How much veracity is there to true African history sites? Apart from their Egyptian dynasties.
How much veracity is there to true African history sites? Apart from their Egyptian dynasties
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I couldn't tell you Our resident African history expert Melanin Warrior keeps getting banned by white racist mods.
If they could see, hear and smell miles away, then how did they get enslaved?
Yes actually! There were several relatively well developed African empires up until about the 1500s. They never got around to inventing gunpowder, but when those weapons were introduced by the... Portuguese as I recall, they were able to copy and use them really well, and actually beat European colonial forces a number of times. THEN Europe started making far more complex weapons that could not be copied with that tech base, and it was all downhill from there.
Obviously images like that are dumb/satirical bullshit, but "we wuz kangz" is not wrong. Well, the "kangz" part anyways, the "we wuz" is disputable because I don't believe ancestral claims are worth a damn.
>Ethiopian diet
>I don't believe ancestral claims are worth a damn.
You reject the validity of monarchies?
I think we both know you can only pick one
Every parking garage in my city is run and staffed by Ethiopians (I think it's like the Vietnamese all running the nail salons because their friends/family can get them jobs/training), and the husband of one of my favorite parking attendant girls is opening an Ethiopian restaurant and insist I come. I had to ask what kind of food they even serve. Her accent is heavy enough I still don't know. Curries I think?
Almost none. I'm sure you can find a few legitimate history sites, with details about Benin, Mali, Ethiopia, etc
Most of them are African-Americans trying to convince people that, at best, they're the descendants of the Ancient Egyptians, and at worst, that they have superpowers which the white man has somehow suppressed with his unwashed caveman technology
Any sauce about the "Great empires that could beat the Europeans"? I'm not saying that this is fake. I'm just curious
Not him, but here's an interesting event I first learned about here on Veeky Forums.
considering they've never developed a written language, probably not much.
They didn't build their first bridge until the anglos showed their necessity.
Well yeah North Africa has been civilized since forever, they are pretty based specially the Berbers barely christianized/islamiced depending of the period. I like specially they swords, quite cool looking and you can see European influences, like you can see North African influences in the swords of the Iberian peninsula.
More Nimchas.
They're 99.9% bullshit.
West African contact with European was the beginning of the end desu. The slave trade fucked over African kingdoms by making it an arms race to defend against/persist in slave raids on your rivals. Having nearly 10 million people out of the maybe 30 million that lived in the region at the time be abducted meant there was severe depopulation, especially along the Coasts surrounding the Bight of Benin, which hampered and some would say even lead to regressive economic development.
>it's a "people don't properly distinguish between North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa" episode
>It's also a people don't distinguish between West
Africa, East Africa, Central Africa and Southern Africa episode.
It's actually fucking delicious. It's close to a very Indian curry, but with some accents like you'd get in a South Mexican mole.
They don't use utensils and instead you eat with these giant fluffy wheat flat breads. Get a dark beer to go with it and it's damn fine cuisine.
Also, don't refer to as Ethiopian food if he's actually Eritrean. They're still kind of pissy about that, for some reason.
Berbers are basically pre-Arab North Africans
Modern Arabs look particularly dark because of the huge chunk of sub-Saharan DNA that has entered their gene pool through the slave trade, but they're still very much a Caucasoid people
It's a shame African Americans see so little in themselves to take pride in that they pretend they wuz kangz and sheeit
Uh, no, they aren't "Ayraab" they are Berbers with some little Arab, "black" (from the times they took Slaves from the Sahel) and even Iberian genes, but they are they own thing. Also I never said anything about them being black brah, I'm not American and I know a few of them, Moors at worst look like this if they have black blood.
The 25th dynasty of Egypt is largely recognized as Nubian.
I mean, they lasted all of about a hundred years, but there were actual black egyptian kangz
They probably don't have any particularly cloe relation to the West Africans who were enslaved by the Arabs and the Americans, though
I dunno, how many Sudan Slaves were sold in the Triangular slave trade?
