Blizzard really fucked up with Garrosh's representation in Heroes of the Storm. His abilities and role do not fit his character fantasy in any way. His kit should have been for another character.
Yes, he is fun to play. But he should have been a bruiser, like Artanis, but with burst and less focus on defense and with an ability to force 1v1.
>what Blizzard devs did Hey guys we plan to release Garrosh somewhere in summer 2017 Fast forward summer 2017 Alright guys just attach some existing kit to Garrosh and release him. And dont forget to make a legendary skin + bike with a bunch of tints
Blake Jackson
Adam Smith
Christian Wright
Justin Parker
>salty murrican gook lovers
Daniel Foster
>If you're Black you simply made every wrong choice Wow just wow, I thought it was 2017?
Easton Gray
Jordan Sanders
Unironically he makes for a good husbando
Leo Taylor
Owen Thomas
Isaiah Adams
Evan Hughes
I mean only a fag would think she looks bad.
Liam Moore
Do people realize that chromie is a male (guy)
Ryan Cruz
Jeremiah Clark
i wholeheartedly agree no actual fatties though
Juan Phillips
>having mommy issues
Michael Gutierrez
it's funny because thicc women in real life are disgusting cellulite ridden beasts, only in 2d are they allowed to be perfect and attractive
Tyler Mitchell
>tfw your mom got implants went from like an aa to d and looks horrible desu
Aiden Lee
my issue is that i dont know any big titted mommies!!!
Landon Thomas
>Cellulite is much more common in women than in men because of differences in the way fat, muscle, and connective tissue are distributed in men's and women's skin Male physique is superior, even science confirms it
Daniel Peterson
Leo Cox
>All these Virgin cucks don't even know what THICC is >They think THICC woman don't even exit Fucking braindead 40yo virgin retards, pic related is THICC, Alex is similar just add more tits and bigger thighs.
Jack Sanders
alexstraszas body is rlly good fertile body but her face is a downgrade from her face in her HOTS ART and HOTS CINEMATIC which is actually better than the wow face. in hots actual game they made her look like down syndrome shit 50 year old whore with aids
Asher Robinson
>Male physique is superior you don't need science to confirm this lol
Austin Green
>pic related is THICC
Robert Hill
Elijah Ramirez
Yes user that pic was posted on tumblr, your detective skills are quite impressive.
Benjamin Flores
Totally forgot that americans think their 500lbs landwhales are the definition of THICC.
Henry Sullivan
>thinks this is thicc
just because you touched your sister's boob IRL doesn't mean you are an authority on THICCCness faggot
Lincoln Evans
Literally the best 2D western porn is on Tumblr.
Connor Kelly
Guys I got a rework! Don't bully me when it drops though. It's gonna take me a while to get your Pandren Express order ready.
Hunter Nelson
>male my dicks says otherwise post pics
William Wilson
>americans what's that got to do with your picture?
Brayden Richardson
this is "le bad bitch xDD' who drinks a little too much but has good genes
no match for a proper mommy 2bh
Blake Rogers
>2D western porn
Easton King
>normies when will they learn
Jackson Wilson
Liam Foster
>all those 300 lbs neckbeards in the audience so this is audience of hots rofl
Brayden Brown
that's the audience for any video game
Isaac Gomez
jelly that u're not there skelly?
Carson Turner
The skin on the right is based on another game, which game it was?
Ian Cook
Chen got a rework?
Daniel Sullivan
Liam Flores
why so sex?
Carter Hughes
I'm literally going to marry Alexstrasza!
Chase Walker
>Mfw Alex
It looks a lot like the Dark Queen from Combat Frogs, but I think it's just a coincidence.
Ryan Reyes
>Stealth rework >Stealthed Heroes are much easier to spot >Keeps and Forts will reveal stealthed Heroes AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you fucking Blizz-cuck faggots I TOLD YOU I WAS RIGHT ABOUT STEALTH
Jose Martin
that's like mid-high normal unless you are literally starving. she needs more in the thighs at least.
Christian Murphy
>thought it was vore >it's not
Ethan Baker
I like Alex's face, frankly. It's weird and draconic. Chromie is a complete flop of a character design because it's just an actual child. You just know Alex isn't quite human by looking at her. Her Belf look in WoW is shit too.
Hudson Ortiz
Source on this?
Mason Baker
"Her face isn't cute" is just the virgin version of "elbows too pointy" for hotsg
Benjamin Stewart
>tfw been playing for 9 months but i'm getting worse at the game now
Hunter Rodriguez
Is anyone else disappointed at the kit of Alex ?
Levi Gomez
>playing the game
Robert Nelson
watching starcraft desu
John Powell
people forget that everything doesn't have to be anime to look good
Ayden Allen
>faps to western shit >calls other people retarded Lel
Brandon Sullivan
>it's a blizzard doesnt know how to balance so they just flavor of the month everything fucking retards need to be gassed
Cooper Wilson
>flamestrike that heals >sacrificial heal that requires you to be gud to use well >set a thirsty nigga on fire because why not >DRAGON
I think it's sweet tbqh.
Noah Roberts
>Fagtatic thought this was over in draft already not on my watch, EU shits
Easton Thomas
its milkin time
Ian Parker
what are you fappin to tonight lads?
Noah Thomas
She's already married to me!
Andrew Thompson
Ayden Rogers
how do you guys feel about the changes to walls breaking when the wall tower goes down?
Henry Reyes
Reverse Search gives nothing. Sauce?
Ethan Price
nelf butts
Mason Bell
>alexstrasza will never be your mommy
Jonathan Sanchez
Matthew Reed
source please.
Nicholas Sanchez
>Q depends on how high your health is. >Melee healer cause W >W is complete trap to bait Mosh/Garry/Stukov >Too many mandatory talents
Most likely going to be Ana 2.0
Jose Gray
Xavier Rodriguez
Not western shit
Mason Lopez
when are the gameplay changes going live so i can come back and play this
Lucas Stewart
dam.... truth bomb....
Austin Wright
ahhahah holy shit
Ryder Wilson
>literally cant stop losing every 3/4 game i play >MMR dropped to what it was 6 months ago
wheres the rope
Asher Stewart
Quality discussion here that you'll only find in /hotsg/. Get your shitposts today! The technology just isn't there yet. Give it a while.