>Recent News: Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) collab incoming Xeno Cocytus Stick New character EMPs at the end of the month as usual Racer MC skin on Platinum Sky rerun Debuffs getting adjusted this month (para, fear, coma etc) GW balm buffs removed, it's now up for 2 or 1 hour depending on your Captain/ FO Burger spoofers banned (wave 2) Arcarum News (no date yet, but soon(tm)) (Summons' Call and Aura TL - pastebin.com/PwBd5VSz (embed))
>Schedule for November: 31/10 - 8/11 - New Story Event (Yuel) 9/11 - 16/11 - Water GW (Fire NM boss is Sethlans) 17/11 - 22/11 - Platinum Sky (Rerun) 22/11 - 29/11 - Xeno Cocytus - It's a fucking stick 29/11 - ? - New Scenario Event (4th homoknight event?)
>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning gbf.wiki/FAQ
>Giga Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
The dumb fuck is trying really hard to justify his wasted spark. Ignore him.
Luis Sanchez
Balance patch details tonight?
Gavin Wood
on sunday JST? nah.
Mason Gomez
How many crews are failing tier A after burgers?
Christian Clark
Making event raids useless was the right move. I was lamenting not being able to farm with berries instead of pots, but when they're not useless trying to get in one is pure cancer.
Aaron Gomez
>Racer MC skin Will it be for all classes?
Luke Perry
mahira is fine and does her job fine people screaming every earth support is good and saying only mahira is bad for the sake of it are just jealous twinks
Jaxon Williams
>Akasha (Impossible)
Leo Gutierrez
It's easier to ask how many will actually reach tier A.
Anthony Davis
>only useful when the boss is turned off (para'd) >s-shes good! i didnt waste my spark REEEEEEEEEE SHUT UP SHUT UP
Oliver Baker
>I think it's dumb to make Siete 5* not a waste of goldbars like his broken peers Uno, Six and Cake Cow This is you right now
Ryder Johnson
Are you retarded? It's not even coming this month.
Parker Walker
>nerfing anyone at all for anything other than being broken on release, and taking no more than a few hours to do so I aren't think that
Tyler Perry
Is Altair/Quatre 4*/Box an okay water team? I want to try getting 3 MLB weapons this GW. Probably not going to get Box to 100 in time though
Josiah Sanders
Remember when they said Lucifer would have a boss fight in April?
Sebastian James
We can't have nice things, user.
Logan Hughes
cog and yugu are better, DLF is the best off element
Logan Garcia
Jose Brooks
Literally announced since the anniversary you SEAmonkeys.
Colton Hernandez
Only 1.2% of the people that had Siete 4* made his 5* at the time of that stream He might actually get something good
Isaiah Cook
>u-ur just jelus She sucks and if I had known how interchangeable she is with Cog I'd have gotten Summer Diantha for Lucha memes with guaranteed TA or Summer Zoi for Wind and Dark.
Jack Ross
If you have the best everything, characters, pools and summons, then what are the best two weapons and elements for atma weapons?
Michael Phillips
>pre-GW >no shitposting Is /gbfg/ truly dying?
Christian Butler
They never said that. "Yes they did" is not a source by the way.
Nolan Jones
Choco is dead so...
Daniel Martinez
Why do you fucks keep adding (embed) to the Arcarum translation pastebin?
Eli Foster
>Lvl12 Disgusting.
Nathan Rogers
Mason Thompson
>zoi for wind and dark Oh it's you.
Julian Allen
CUG > Beafriends > Quatrebois
Jacob Diaz
>announced >no source
Noah Rivera
I want to shitpost but it doesn't really matter when you're stating the obvious that guilds will fail, we will probably fail too thanks to fucking leeches
Colton Green
Varuna Ultima spear
Jaxon Stewart
Silly Seazoinigger
Jack Sullivan
post the rundown of gbfg guilds again
Henry Hughes
The ABSOLUTE state of Gransexuals
Gabriel Price
So whats the next zodiac after Dog?
Nathaniel Lee
Did you see their last leechlist? They were dead months ago
Easton Wright
>Zoi isn't viable in an emnity element
Nolan Ward
dont open or you'll be cursed forever
Justin Roberts
Amen, GW shitposting is the worst
Christian Rodriguez
post your id cutie
Joshua Phillips
time to get asanagi'd
Lincoln Anderson
Literally just check wikipedia for a list of zodiacs.
Kevin Mitchell
Ultima Sword for Wind Ultima Spear for VarUno
Bentley Barnes
I said two. And varuna isn't an element. Would you make the spear water? Varuna doesn't need spear mainhand does it?
Jose Ramirez
>literal picture of Ultimate-bahamut and Lucifer shaded dark in the anniversary stream
Justin Lewis
>bitter Cockcucks
Joseph Hill
free ultima weapon on anniversary instead of coda? yes please
Aaron Moore
>CUG meaning anything when their leader doesn't even have Cog >Beafriends existing when their leader got burg'd Quatrebois is the only good guild you put there.
Adam Wood
He's high on UBAHA HL fumes
Lucas Morales
The only way I'll be cursed is if poker bot stops working in 8 months when my chips run out.
Nolan Sullivan
t.newfag You're going to say Arcarum wasn't announced during the anniversary next.
Anthony Howard
>he has to roll a character to love them I shiggy.
Levi Murphy
reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/61uhbu/comptiq_interview_with_fkhr_福原哲也_director_of_gbf/?st=j9lvtlyl&sh=c5df2039 >Bahamut and Lucifer are the faces of Cygames, so the dev team didn't want the players to keep bully them for their FLB materials. We get to beat up the Angels instead. However there are already plans to release a super hard raid for both Lucifer and Bahamut, and they will be raids that you can brag to your friends about should you defeat them. Exact content are still work-in-progress though. We have discussed this here plenty of times, how new are you?
Chase Bell
host ubaha hl
Nicholas Clark
LOL Quatrebois only has 4 people and one of them got burgered.
Kayden White
Whenever this discussion is brought up it's always done by anticock fags. Is that you Boro, didn't you get banned for Burgerlering?
Lincoln Baker
>Pig Wonde if it will be a fat Character
Ethan Cox
Isaac Baker
So where's the picture then? You don't have it because it doesn't exist.
Jonathan Wright
sorry, meant to quote
Bentley Cooper
I've only got a 3* water grid, is there a /gbfg/ guild to join or should I start searching for a random nip guild?
Bentley Davis
>Water yuel is at 9.5 rating
Colton Robinson
Isnt FLEET still alive? or are they dead
Jonathan Brown
Should I put Minami in the backline while running Elysian?
Austin Diaz
Reminder that LG are sandbagging pussies and even TOOT would destroy them.
Gabriel Foster
Juan Barnes
Why does he look like a cat while his sister has bunny ears?
Adam James
Give the actual source, not the shitty translation from reddit.
Connor Moore
The source in on that very same post, feel free to go and buy the magazine
Oliver Scott
I'm hoping to kick ass, but I don't see us winning any matches. The carries won't be able to go autistimo.
Joshua Clark
>The carries won't be able to go autistimo Fucking rip
Colton Nguyen
>it's always leddits fault
Ethan Lewis
reminder that >kmr still cant even get his crew 1/3 full after all his shilling >oppaishitty had its relevant members leave after all their european retards tried to poster spoof >dembois is dedbois >beafriends is dead and the only member worth poaching from them is too loyal for a hired gun
and all the other newshitter crews that somehow sprang up recently wont be doing anything too
Caleb Stewart
Alexander Harris
>doesn't have the source Exactly what I expected. Where's that picture of Lucifer that was shown on the stream? Surely you should have it.