I really only have a passing acquaintance with the history of the slave trade, so I may have gone overboard in trying to hedge what I was saying
I have no source. I learned of it in a Political Science class on African Politics. I mean, I have the textbook somewhere, but I'm not going to dig it up. I'm inclined to believe the information though both because I remember it being sourced fairly well, and also the professor was very much in the pro-colonialism camp. Nto to a cartoonish degree, but his point throughout the class was that colonialism failed and was bad not because of some inherent flaw, but because European countries did not go far enough in eradicating primitive cultures and installing their own.
Not talking about North Africa. This is the Togo/Benin area, mostly West Africa. Though IIRC there was a fairly sophisticated empire in Mali and another in southern Africa somewhere.
I think you have mixed the Japanse desu. As long as I know all the States than dealed with slaves were doing it so to acquire more guns, ammunation/powder, rum and other european exotic wares, I don't remember anything about them producing firearms.
While you're right, Japan did have some similarities with what I was talking about, they were ultimately successful in becoming cultural magpies. I'm definitely talking about pre-Colonial Africa, and they definitely did not succeed
>because European countries did not go far enough in eradicating primitive cultures and installing their own
That's pretty cartoonish as well as well as ignoring the reality that integrating and uplifting the natives would harm the bottom line of colonies and make things even more difficult.
There were more Malagasy slaves from Madagascar than Sudanese sold to America.
I don't doubt this for any race especially ones who are keen hunters. The same is said of aboriginals in Australia.
>be abducted
>le "europoors stole me" maymay
They were already owned and sold by kingdoms that genuinely would trade niggas in exchange for pig-iron.
>Ethiopian diet
So eating flies actually makes you become a fly?
The mountains of the Maghreb have some interesting phenotypes. Some of them are related to indigenous Scandinavians.
>their egyptian dynasties
Worship of the past is a thing among all human beings, and African Americans have to reach back a bit to find something to be proud of.
Personally, it's like the Scandavian SuperWarriors meme. No harm no foul, it's not like it's going mainstream anytime soon.
Does this make your mouth water?
>people who aren't an ethnicity getting offended for someone else.
Phenotype/= genotype of course. Albino Melanisnians look identical to most Germans.
>people who aren't an ethnicity getting offended for someone else.
I am a dedicated anti-Bantu poster, Bantus are literally a plague and it is absolutely essential that they are culled.
Like ditching your culture and sucking the culture dick of the colonial master was something not many took up because of several issues.
1. the state say you are an "equal" but there's always a catch and in many cases come with blatant caveats. The people on the other hand see you as a nigger/savage/Mohammedan in a suit. On the colony hierarchy you are above native but below everything else
2. You essentially cut off all ties with your former life and have to enter a new society as a minority with complete loss of you social ties and basically at square -1-0 and still poor in many cases but hey at least you speak French!
3. You are a threat to the state and too many of natives like you are a threat to the order of things.
>and African Americans have to reach back a bit to find something to be proud of.
That's not fair. Western people typically reach back to the Renaissance or even Rome.
so an idiot like those who spout "Germanics ruin everything"?
or Greece.
Funny thing is that they don't need to but still do it.
Except bantus are delusional subhumans that breed like rabbits. The only other group this can be said about are Han, which are also in need of a culling.
Nice edge. Not worth the bump
>endorses khoisan genocide
>calls me edgy
haha ok buddy
>It's a retard who doesn't know what Bantu means episode
Protip: It means nothing west of Cameroon
It means nigger, plain and simple. Just because you call the other groups "bantoids" it doesn't mean they're not the same shit.
Calling all black people Bantu is like calling all white people Slavic
I am calling niggers bantu.
I can say congoids instead if you want, but they all speak a bantu-derived language anyway.
And again, I am certainly not calling all black-skinned people bantus, only the niggers.
It's in the genetic map, nigga
>I am calling niggers bantu.
