/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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>GUDAGUDA Honnoji Event begins November 8th

>Fate/GUDAGUDA Order translation

>Interlude AP Cost 1/2 Period:
November 1st 4:00 UTC to November 8th 3:59 UTC

>Da Vinci's Selection FGO's Finest Fellows Pickup Summon
2017-11-01 4:00 - 11-08 3:59 UTC
5* Waver
4* Siegfried, Lancelot
3* Prototype Cu, Alexander

>[AWA FGO Panel]



Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

Master Mission: Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
Rate ups in JP FGO: i.imgur.com/ufcB3OP.jpg
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=1447471767

View: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo

Add yourself: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform


Okita please coming home thread


Who /ERankLuck/ here?

UMU thread




What's your ideal support lineup, o dumb lolicon master?

I haven't rolled yet so I can't really diagnose my luck.

I have whale luck. Just throw enough money at the gacha and you'll eventually get what you want.

I love my oni!

Reminder to vote for your GK and Captain for the VG league 9. Results will be posted next thread
goo gl/forms/m7ruZNyLPQllRNPE2

pls b my gf

I have 2 SSR and I didn't reroll to start and I have only 10 shotted twice.
I've got Gil and Waver


>27 tickets


I have seven SSR, two at np2 and have blown about 250 yurodollars since launch, so dolphin luck I guess ?

Speaking of oni. What's with the third eye symbolism on them? I know oni don't wear shoes traditionally, but as much as I've googled I can not find a damn thing about them having anything to do with a mind's eye sort of a deal.

Even whales need luck

Also the only thing I wouldn't do this ass is anal. all my loads into her breeding hole

I can't say I have E luck, although if someone is just looking at my zero 5* servants they might think that.

>four 10x summons and under 30 single rolls
You aren't getting much of anything.

Third eyes tend to represent enlightenment.


How many quartz can I save up from now till Valentine?


300 or so.

Not me

Roman, please.

I haven't seen a gold servant since Nerofest. My CE:Servant ratio on 4* is 8:1. Although I somehow have NP3 Altera. I hope so much I don't get a fourth one on the paid G5.

Yeah I know that, but that's what I mean. Anything I google implies the opposite of that. Personally I say the oni have the right idea.

Who knows maybe you'll get lucky. Just the other day I got three 4* and one 5* and Black Grail from two 10x summons.


Why do we get 3 quarts when Nips get 30?

he'd know

Please understand

How much should I expect to spend if I want np5 okita with solid b rank luck

Because they had two days of maintenance, so apologems.

Because we are cucks

Enjoy your Redman and NP5 Mephistopheles, user.

Please understand.


I've rolled NP3 Musashi in 42 quartz last month on JP. You can do it. Let lucklets and tamamocucks seethe.

>he wasted all his luck on JP


NP5 is estimated to be around $1500 average for a "good chance". I'd probably extend that to $3000 if you really don't want luck to screw you over. Of course, no guarantees.

Oh and that isn't NP3 as in 3rd Musashi, that is 3 Musashis in 42q.

My main's on JP though. It's so much more generous than the jewfest that is NA. 3 FUCKING QUARTZ, PLEASE LIKE!

Combined with that pic, I read that as ER Rank Luck and it made me chuckle

I don't know what was up with that rateup. I saw someone get NP5 Musashi in less than 200 quartz.

Assume $3000 on average to NP5 a 5* servant.


Should I just sell my jp acount I have 600q and 45 tickets with waver and merlin I don't even play jp so I don't see any reason not to

Who is this semen demon?

Don't try to make sense of modern Fate character design, 99% of the time they are done for the cool and looks and have 0 thought behind them.

mata hari could make me "fall for her" all she wants if you know what I mean

That might get you half the money you need to roll Okita

I'll give you a dollar for it.

You could sell that for like 5 whole dollars.

looks like Liz alter

>if you know what I mean
You are a desperate thirsty virgin, yes. Everybody knows what you mean.

>What is a filename?

No wonder I feel like beating the shit out of her.

Wednesday when?

That's worth maybe 15-20 bucks on reddit, where they overpay too. Endgame accounts have value on JP, starters sell for next to nothing individually.

Wednesday I hope

why did you reply to me?
I guessed correctly

Anyone else hoping that someone on their list gets lucky or will whale for Okita

>daylight savings time means we're one extra hour away from gudaguda
It's not fair.

I can't wait for GUDAGUDA Meiji Ishin!

How hard will it be to get NP5 Nobu?

I want to fuck Nobukatsu

Thursday at the latest.

At least I can have a free Jeanne Alter loli... good thing daughterus are cute and protectables.

Not really hard if you are not a compelte fuckwit and don't bring bonus servants on your backline

Points aren't the problem, especially if you have an Okita on your friends list. Hiragumo drops are the real problem.


you'll need about 10 apples
you have around 50 so you should be fine

I'm hoping someone on my list not only whales for Okita, but also puts a Poster Girl or Launch Order on her, and has enough exp cards to get her to at least level 60. I really don't want to be stuck using level 1-40 support Okita's without the event CE for this entire event.

Right after Tuesday

>bring bonus servants on your backline
Backline is enough ? I'd thought you'd want a full lineup.

Easy as fuck. The daily quests alone should be enough.
Lore is a bit trickier, but shouldn't be a problem.

Th skulls seem harder to get.

>you have around 50
y-yeah 50 h-haha

do i need to start using the bonus servants straight away?

>All the shit I want is Hiragumo
I am ready to die

For daily quests, sure.

>backline servants, support okita and nobu on frontline, either your Okira, Emiya or Ushi/Cu on the frontline

How do I make the best of Atalanta? She's my only 4* archer but she's kinda weak. I like her though.

You get like over 100k points if you do all the dailies without bonus so there's no issue.

roll okita/scat/jack, miss out on one of them and use her instead

I'll have an immediate Lv. 70 Okita, with max ascension as soon as I clear out the gears in the shop.

Other than gears, I think most people will ascend her pretty easily and quickly.

burn her for a rare prism

She needs her np to do much, so she needs kaleido or something because her np gen is fucking abysmal.

If she actually had decent np gen she'd be really good, basically does the same job as lancelot berserker but also can buff her teams quick cards and generate stars a little in ordinary chains


You feed her to Nobu in 3 days.

I imagine that most people who get her won't have the 200+ exp cards they'll need to get her ascending to 60. Kind of irrelevant though, in the end I'd rather use a level 1 Okito with a Poster Girl than a level 90 Okita without one.

>I will have to use shitty quickmeme servants with basic animations until I get Nobu
got fucking dammit

People will finally use my NP5 Redman.