Zoe is best daughterfu !
Old Thread: eyosongive.us
Zoe is best daughterfu !
Old Thread: eyosongive.us
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Best couple!
xth for my wife Syndra
how is that syndra?
Who is the best entertainer of the modern world, and why it is our one and only /ourguy/ Imaqtpie?
when I suggested the rename to "lolig" yesterday I was making a joke.
Dont fucking do that shit, nobody can find your thread if you dont have "lolg" in it retard
main jungle or mid in NA
if i end up going pro i wont forget u all
She just has no headdress.
>skt finally defeated
>plebbit still talking about how "fekar is bes1!!1" and "bang didnt do anytin wrong!!!!"
goddamn lads
>tfw no qt petite gf
Xth for gassing Zoefags
I want to impregnate Zoe!
guys i wanna learn lee sin, where do i start
>ADC is supposed to be more farm dependent than any other role
>their builds are the cheapest
does anyone have footage of faker after the defeat
Useful guide
Has solid hints
Also how is VxV not peak hetfujo
This thread is getting swatted soon
Delete your computers now
go here faggots
>lolig again
stop it
>land of freedom
Faker is still the best
>404 in less than a minute
>Tell jungler enemy has no sums
>They never gank
>Gank when they have them back
Why not camp the person with no flash?
What league girls would be squirters?
>team of d4 clowns gives me shit for autistically splitpushing with my two level lead instead of participating in their "group" circus and flipping coins
>SKT lost
Damn. Figures it would be another Korean team to depose them though.
neace is that you
How do I tell if I'm red side or blue side in pregame lobby?
And why the fuck am I red side toplane 90% of the time.
>Not grouping with that comp
Whoa. . . The aspect of twilight be looking like THAT?
The check has been cleared.
SSG Bang
Anyone has a folder with a LOT of art ? Lewd draws would be cool too please !
You mean grouping against that comp.
How is Aatrox so bad? Why did they nerf his passive? What is the Riot balance team even doing? I want my IP back.
man kinda surreal to see him show this much emotion
xth for Cute Ashe
Kind of boring day Edition
VxV is the peak of degeneracy
I only have Ougis.
Can the fucking tank meta end at some point
Dammit, I guess it works
They were working on his full gameplay update, but they restarted with a different team because the original direction wasn't working.
So basically, he's still fucked until they break through on him.
Bang's probably gonna leave SKT.
Dude needs some time off.
>grouping with Jayce, Vayne, Fizz and Evelynn
>instead of splitting and making it impossible for any of their three lanes to do shit
why would you group against Jarvan + Ori + Kog anyway? Literally asking for a combo to hit you for most of your HP to then get a kog shredding your shit while you're trying to reposition
It's like he doesn't even care
They buffed him in some areas but I think his passive needs to change. The GA passive means they can't give him meaningful buffs, you don't want to have a carry or a 'tank' that effectively has a free GA, it's unhealthy for the game. Imagine jax or gnar with a free GA.
Sona and Kat are definitely one of the biggest squirters.
this reminds me of that retard we had argueing in lolg several months ago that said it wasnt a tank meta unless top, jungle, and support all picked tanks
he'd defend his argument everyday and his main argument was basically "its not a tank meta unless i think it is"
At least Faker got a key fragment for keeping it sportsmanlike :^)
I also have Ougis with hats.
Too late, Faker ate him.
>Zoe is basically Jinx without a trash personality
Great job, Riot! I hope she's not insanely broken at release so I can autistically main her during preseason.
>Titanic Hydra can proc on turrets like it was an extra auto attack
>Ravenous can't
Why not? Not mad, just don't know why one can't just act like the other in that way
Bang doesn't play without Wolf so I see both of them going.Be prepared for SKT Teddy and some other support or even SKT Pray and Gorilla
Top: Camille, Riven
Mid: Vlad, Fizz
Bot: Ezreal? Idk lol
>without a trash personality
New levels of shit taste no one thought imaginable
Because everyone else is relevant sooner than they are if based on farm alone and not jerked off by a support in every fight
Is there anything more fun then inting on your D5 smurf when your teammates are in D5 promos because they want that border SO BADLY.
Their rage and tantrums are almost orgasmic to experience.
