>Recent News: Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) collab incoming Xeno Cocytus Stick New character EMPs at the end of the month as usual Racer MC skin on Platinum Sky rerun Debuffs getting adjusted this month (para, fear, coma etc) GW balm buffs removed, it's now up for 2 or 1 hour depending on your Captain/ FO Burger spoofers banned (wave 2) Arcarum News (no date yet, but soon(tm)) (Summons' Call and Aura TL - pastebin.com/PwBd5VSz)
>Schedule for November: 31/10 - 8/11 - New Story Event (Yuel) 9/11 - 16/11 - Water GW (Fire NM boss is Sethlans) 17/11 - 22/11 - Platinum Sky (Rerun) 22/11 - 29/11 - Xeno Cocytus - It's a fucking stick 29/11 - ? - New Scenario Event (4th homoknight event?)
>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning gbf.wiki/FAQ
>Giga Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
>four 0* old auberons die save them for ubaha hl if you plan to run it with water
Parker Gonzalez
>non ely
Jaxon Sanders
Do you even break 100k auto damage with this setup
Chase Perry
comic fucking sans
Dylan Howard
comic fucking sans
Luis Flores
>comic sans nigga
Josiah James
depending on your characters nip whale used this grid on utkg hl months ago with lots of + & mvp it
Isaac Ross
comic fucking sans
Adrian Davis
Kayden Ward
Thanks to all the people that came to the DAOs
Elijah Anderson
Story Kat's 5* will be better than SSR Kat
Gavin Ortiz
>Comic sans
user, previously user now fucking faggot.
Brayden Wood
>he changed the font lmao what a beta
Nolan Campbell
We'll always remember as comic sans
Jayden Price
episode 14 when?
Ayden Ward
>can almost make my SSR Dirt Seraph Only things of note that I'm missing is one fucking Uriel Anima and a few Dirt Centrums. I can almost taste it.
Austin Lopez
>weeks since last decent drop >last good legfest haul was three months ago Why do I have to suffer like this?
Kevin Taylor
he changed it back you bully
Jackson Rogers
the worst part of the week has come grinding R and SR pendants
Owen Gray
Since I am building a Titan grid with Baal stuff, Sarasa becomes a must-get Eternal for me right?
Ethan Parker
at least it gets a little more interesting once you have good enough SRs to try to MVP race.
Isaac Price
what Just tap raids on regen. What's so hard about it?
Oliver Johnson
Matthew Cox
it makes me click away from my zoi lucha team
Brandon Evans
Muh dick.
Luke Powell
kill yourself
Tyler Reyes
not canon
Nathan Green
Connor Mitchell
Why did people want Yuel and Socie to rebuild the kingdom when it would mean they need to fuck other purebred males to do so?
Hunter Gomez
Asher Gonzalez
i'm the purebred male they'd have to fuck tho
Joshua Anderson
They just need to pass the dance down
Ryan Peterson
Carson Bell
Oh fuck you
Joshua Young
In your dreams fuccboi.
Jonathan Rodriguez
Help? Also, is it okay to use only 1 stratomizer? I got 2 stratomizers once but i combined them but this was way before damascus bar update, way before I even got a Titan and way before I find out that Titan Earth would be one of the strongest grids ever
Aaron Price
I wish unluckshitters would leave this thread, they are probably the biggest virgins around. >hurr my draws are shit >my magnas drop nothing ;_; >primal grids are only for whales Just man the fuck up and get lucky you little shits.
Gabriel Miller
/fgog/ is laughing at us again
Leo Fisher
I'm laughing at you too.
Carter Martin
Show us how much money you spent on the game user. When you spend 1400$ on gacha scams, suptixes and finishing your sparks with money there is no luck involved.
Eli Sullivan
>1% rates Do they only enjoy a game if they can spend 4k for nothing but CE?
Gavin Cook
6% rate for 3 days isn't that much better when the pool is still filled with garbage, including summons that exist for no other purpose than to be reduced.
