>How do I connect to [server]? 1. Register on a private server that hosts the same game client you have. 2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page. 3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/ 4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.
>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info. Make sure your realmlist is correct and not read only.
>How do I stop my client from auto-updating? • Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe • Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name. • Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it.
GD revival ? This hades thing looks dead on arrival be honest
Eli Bell
I'm only here to shill Tauri
Luke Thomas
GD Horde All this 1x is getting tiring
Jaxson Flores
I have a ret on horde i think
also How is the TBC on warmane?
Colton Collins
Matthew Gonzalez
What level/faction are you? I’ve been leveling in the meantime as well.
Julian Cooper
Nathaniel Nelson
new to private server, i want to level in northrend, is Warmane Lordaeron the best option?
Jayden Myers
Carson Robinson
warmane icecrown
Oliver Cox
no I dont want fast leveling, i'll go with lordaeron
Colton Perry
Horde, slow and steady, mainly to test out the server quests/codes. Nothing serious at the moment.
If they release the "Hades" realm in 2 weeks, I might play that for real. So far most quests seems to work but I'm only level 30ish
Nathan Bailey
deader than dead gen
Owen Campbell
Too busy leveling all classes to 90 on Tauri
Christian Brooks
I made this mistake yesterday. Logged in, made a character and decided I was going to play with some vidya bro's. Instantly I noticed that mobs agro at x2-3 their normal range, well that's ok I can just kite. Oh, when they die they respawn nearly instantly and they're INVISIBLE, you can't hit them NOR can you see them. Well, I guess I can deal with this, I can just run away. WRONG. Mobs don't have a tether range and will follow you until you die or kill them. I complain about this in gchat and what do I get "LEL UR SHTR M8 GlT GUD" "I NVR HAD NE PROBLUMS UR BAD M8". I'm bad for dying to invisible mobs who will never stop attacking me? Right virgins. I will post this in every wpsg from now on to let people know that hellground is a tremendous fucking piece of shit with 0 population and awful AWFUL AWFUL scripting. Don't waste you're time on this shit server.
I made this mistake yesterday. Logged in, made a character and decided I was going to play with some vidya bro's. Instantly I noticed that mobs agro at x2-3 their normal range, well that's ok I can just kite. Oh, when they die they respawn nearly instantly and they're INVISIBLE, you can't hit them NOR can you see them. Well, I guess I can deal with this, I can just run away. WRONG. Mobs don't have a tether range and will follow you until you die or kill them. I complain about this in gchat and what do I get "LEL UR SHTR M8 GlT GUD" "I NVR HAD NE PROBLUMS UR BAD M8". I'm bad for dying to invisible mobs who will never stop attacking me? Right virgins. I will post this in every wpsg from now on to let people know that hellground is a tremendous fucking piece of shit with 0 population and awful AWFUL AWFUL scripting. Don't waste my time on this shit server.
Daniel Jones
What about the queqes man?
Jaxon Williams
Parker Morgan
you be sayn we wuz dead general n shieet ?
Caleb Torres
What's the link to GD, I'm retarded and I can't google it
Nathan Adams
Why would anyone play MoP, aside from great raids the dailies just killed all the experience
Anthony Hughes
How is warmane? I'm playing on lordaeron right now just started. But how is warmane in general?