/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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>GUDAGUDA Honnoji Event begins November 8th

>Fate/GUDAGUDA Order translation

>Interlude AP Cost 1/2 Period:
November 1st 4:00 UTC to November 8th 3:59 UTC

>Da Vinci's Selection FGO's Finest Fellows Pickup Summon
2017-11-01 4:00 - 11-08 3:59 UTC
5* Waver
4* Siegfried, Lancelot
3* Prototype Cu, Alexander

>[AWA FGO Panel]



Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

Master Mission: Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
Rate ups in JP FGO: i.imgur.com/ufcB3OP.jpg
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=1447471767

View: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo

Add yourself: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

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Hana Kana still has shit range though user, the best she could do was Iris Heart and it's still too close to her normal voice.
If you want VAs with range look at Rie Tanaka

What do you guys do with 3* servants you don't need?

I lock the ones I like and burn the rest.

I keep one of every servant.

Burn them for MP


There's no such thng as a servant you don't need since all of them give you quartz for leveling their bond

Burn them all

The Saint

Get interlewd quartz and burn if I don't like them.

keep them for the collection and NP5 them. afterwards they either go into the oven or get fed to another servant

Let them chill out in Chaldea.

If they're NP5, it just means they are mana prisms.

tits too big for okita

I don't have any use for my 3 Robin hoods I rolled after already having a NP5 one.


I wish it was summer!

>he hasn't saved enough archer xp for lvl 80 Oda

I'm gonna bully that Liz.

You're not alone.

Poll results for our GK and Captain!

Gk = Apology for failure

Captain = Fluffy servant!

that fucking picture just started moving and scroleld down my monitor what the fuck

Of course not. I'm slowpoke as fuck and don't play the game properly.

Did you level your Ushi up yet /fgoalter/ ? She needs her red panties and head pats soon for the next event!

Same. Fuck winter.

I will marry Nightingale.

>75k exp until level up

No more hands for me then.

Is Fluffy Servant Medb or is it Emiya wearing Medb's coat?

fuck off

I didn't notice how shitty her design was before i started ascending her desu

Liz thread.

>he thinks people are going to care about any servant other than Okita

Do their first interlude, then send to second archive. I still level their np, just in case I might want to use them for an event or for shit and giggles.

smol thread

I really wish I could, but those fucking horseshoes.

>not already having her max ascended

There was a poll?

her design is awesome
you have shit taste

Thanks for the image, pedo


>Level 99 to 100 takes 1.3million xp
Man grinding hands is so much fun

Okita's Dai-Shouri's are pretty big when not strapped down.



The smallest!

Who are your favorite male and female voice actors?

>her design is awesome
>you have shit taste
good thing such a shit design still has some fans i guess

it will be medb
yes, sorry you missed out, they were in the past two threads

>at least 31 Anons will roll for Okita

I'm already tasting their delicious tears

Tomokazu Sugita and Kanae Itou


pls b my gf

Anyone got a screenshot if Ibaraki from the one event saying her name with stars between the letters?


Sugita and either Omigawa Chiaki or Kana Asumi. They both have unique voices that I really enjoy listening to.

>likes Ushi's design
>thinks he has a right to talk about taste


Stop shitposting with Euryale, go back to Stheno.

How much does it take to get her to max?

I don't have a Stheno folder or Stheno pics for that matter

The shoes are dumb, her skirt cut out showing panties is retarded, and the titty flaps aren't really cute at all.

I know she's best girl, you don't have to spam

Nana and Yukarin

>he cares about welfare servants

Keep taking what you can get, lucklet.

This is your captain tonight

You're both invited to the smol kingdom opening in December

you aren't
plz stay out of smol utopia

Too busy getting Tamamo to 80.

Nowhere near as big as the other image though.

I know it's you Sthenofag, don't fucking try to trick me.

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Báthory’s role in the game is almost analogous to Nanami’s role in Utena – a comic relief character, but also an important central piece to CCC‘s story. Liz is a thinly-veiled parody and critique of idol culture – the game describes her as having a great voice, but wastes it singing crappy, out-of-tune pop songs, to the point that her Noble Phantasm, Báthory Erzsébet, literally has her bring out giant speakers to blast the eardrums of her enemies and put the Curse status on them. She describes idols as the greatest form of torture because she can hold the attention of a legion of fans as they listen to her soul-crushing music. But most importantly, her obsession with idol culture also ties into her desire for eternal youth.

Liz is obsessed with remaining eternally young, chaste, and beautiful. She is completely in love with herself and wishes for the world to revolve around her. This obsession is also partly due to the expectations put on her by the people around her – she’s a noble; a countess whose duty is to rule over her people and to remain eternally beautiful. Believing that she’ll keep her youth by bathing in fresh blood, she continues to torture people throughout the game.

Unfortunately, CCC has a bone to pick with that attitude. The game doesn’t stop making fun of her attempts to become “pure and maidenly”, at one point even straight-up making fun of her for having completely no sexual experience. But most importantly, CCC wants to make it clear that her strong self-love and desire for eternal youth because nothing remains perfect and untarnished forever.

is better for quick CE for ushi or high start np?




>Omigawa Chiaki
My nigga. It really is a shame she has so few main roles outside of Maka and a bunch of good Shaft shows.

IS THAT A non-FGO related picture?
Why post that?

>wasting my exp on welfare servants
The only place Nobu has is, in the backline as lvl1 during the event and then a cozy spot in the second archive along with my 1-3*s.


Rie Tanaka
Jouji Nakata

Why is this dumb slut so cute?

What was the picture?

imo quick is better, like IA or With One Strike

something like 347 gold cards
you saved some xp cards right?

Literally, unironically heresy and you'll burn in hell.

>Jouji Nakata
A man of culture.

It's the perspective.

I have enough to get Okita to level 80.

I was so excited when I found out she was voicing Paul in FGO, and then pretty sad when I realized what a terrible character Paul is. I'd have a tough time spending the grails on her.

Paul is cute! CUTE!!

I don't care as long I can still LEWD THE SAINT!

What flavor of pop-tarts are those?


How would you feel if they announced Fate Grand Order will be dubbed?

No, the first image just has stupidly huge tits.

Well I managed to get Tamamo from 1-92 on day with stored XP cards, you can do the same for Okita if you really try.
Tamamo is 100 now with 5/8/8 skills

Whatever helps you sleep at night

Looks like blueberry.

We were pastry chefs and the like!

Waste of money.

>Hana Kana still has shit range though
Maybe if you've only ever heard her typecasted.