>national hero
>died in a prison senile serving a life sentence
Post more examples of falls from grace
>national hero
>died in a prison senile serving a life sentence
Post more examples of falls from grace
Other urls found in this thread:
>was on top of the world
>no new songs
Explains these memes
the way they treated him after his decision to surrender is a god damned disgrace and has ruined my view of modern France.
>sympathy for traitors
mon ami...
France lost the jewel of her manhood in the great war.
The soul of her military was broken even before the defeats mounted, and Petain by the grace of God had the empathy to understand this.
Regardless of the loud voices of a few radicals, France was still broken and to continue testing her limits in another great war would've resulted in complete collapse.
wtf is this nigga talking about
Its obviously 2 people you dumb fuck.
Petain decided to surrender France to the Germans in ww2, instead of fighting to the last man at every possible chance.
For this they branded him a traitor and basically grossly mistreated him, even though he was quite literally the only thing that kept France from devouring itself during ww1.
I thought it was more related to the French cooperation in the antisemitic policy of the Nazis during the war rather than for signing the armistice.
Which was the only sensible thing to do for a man that held a position of State and the supreme responsibility over the fate of French people, whereas De Gaulle only responsibility was to flaunt his own immense ego and masturbate to the sound of his own voice..
Petain did nothing wrong though. FUck off leave him alone. What De Gaulle did to him under foreign influence was a disgrace.
It's not a meme, they're just being silly. God, fuck everything about you.
>Someone doesn't answer correctly
>Is this a.... m-meme?!
De Gaulle hides out in Britain for the duration of the war, does a couple of radio broadcasts, gets called a hero.
Your right, they should have hanged him for high treason and crimes against the people of France.
He was a senile old shit who was so scared of the reds that he became a fucking lackey of the Huns. He had antidemocratic and fascist sympathies for years before the war. Fuck him.
Shouldn't you be firebombing some cities and attacking the docked french navy?
Mon enfant, s'il a été traité ainsi ce n'est pas tant pour avoir capitulé que pour le reste.
Pétain n'a pas capitulé pour économiser la jeunesse francaise, comme il a pourtant essayé de le faire croire au peuple avec 4 ans de propagande, mais bien pour prendre les reines du pouvoir, et instaurer sa dictature fasciste à lui, comme il y avait en Italie ou en Allemagne. En se rendant vite, il pourrait commencer ses réformes plus tot, et il pensait que s'il donnait ce qu'ils voulaient aux Allemands, ces derniers lui donneraient ce qu'il voulait lui: la marge de manoeuvre. C'est aussi pour ca qu'il a fait déporter les juifs: pour gagner des bons points, pour que l'Allemagne le laisse faire. Au fond, les années 30 sont indisociables de la lutte du communisme contre le fachisme, et le communisme avait de l'avance en France avant la guerre. Pétain lorsqu'il est appelé est Ambassadeur de France en Espage. En montant dans le train, il dit: "Je vais mettre fin à 20 ans de bolchevisme".
Il a juste vendu son pays pour sa gloire/ses convictions personelles. A partir de là, c'est uniquement car il avait été un grand héros qu'il a pu faire de la prison... Regardes la chute des autres dictateurs.
Suvorov and Belisarius.
i think petain did what he had to do to save france and its wrong that its made him a villain
>implying he fallen from Grace
t. french
>Our guy
>"Please don't shoot me in the face"
>"Seriously, shoot me in the chest, just spare my face for my funeral"
Fucking communists
It was unnecessary, yeah.
RIP in peace you poor soul
>fuck with the US
>die with a Bowie knife up your ass
Do it again, Robert Gates.
>national hero
De Gaulle isn't satisfied
Petain did nothing wrong.
There was a mass exodus in 1940 because the French people simply fled the Wehrmacht, the French Army itself was lost and demoralized, there was no basis to mount a resistance, and trying to do so would only led to more suffering to the entire nation of France.
