/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General

Patch 4.11 Notes & Logs

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that's a nice sword, I'd like to use it for glamour ^^ where can I find it?



Ultimate Coil.

poster children for instability and mental illness

nah im chill

Oh neat, anyone wanna get a group together and farm? I have a couple hours free

> Kicked from party because WAR wants to try and man-mode on Hali but keeps losing enmity to me even when I use Lucid Dreaming and keeps dying to Critical Hit because he doesn't know what CDs are.


>things that never happened for 200

whats your point

>it's a healer keeps overhealing to take aggro and won't actually dps episode
why be a burden on your party?

>4 years later and elk is still here samefagging

>things that never happened
Not him but you should try PFing shinryu or savage. The retards are out of the woodworks.

Au Ra!

cute ra


That's one smug lizard!

PLEASE give me a cathusband

u g l y


It did, though.
I DPS the entire fight. I did a Cure III after the first Spellblade to prep for waltz and then the boss was on me when I started casting Stone IV.

The PLD didn't shirk a single time.

It's not like I care about being kicked because I already have my clear and was just trying to help.

Maybe they recognized you as a shitty sociopath that fakes suicide and decided to kick you


Tanks are retarded nowadays, OTs that don't shirk or even want to take shirk and MTs that pull on dps stance and don't do a single aggro rotation.

um your au ra is reaching dangerously smug levels. Can you tone it down?

Their loss. They can flounder about trying to get a clear in PF.
I'm used to WARs pulling the boss in Deliverance or dropping Defiance right after their opener and getting Enmity utility from others.

This WAR in particular was just bad and so was the PLD, like he didn't even use any CDs on White Flame either.



Yeah their loss not being paired with a deranged unstable retarded tranny. Better post another avatarfag of your character with a sideways dismissive glance because you're such a villain on the internet.

Yes, their loss they're struggling in PF while I kick back and enjoy myself.

Maybe I can level BRD/BTN or help some people on Neo Exdad.


I love ffxi

I wish I could have tried it out in its time



What do you mean.

I love guitar riffs

Some random Male Au'Ra came up to me and traded me a carnation after telling me he loved my Elezen.

What does that even mean.

hey eb

someone eb me and love me unconditionally, thanks

woops meant wb haha


someone let me suck their catboy dry


>thinking an EB will fix you

Looking to get back in the game after a couple years. I was a SCH but hear they are NOT FUN now.

What's a fun healing class?




whatever you like the most! I'd say try out and look at all the healers.

I find whm to pretty fun and super easy for dungeons and learning raids/primals as a healer.

I find it funny that the replies to EVERY SINGE lala

>nice, friendly, straight forward, depressed

>being so shit that you can't heal a simple o3s
>having such an awful temperament that you are unable to work with someone towards a common goal

This is why every single one of us dropped you.

>raiding with trannies
first mistake

I find it funny how the Japanese cleared MERE HOURS after you gave up.

NA spent more time bitching a moaning than actually progging

is it too late to join a static? Im kinda new to raiding and stuff but I have os1 and os2 down, took a break for a while thats why I stopped

EB me!

*summons bahamut on your path*

Did you have a stroke mid-sentence there user

Never too late. Mingle with people and partial statics in PF and you'll eventually find yourself in one.

no, EB ME!

fuck off twat waffle

It's ok son we'll find a good facility to take care of you

I remember the first time seeing a summoner bring out bahamut. I freaked out hard wondering if it was an add or something

do you want to run content


Who are you.

what job do you play user?

Shirou Kuma



Does your character have a neck cramp or something?

Astro does look fun!

Which one do you prefer?

I hear they are really good. OH man I can't choose!

No they just lack even an ounce of creativity for pictures

japan cheated

Having played AST on my friends character, AST is pretty fun till your luck for drawing sucks. I do like WHM a lot though

Never heard of you.
Yes, actually.

Just a tank.

what a weirdo

It's over Stephen

Okay, put up a PF or message me in-game.
Normalcy is overrated.

this looks shopped

Just pick a class and try potd floor 51 to 60. That should give you a good example of what it plays like. Although if you havent even unlocked whm i would get that to 30 first.

I want to tribute a cute midlander so bad.

Did the team that beat Ultimate Coil release a video yet?

I now pronounce you two eb husband and wife.

You may find a little difficulty due to the plethora of SAM's for melee carries but you should generally find an easy time in finding PF's, statics will be the difficult part.
Try looking for statics looking for a filler, you can often get lucky if youre impressive and be re-invited.

>Tachi Gekko
I miss those animations
Resolution was the best

I now pronounce you, Smug and Cat

tfw no YY wife

> Resolution was the best.

Post houses!

I was making one since I managed to get the Rune Fencers Aeonic, Lionheart.
Not that it matters since they'll most likely be outdated and under ilvl once they come out like in HW instead of ARR

wow comfy

>sandcat and vjamal posting like best buddies
>mado nowhere to be se

poor mado...

Anybody on Mateus wanna sell me their small plot?


Did these niggas just pull a vegeto