Not the same
>I can say congoids instead
Nonsensical name
>they all speak a bantu-derived language anyway
If you're referring to the people of the Congo basin that depends
Your level of understanding is low
Bantoids, Bantu, Mande etc. are all the same fucking stock even if they speak SLIGHTLY different languages (all are niger-congo anyway) you pedantic fuck. These are what are colloquially known as "fucking niggers" and I will refer to them as such.
While at the same time, I would not dream of referring to somaloids, ethiopians, sudanese etc. or khoisan as "fucking niggers", because they are not. Do you understand?
Not him, and maybe this is the /pol/ in me talking, but isn't the generally agreed-upon definition of "nigger" simply a person (typically but not always black) who behaves in a crass, barbaric, hedonistic, violent manor?
Are you suggesting a "nigger" is primarily a genetic condition rather than cultural??
A nigger is just colonial slave stock aka bantu (and those other autistic subgroups I listed) so yes it is genetic.
Congo-Niger peoples, the largest African group (so much so that they're wiping out the others) and distinct from all the others. That is what we call a nigger.
>isn't the generally agreed-upon definition of "nigger" simply a person (typically but not always black) who behaves in a crass, barbaric, hedonistic, violent manor?
Not really. It generally means black and referring to blacks. Jsut liek how faggot works.
Usually people try to remove it's racial tone to sanitize it but that is a useless venture.
Sure the traditional sense of the word has simply been an insult to blacks, but that certainly has been morphing. I guess it's a /pol/ thing more than a Veeky Forums thing
I feel the same way. I think that the worth of people is what they do in life and not what bloodline they're a part of or who they're related to. Maybe that's because I come from a lower class family.
Nigger referring to particularly crude blacks existed before /pol/. It's just that this is a history board and that's not the historical usage.
>Bantoids, Bantu, Mande etc. are all the same fucking stock
Not really
There's distinct differences between the various sub-saharan ethnic groups
>even if they speak SLIGHTLY different languages
Bantu languages are about as distant from each other as the Germanic languages are
Mande, Kru, Volta-Niger, Kwa, Gur, Senufo, Nuba, etc. are all wildly different families
>While at the same time, I would not dream of referring to somaloids, ethiopians, sudanese etc. or khoisan as "fucking niggers", because they are not
How so?
Europeans, Arabs, Indians, and Americans call them niggers as well
Uh, nope, I seen lots of drunken Germans and they spawn in the beaches of my country, they don't look very alike apart of being fair (before being converted to boiled crabs, that's it).
No, this is just garbage people from Veeky Forums believe. It is not the official definition. Only the meaning 4channers try to force.
>Are you suggesting a "nigger" is primarily a genetic condition rather than cultural??
A better question if if you are retarded. You are jumping to this question pretending what you said prior is correct. No, nigger is a label for blacks and has nothing to do with whatever you said before.
He's pointing to the lion he smelled 3.5 miles away
Berbers are mixed race. All of them all.
You have to be an absolute retard to not know the history of North Africa to believe they are separate from the rest of Africa or they are part black from only slavery and not a much more ancient origin.
West Africans didn't have chattel slavery, neither were they owned in a true sense of the word. In fact that's what infuriated Portuguese when they first arrived.
the lineage of language, the earliest archaelogical indications of culture, and the genetic typing all indicate that there was very little original sub-saharan influence on the berbers other than the small diffusion across the world's largest fucking desert.
The sahara is only 5k years old and we know that the genetic foundation of Berber falls squarely into Sub Saharan Africa.
We also know the Berber family of languages has a late diffusion that explains in homogeneity and we know archeological evidence shows ancient links to both regions.
Don't half ass a response simply because you don't know the topic at hand.
get off your high horse, although portions of the sahara were more like the sahel now, the desert still existed and was still by far the largest on the planet.
>Names after town called Mayonaise in France
>Town founded Carthaginians and named after Mago, Hannibal's brother
>Carthaginians are from Africa