>London, June 1940
>Sir! Half of France has fallen, their army is destroyed and Paris occupied! They're thinking about signing an armistice!
>Churchill: What? NO? Fight must go on! We must throw the other half of France under the wheels of the Panzer!
>De Gaulle: Oui! Nous combattons! VIVE LA FRANCE VIVE MOI-MEME!
>Eden: Most excellent idea Sir! But what when the Germans rekt the other half of France?
>Churchill: Then we throw colonial french north africa under the wheels of the Panzers.
>De Gaulle: Oui!! Nous combattons!! VIVE LA FRANCE VIVE MOI-MEME!!!
>Eden: Brilliant! But what when the Germans rape and burn French North Africa?
>Churchill; Dunno Tony, but by then we'll have 2000 more hurricanes and spitfires and improved littoral defenses to properly fend off any german threat over Britain.
>Eden; I say, most excellent plan, Winston ol' laddie!
>De Gaulle: Oui! OUI! Nous combat... uh, oh (20 years later) PARDON?!?!? Q'EST CE QUE VOUS A DIT!?!? BANDE DE CONS!!!
>is the richest and most powerfull guy in Europe
>his country is the pearl of the gothic world
>fucks with some mountain hicks
>gets killed with a fucking halberd, the corpse looted and left out for dog food
>his name, house and empire dies with him
He actually was very friendly with the nazis and was overzealous when it came to deporting and killing jews, shut your whore mouth when you don't know what you're talking about.
>all this apologism for a traitor
Norway, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland, etc. were also occupied by Germany, but their governments fled into exile rather than staying behind and presenting their asshole to the krauts to be fucked.
Danes didn't they surrendered and followed every German order to the letter, but not the spirit.
Which is why all their Jews got sent to other countries before they could be rounded up and sent to concentration camps.
whos this referring too?
I firmly believe that Mussolini was a good boy who dindu nuffin and sincerely cared about Italy.
The Germans told them to deal with all of the Jews, so they sent them all to neutral Sweden.
The Nazis were pissed, but they couldn't do anything about it without opening another front.
Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy.
Zerg was a good guy?
He wasn't, you fucking faggot.
He actually made a deal to protect French jews and deport jewish refugees only. French jews then collaborated to deport said foreign jews.
France in 1940 was beyond saving
Petain did nothing wrong
Why did he not declare war on the Allies after the Attack on Mers-el-Kébir? 1.3k Frenchmen dead and they were already involved in fighting the British in Syria. They even scuttled the French fleet after the Germans went after it in 1942. What made the Vichy regime so loyal to the Allies even at the height of Germany's success?
They weren't loyal
They were just cowards
>What made the Vichy regime so loyal to the Allies even at the height of Germany's success?
this poor,poor bastard
rotting for decades and decades until his brain had turned to shit
at 93 years old he killed himself
I wonder, did he still have an inkling of his glory days at that day...
I bet you like those fucking commies too, even thought they were traitors...
>Burgundian """""""""""Empire"""""""""""'"
Exactly the attitude that lead to France being so completely and absolutely cucked in WWII
On mobile, wrongquoted
Meant for
The Commies died up against the wall singing La Marseillaise. I think that's all that needs to be said about that.
Shouldn't you be collecting snails and gutting frogs for your Sunday dinner?
I'm a Dutchman and fuck you. You're comparing a man who stayed behind for his people to those who fucking fled. I'm not going to give Charles de Gaulle shit because he actually went to his colonies to mount something resembling a military, but our leaders were fucking cowards who went to London and proceeded to do nothing.
Compare the king of Denmark, who remained behind to show his people that, despite everything, he was still the king of Denmark. Our monarchy betrayed us, and it still pisses me off that they survived that disgrace when we should've abolished the monarchy in 1945.
After Paris was occupied, it was simply time to call it quits. Or would you rather have Petain initiate a scorched earth policy which would actually create more civillian casualties than accepting Germany's victory?
>Fighting for their country's freedom.
The only traitors in France were bootlicking fascists