Will there be survivors??
But seriously, it's down more than 4% at this moment. it's probably what's driving down the market. I'm buying index funds, I'd recommend others do the same once the fallout clears
Will there be survivors??
But seriously, it's down more than 4% at this moment. it's probably what's driving down the market. I'm buying index funds, I'd recommend others do the same once the fallout clears
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Its gonna tank even more
Not only will United Airlines beat you up for their mistake of overbooking a flight but they will doxxx you and smear your reputation
If you own any bit of United stock you better sell fast NOW because that chink is gonna be very rich soon
Dont you think it will blow over by next week? These stories dont stick around because the media has a short attention span
The media blew off a school shooting for this United story....
Who fucking knows what will blow over or not. Anything with a minority is priority it seems. Not a white disabled kid getting killed.
UAL is only down 3%.
SPY is down 0.4%.
Nothing is "crashing" you fucking moron.
>murder-suicides are now "school shootings"
I follow a couple of lawyers on youtube and really am interested in how rich this crazy chinger is gonna be. He just lived the modern american dream.
UAL is not even close to their one month low...
this is a non-event....
Why tf do airlines overbook?
Just leave the seats empty
The amount of money UA is losing from this PR disaster doesn't come close to leaving a few seats empty
Hahah yeah this, some niggers are gonna get fired I hope. Treating customers like cattle hahaha, get your Jew bux fucked.
At this point Amtrak is looking pretty comfy compared to airlines cancelling your tickets cause they're overbooked
Didn't Amtrak just have an accident in New Jersey or some place? Government is too incompetent for me, although I do like trains, they are nowhere near as /comfy/ as their Eurocuck counterparts.
That was NJ Transit.
No one died it just delayed a lot of shit in Penn station, NYC
Oh, well that makes sense. NJ sucks.
Also I should mention Amtrak isn't the govt, it's mostly run like a private corp, similar to the postal service
You're half correct. The government decides Amtrak's budget. It was the government's answer to the passenger rail disaster in the early 70s.
Even before this incident United has been by far the worst airline in the world.
I travel a lot for work and here are some of my United "experiences"
>10 years ago they gave me a blanket that smelled like piss
>8 years ago they canceled my flight, so did other airlines because it was due to weather. While other airlines booked hotels for their customers United gave us a bottle of water
>5 years ago United put too much fuel on the airplane so we had to sit on the runway for an hour to burn it of
After this I just stopped flying with United
Here are my top picks tho if anyone is wondering
>Singapore Airlines
>Czech Airlines
>British Airways
Amtrak is responsible for the track, signaling and most other infrastructure not NJ Transit
S&P was down 0.8%, and it came close to recovering. did you buy the dip?
also the crash was an obvious plane joke you dingus
What lawyers do you follow?
>school shooting
>murder scuicide
Pick one
What, are they suppose to report every time a white kid dies ? Fuck off
Whoa, that guy aged very well. Is this common in America?
t. Slav
well, people have been taking better care of themselves
Those are typical. I know of a family that was flying with them, they wouldn't let a parent give their blanket to their cold child because the child was in second class.
You malays are panicking about nothing. All the bad news the past couple days is driving the VIX up. It will turn over by thursday. Im buying puts on thursday and enjoying the ride down.
fucking lel