you don't know shit about farms m8
grey cats are objectively the most comfy type of cat
Sorry, shitty language. I meant Field Rats.
I live in the Philippines and it is pretty much a meme that rats in the countryside are healthier and bigger than their benighted urban cousins.
They're usually the ones fucking up fields. And the solution has always been one or all of the following.
>1) Poison
>2) Get a ratter dog.
>3) Invite a local gun club to shoot and barbecue the things.
i'm but i'm not>Philippines
Well, sorry then, i know about those giant abominations from asia but i'm not too familiar with then, i mostly deal with 'deer' and/or 'house' mice.
) Get a ratter dog.
Over here on Brasil we use mouser cats('rateiros') to check indoors plus some dogs and airguns. Cats are mostly keept near the silos because they get everywhere they can just for fun and end up forcing the mices out.
Those are the biggest fuckers you can find around here out of the cities
Between dogs and cats? Dogs. Cats were completely worthless besides pest control in a store or restaurant.
Of all animals? Chickens. They're cheap to buy, easy to raise, give you eggs, and good protein.
This. With chickens you get literally free food everyday and a free alarm clock.
Cats aren't even fucking domesticated. They literally just hang around because they like food and literally believe you're their pet.
Dogs have far more variation in roles from pest control to security and more importantly, are domesticated thus will actually follow orders and follow a strict social order we can manipulate.
>I've literally never heard of cattle dogs, pest-control dogs, or the dozen or so now-extinct utility dog breeds used by the American Indians
>Tips Fedora
You mean all the developed WESTERN nations. Asians aren't typically know for digesting milk.
>which tend to stop at the first kill.
That's not true though. Cats will attack anything they see moving in an enticing manner, whether they have eaten or not.
Same here. I have a castrated mongrel (can cats be called mongrels?) that regularly BTFO's a local fox. I live in the countryside and sometimes when the cat is outside I can just hear him screech loud as fuck when he's contesting with the fox.
With cats/foxes it's apparently just about which one has more figurative balls. If the cat starts to run away, the fox will kill it. If the cat doesn't, the fox will usually flee.
>foxes are carnivores