/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Rotations, formats, new class:

>14M Download event details

October nerfs - PDK, CoCK and NEET

Starforged Legends is out.

>What events are up?

Leader poll results

Official Website:

Deckbuilder and card database

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi


Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ megusad.jpg/

First for merlin




>just realize the chest event starts right when gbf's GW event ends

Ty based KMR


What are some red flags that your opponent is going to be insufferable?
>Vania leader
>Japanese name
>playing Rune at all, but especially if they use the Daria leader

What was his name again?

>he's jealous because he didn't get dorothy


discord again?

>trying to fill my daily 500 points quota
>against blood
>against rune
>against sword
>against haven
>against elf
>against shadow
>against dragon
The meta is diverse enough. I met every class at 15 games today

kys weeb

The whole thread is discord. Except me.

>he thinks being called a newfag means new to the game, not new to the thread

>ebin balanced man
>playin in jap for maximum attentionwhoring
youre the only discord here, discord

>tfw you play ten games without running into a single Dragon

>under 3k wins
>not even a gm
>uses now irrelevant wd gm title because he's too embarassed he didn't get gm this expansion

If shadowverse is so popular in japan how come it gets barely any porn compared to stuff like fgo?

shadowverse is actually a game, most people are busy playing it instead of fapping to static sprites

>subhumans at it again in this thread

>hes still mad about being exposed as a newfag
christ man stop embarrassing yourself

I wish that tongue was rubbing my dick.

Uh, lewd much?

at least it is not a gay wish like most of them in these threads

What blood deck should I make that doesn't require Carabosse? That's the only class I don't have a deck for.

just make an aggro deck without carabosse, won't be as good but it can complete dailies if nothing else

>All these Stormshitter being Dickshifted left and right

What deck(s) are you climbing with, user?

use this girl instead of cara
it can even be better vs dshift
i personally use 1x her 2x cara and 1x demonic storm, albeit i own 3x cara

I wonder if this is obnoxious enough

aggro blood is ok without carabosse
vengeance not so much without belph

concede please

>no alt dorothy emblem
>still using WLD gm title instead of SFL
Try harder.

>There's different GM flairs for each expansion
ow my autism

My wife, Imp Lancer, is so cute!

Alright will do, thanks guys time to brew.

thanks very much

>Tempo Elf
>Aggro Vamp

Where's your SFL gm title bro? Why didn't you hit GM in the first SFL month bro?

I want to defile her battlefield.

Running bishop

Last night during Japanese primetime Openrec had DQR viewers at 11k viewers while SV had 100
How bad is it going to be tonight?

KMR is deleting the shadowverse folder from the internet tonight

Discord is getting worse. Probably frustrated damage control.

>unerfed top 1 stable decks
Kill yourselves idiots. And stop being new.

The only damage control I'm seeing ITT is from this guy which leads me to believe you're him and that's just sad

Are you drunk?

>gigas in t2
why is this shit allowed?

Is there a list somewhere of all the shit you can earn for free as a new player and how to get it ?

check the achievements section of your missions page

Tier 2 isnt bad for a card. How are you having problems with it?

good work user

check the pastebin in the OP

Also, I don't see the fate leaders anywhere in the shop, I guess they were limited ?

>last lego I got was during WD's release
When are we getting a pity timer for opening packs?

The sale just ended.
30 packs without leggo here

Well, if you're getting a lot of packs you should be able to craft one or two legendaries regardless of what you pull. That's why I kinda like this system they have. Though it's nice to either pull the one you want anyway or at least supplemental vials with shit legends.

When you stop being a whore

boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ megusad.jpg/

>Fate leaders are gone now

I was never gonna buy them, but somehow I still feel sad to see the option go.

I need a Megumin leader skin

Fuck that, when are we getting pity timers on turn order? I'm at 11 going second in a row. There's no way this shit is random 50/50.



The movie is a trilogy so they might rerun the collab when the second and third one release.

That would trigger a lot of autism, mine included

Why does bming D.Shift subhumans feel so good?

>dshift v dshift

How does this happen?

New Shadowlog soon
Post yfw Dshit finally has over 50% winrate and we now have irrefutable proof that Dshitters are cancer

How is that even feasible? How many packs have you opened?

>implying they won't move to deflection

I don't expect it to happen and I would be very surprised if it happens. Brainlets and lucklets are the majority, not everyone can buy crystals to unlock premium matchmaking and premium draws.


Megumin: Rune
Aqua: Haven
Darkness: Sword
Wiz: Shadow
Kazuma: Dragon
Wolbach: Blood
???????: Dragon

I meant ?????? for Forest

>shadownegro calling anyone else cancer

You mean Megumin: Dragon
It totally makes sense because reasons

>Haven players are so desperate they play """aggro""" Storm list with goblins

>get bm'd by dshitter
>get bm'd by dshitter
epic game bros, epic

>shoots fireballs
>is a literal fucking wizard
Yup, you're right, this is exactly what Cygames would do (see: Saber)

I'll be ordering some Chicken BBQ pizza to go with the bottomless supply of sweet sweet dshitter tears

>still not gm this expansion
>and yet dare to voice his retarded opinion here

>Cygames' punching bag with 0 good match up is doing badly
In other news, water is wet.

This is what happens when the big burst of followers in turn 5 with Haven Storm gets completely denied thanks to all the removal D-Shift has. Also, can't put down Arias because they get glowed when their counter is at one.

Pretty pathetic.

It's even more pathetic when even though I'm a hagfag I'm seriously considering building an ambush Sword deck because fuck D-Shift.

>implying gm means anything
Anyone can pick a top tier deck and get there easily. All gm means is that you're a loser with nothing better to do than grind out games all day.

>mulligan for DShift

>gets 10 match winstreak
>everyone crying about how terrible and unviable the craft is

Kazuma should be forest since he wears green and has a bow. Dragon could be Iris or this guy.

haven is literally eris

>spent $600 in packs
>no daria in sight
I'm ready to kms

Not getting gm means you're a loser with nothing better to do than grind out games all day and still can't get gm.

damn dude

did you at least get a dorothy

>heh you're not a loser!
Thanks I guess?

Whoa what the fuck I just realized Forest has a 3 drop uriel

You can get 10 match up winning streaks with a deck full of on curve stats neutral followers with 0 text in this shit game, it's pure luck. Not a single one of these twitter post decks ever shows up again.

If your mommy calls the bank and tells them about your special condition she may be able to reverse the charges user.

Show your profile.

>Looks up Purgatory Forest lists
>They don't even play it
i guess its nothing then