Because titanic modifies your next auto attack
ravenous just does aoe in a circle
maybe now lulu will finally get her lolisports skin
>without a trash personality
It's the other way around buddy. Make another randum girl and just make her a loli who is over the top and obnoxious for no reason
Because you have to get 2~3 items off before you do any real damage.
It fits the description in every way though
Morbid degenerate. Suits them well though.
do you think every interaction has happened, even the really rare ones
like has a skarner ever killed a volibear
>vladfag wn sit on your face
Bot: Tahm Kench.
Best Sivir skin bros?
>tfw no Swift gf(male) to talk about the new champ with I haven't seen his posts in a while, wonder if he's ok ;_;
>not thresh
Jinx was the original randumb girl, which then developed into a crazy murderous girl that kills for fun.
Zoe isn't even as bad as Xayah.
Even Skarner was popular at some point. Every champion getting a week or two where he is going to be seen in 99.9% of normal games also makes it pretty much impossible that such a thing would happen.
Winter one
>Aurelion sol
Fantasy like name fitting for a cosmic space dragon
Mage based around light magic with a light name
Human girl with a common name nothing wrong here
A fucking god like being who looks like a girl straight out a disney movie with an everyday human name
What did they mean by this and why is it so wrong
>inb4 it goes to rakan
Hope he killed himself. He was cancer.
I've complained about laners not helping me but never before in my fucking life have I endured this level of torment. I'm not going to shit on your ass, I didn't at all think he would go in on me and that was stupid of me. But someone for the love of got explain to me what reason bot could have for not helping me? They weren't going to kill them, they weren't pushed under the turret, they weren't going to lose cs, it was a long fight and we were right next to them revealed on the minimap, and I was definitely pinging them. Even after I die, it still takes them a second to actually register that I'm actually a player on their team. They even had enough mana that whole time to help me but instead they don't. Then fucking long after I die and the enemies they pushed under the turret have cleared the ENTIRE minion wave, NOW they go in and try to kill Ornn? After they've already used almost all their mana and Ornn has all of his cooldowns back and Bard and Ashe can safely chase them without losing any creeps AND force them to recall? What the actual fuck? Why even fucking bother in the first place if you've already let me die? I don't understand. Even Ornn, the guy who fucking killed me, didn't understand why they didn't help me. He said in all chat "Nice job, enemy bot lane" or something and agreed with me when I called them blind.
That's not even the only time it happened, it happened once more but with my top and mid lane literally not even paying me any attention. Mid lane goes directly bot WHILE Ornn is in my jungle killing me and taking my blue buff and my Ekko just doesn't even notice at all. In fact, Ornn walks right up to top like while my Ekko is pushing and gets ganked despite seeing Ornn on the map not 10 seconds ago. Why exactly do I jungle anymore when my teammates disable their minimaps from the get go? I guess this is what I get for being a shitter silver and playing norms.
Also it seems the mods are pedophiles for allowing this OP to exist.
no one can be that delusional about bang
Wildturtle needs to be on SKT
make Faker's dreams come true
literally no one care what your name is. no one will remember it and no one will google it if you dont act like a retard
Would it make you happy if they renamed her to Zo'Eee
Is Zoe's name pronounced Zoh or Zoh-ee?
I've already acted like a retard for years here, so at least one person still here remembers it.
Though names with apostrophes in them are exclusive to the void champions
For one your bot lane is trash, and second all this shit could have been avoided if you just ran towards them and not try to juke and failing his skills
Why the fuck do bot laners do this all the time
>be support
>see the pings
>if i leave adc will die
>if i don't leave jg will die
>ping every fucking lane to go in
>fuck it im going
>adc dies
Zoy Vey
I can buy the Faker one but there's no way someone is defending Bang right now.
Guy literally threw game 2 and fucked up two ults saving Varus in game 3.
Summarize your experience with Season 7 in 1 image
For the optimistic, post 1 image for how you feel about season 8
rude! don't say that!
Good Faker lose, he's overrated anyways!
Shut it down! The Zoeyim know!
dont worry man, he tends to disapper now and then
he is still playing
>expecting people playing a Lux Ezreal combo to help, think or otherwise pay attention to their mini-map
Oh, I like this one even more.