Nolan Lee
But I like using dark srs more than ssrs
Colton Green
The worst are the ones who whine about their alts rolling good shit. No one fucking cares.
Luke Reyes
>he isn't a cuck What's your excuse? Low IQ?
Nathaniel Martinez
Why? Do your hards like you should daily during ST, click one skill to swap to Yoda, press attack, repeat. And you can run double Kaguya/Rabbit for that.
John Hernandez
>t. unluckshitter saving for his virgin spark Real Chads roll every legfest and get good shit out of their ~10-20 rolls they can save up over a month, no excuses for being a unluckshitter.
Ayden Anderson
I'm retarded
Adrian Watson
>lady grey uses the fist of her skeletons to attack >spear proficiency WHY
Landon Richardson
1% rate gives you something useable, 6% rate gives you vortex dragon
Michael Scott
You make it sound like fate go has balanced 5* when it doesn't.
Connor Kelly
Read her skills. As far as enmity attackers go, she's one of the strongest and safest.
Brandon Perry
ChocoCats is recruiting!
We have a free slot for someone who is rank 110+ and doesn't mind using Discord to communicate with the crew.
We're currently superseeded and went 4-1 last GW. We don't have any GW requirements but we do try to get as many wins as we can. Contact 10769082 if you're interested.
Owen Lopez
Where do I go to upgrade the shop even if I'm not ready? I'm sick of checking off each individual rare.
Anthony Miller
just upgrade the shop you lazyfuck
Brayden Parker
You don't it's part of the mini-skit
Andrew Murphy
i have a wind GW dagger and i love it. i want to go dagger again next and make it fire, dark, water and eart (depend on how many i'll get, in this order)
will i regret it? i know fire uses the xeno axe (that i don't have) water uses GW harp (but i have shitty SRs and no data) and most importantly i don't have 4 row classes and i won't have them for a while
Levi Walker
This is a turd
Kayden Thompson
My turd.
Noah Anderson
I farmed 3 and only used 1 so far, being weakshit stick to and improve one maybe two grids
Sebastian Barnes
dagger is good you will get timegated by gold bars & rotb anyway so you won''t be making any jew10 soon
Isaac Powell
Look fucker I'm not even getting a GW character until the one after this one I have to get at least one Dagger first
Which variant of Titan grid is the best anyway? I have seen variants using just Baal Guns, variants with 4 baal axes and 2 guns, and one with 4 stratomizers(I only have one, originally two but I combined them, this was way back in the past)
Parker Garcia
>8 fodder SSR and no levi dagger yet
come one levi at least you were being reasonable until now you fucking cunt
Right now it's Stratomisers, but in two months it'll be AKs since they're going to have Massive Normal and Medium Enmity modifiers.
Jason Johnson
Wow that's really cute. I'm at:
18 selfies 12 spear 10 bow 7 staff 2 daggers
Jace Hernandez
>this is what titancucks believe
Blake Carter
Same here. I am tired of stealing all those MVPs from the levi friends, but I literally need one more and I'll fuck off for a time.
Blake Brooks
Brody Ward
I'm not him, I don't even have a titan but you're being delusional if you don't think KMR will make titan another p2w primal just like zeph & JK dagger
Angel Watson
>you can't use orchid's first skill on cooldown to refresh the shield value Fuckdamn shitcunts
Tyler Morris
What's the best varuna x europa grid?
Jordan Anderson
Dat boy butt
Jayden Price
How many xeno cocy weapons will a typical Varuna grid run? 1 or 2?
Austin Sullivan
Water isn't my main element so if I were to go for someone who wasn't Nio/Siete I'd go for one of the QoL Eternals like Sarsara or Esser.
But it doesn't mention a cutscene at all.
David Price
It refreshes on ougi, that's often enough.
Ethan Edwards
5 murgs, uno 5*
Zachary Russell
you nned to elechange a weapon, then in the revenant weapon shop you pick that weapon and it shows the shop upgrade.
if you haven't elechanged one yet go and do that first.