How much net worth / income do you need to be considered "upper class"? What is the hard line cutoff between middle and upper class and is it related to age in any way?
How much net worth / income do you need to be considered "upper class"...
there is no cutoff.
though if you're making more than $100k US or have assets worth more than $1 million you're probably at the point most people would consider upper class.
Depends on location more than age.
Income is in NO WAY related to class, and there's nothing more pathetic than the nouveau riche working class who think that they're "upper class" because they cashed out on their landscaping business or whatever.
You remain the class you were born into forever. Also, most people in the western world know nobody who is truly upper class.
I knew one man who was genuinely upper class. His family had inherited a large tract of my country (which he missed out on due to not being the first son) following imperialist settlements centuries ago. He was broke and, not quite living in squalor, but was not visibly wealthy. He's still upper class though due to his family name.
At absolute best you can *maybe* progress from being working class to being part of the professional class, but even then you're unlikely to become successful in law etc without having connections.
Is this b8?
There is no objective standard to be able to answer your question. The closest thing that I can think of is that you are an accredited investor at a net worth of $1 million (excluding primary residence) or an income of $200k per year.
if your not in the US you're reply doesnt matter
Most normies would probably consider $1 million in assets with a six figure salary "upper class." But, you won't be impressing any actual elites with those stats any time soon.
I would think either a certain % over the poverty line or some other income stat could be universally applied; that would count for differences between local economies
If your in the US grammer doesnt matter
In USA the lines between upper and middle are blurred a bit, you also have the "upper middle class". Generally speaking classes are graded on terms of income/net rules. Though its not everything.
Middle class is considered the medium income, which is around $60,000 - $150,000. Depends highly on where you live but that's the general range. Net worth ~ two cars and a small house, which comes out to $1 million averaged.
Upper-middle class income range I would guess is $150,000 - $5 million a year, with a net worth of $1 million to $20 million. A large house, some property/land, 3+ cars, sports cars, owning a business, stock, maybe a vacation property or two. Think Stepford wives kind of rich.
Upper class I would guess is $10 million+++ a year in income. In terms of wealth - sky's the limit. Owning land is not a necessity but it definitely helps. Owners of medium to large businesses, lots of stock, sports cars, other investments - alot of passive income in this range.
>turd worlders with their retarded tribal customs
Poo in loo
how much furniture you inherit
If you even think about money or income on a daily basis, you're at best middle class. Upper class isn't about money, it's about prestige and namesake. If you're extremely successful financially, your grandchildren or their children might one day be upper class.
Upper class has had money for so long they don't even know or care about cost of goods, and managing it is considered a chore to be hired out like you would cleaning staff or an in home chef.
Upper middle class encompasses all the people that live a life of luxury, but who know our knew the person who made their excess wealth personally. These people can afford numerous luxury goods like multiple homes, sports cars, and other various non-necessities. High income earners and direct descendants of most self-made men fall into this category.
Middle class might have savings, but they live relatively boring lives not necessarily because they want to, but because they either have to, or are willing to as they desire financial freedom later in life. The key point here is that everyone in this bracket works or has worked.
Lower middle class is exclusively wagecucks, and the only real distinction between lower middle class and the poor is that the lower middle class don't always qualify for government assistance, or they are too proud to take advantage of it if they do qualify.
Poor people may have jobs or may not, but they live lives below the government's poverty line and take advantage of government welfare programs.
Below the poor are people who are so destitute they don't even get government handouts, either because they don't qualify for one reason or another (typically living outside the law in some manner), or they are too fucked up to figure out how to take advantage of the help available to them (typically due to mental illness or retardation).
>upper middle class
>up to 5 million dollars a year
Pretty sure anybody earning 1 million+ is well past "upper middle class". That kind of yearly salary turns your life into something the average person can't even imagine. Life is very, *very* different between someone earning $80,000 a year and someone earning $800,000 a year.
No, you're an idiot, if you're the one that earned the money the best you'll ever be is upper-middle class.
Once you have all the money in the world, you'll still have to deal with the fact that there are doors closed to you because you're not "monied", aka you are still connected to poor people that share the same family name and bloodline.
Upper class isn't about how much money you have, it's about how long you've had it. It's a club you can't enter if you earned your own money, and it's very difficult to be a part of the upper class even if your parents earned the money, because you won't be accepted as upper class until everyone who was alive before your family had money is dead.
The fact that you don't know this is how everyone knows you're middle class.
30k a year puts you on top 1% of the world.
Retard, we're talking about socioeconomic classes not royalty. When people say "upper class" they mean "very rich people". The only people who give a shit about bloodlines and family names are the ones who are already in those groups - in other words, people who don't matter to anyone outside of their tiny circle. A wealthy circle, yes, but tiny and ultimately not important.
>you'll still have to deal with the fact that there are doors closed to you because you're not "monied"
I am curious though, what's behind these doors? Political influence?
You know absolutely nothing you underage shithead, stop posting your fantasies online
This isn't Game of Thrones
Kill yourself
$100K a month in interest income without having to work
I'd personally say 6-7+ figure salary with at least over $1m in physical assets like property, house, car, and things like silver and gold to sort of secure your earnings.
A Roman senator once said that you are only rich when you can hire an army.
is warren buffet middle class
A years worth of salary could hire you a nice private military for a little while.
he lives in a normie house in motherfucking nebraska and is spergy as fuck
obviously he is not
You sound like a cool guy, I bet you have a ton of Facebook friends
This no longer exists.
Its a meme.
In the Western world there are now 2 classes.
>Everything below
Rupert Murdoch just as an example makes apx $35 Million a year.
Unless you are clearing a million + per annum, then you're not even close to being considered good old fashioned 'upper class'
Even specialist doctors making $500k a year are quite plebby income wise compared to the truly Elite, as the difference between earning $50k or $500k is much of a muchness to them as its all crumbs.
True status is usually associated wirth legacy wealth, the exception are uppity Jews like Zuckerberg, etc.
>upper class is based on names and titles
maybe in faggot Yurop
Caveat: this is all based on how it is in America. Outside of America it's very different.
It's not a question of money. Money facilitates such a transition, and being a higher social class gives you better financial opportunities, but someone lower class and someone higher class might have similar incomes at certain times.
At the bottom you've got your working class people. They don't have much in the way of education, although some went to tech school or something like that. They might have money because they own their own business or work in a skilled trade like plumber or electrician, and they might save up enough to buy a franchise of something like Subway or McDonald's. You can spot these people through their lack of initiation into high culture and lack of advanced education.
Then you've got your middle class. They might have money or they might be starving artists. They might be anything from a scientist to a teacher, but they all have two principal things in common: they possess an advanced education and they are initiated into the customs and norms of high culture. They know what intermission during a play is. They can probably quote Shakespeare. They know that it's uncouth to start eating before everyone has their food served to them. Some of these people are influential enough in culture and knowledge to have a major impact on society.
Then you have the Upper Class. They deal in power and influence. They either hold or are working their way toward holding enough assets to command a great deal of clout. They range from juniors at law firms hoping to work their way up to trust fund kids who elect the board of directors at the company that their great grandparents started. They are initiated to high culture and almost always educated just as the middle class is, but due to anything from birth to their line of work they move in the circles of power and learn how to exercise it. Often they advertise connections to powerful institutions.
It dont in kansas
only significant cultural difference between upper middle and upper class is that capital gains begin to dwarf income