Ah, I see. I saw #119 and noticed it died before hitting the bump limit, so figured that was the last one. Good catch.
Justin Richardson
Played this game with zero japanese knowledge using the google translator app. Obviously, still looking forward to the english release, but it's nice to know I can still enjoy future kiseki games even if an english version never makes it over for whatever reason. Technology is a wonderful thing.
Gavin Bennett
Keep your lolis safe, everyone.
Charles Young
In Zemuria, lolis protect you.
Jason Foster
Calvard when?
Nathaniel Fisher
Welp, didn't last long
Jacob Robinson
About to face dragon in chapter 4. What is the recommended party composition? As I thought, managing 16 characters is very troublesome.
Adrian Long
Dead general.
What happened?
Asher Peterson
Sleep well, /fg/
Christopher Stewart
Is not the best idea to revive the general in the hours with the least amount of activity.
Ryan Thomas
Reviving the ded thread!
Dylan Morales
Hey, it's Juna!
Do you think she remembers that time we DIDN'T GET CROSSBELL BACK LOL
Brandon Adams
>Josette actually joins you because muh brothers >no S-craft what
Alexander Ross
How good or bad is Zwei II? I heard that is locked at 30fps is that true? Why is no one talking about the game?
Damn that's horrible. I guess shitposting on twitter won't give you enough buyers. I am waiting for huge price drops.
Ethan Cooper
>Why is no one talking about the game?
Because it's completely average and unremarkable, that's why
It has the usual Falcom charm but there's nothing special about it, it's just "okay, I guess" at best
Blake Flores
It's ok, I'm playing it now. It suffers from a case of falcom stats (ie. where 3 extra attack points will let you absolutely murder a boss while before you were just tickling it), but other than that it's not too bad.
Gavin King
Tita is still Tita. it's enough
Ryan Bailey
It's ok, /fg/. Time to let it go.
Isaiah Bennett
To be honest the game isn't all that great and it's old game, too. Graphically it isn't pretty, and gameplay wise there's nothing special really.
Easton Perry
Last hope will be next week. If it has nothing to hype then we must let this thread go.
Jayden Watson
Fuck Nisa Fuck Sen Fuck PS4
Alexander Evans
You know, if this were a REAL Falcom general, you guys would have bought this game and would be discussing it right now.
Seriously, we need to write a guide or some shit. Some of the missables are pretty obnoxious.
Samuel Powell
>delay game for 2 week >delay it again for 2 months >now delayed to the next year I will never not mad, fuck NISA.
John Lee
I will never get Falcom addition about foods on their games.
Colton Perry
Hudson Moore
Because this general is shitseki general, they don't talk about good games.
Luke Scott
Holy shit fg has shit taste, are you redditors from the discord?
Kayden Morris
Guys i really think we should move to /jp/. Then we don't have to worry about the thread dying. Sometimes slow and quiet is nice.
Though i'm sure the real reason is that most of you aren't real Falcom fans. Fuck this general. Is going to the Discord worth it? I don't like the "chatroom" format.
John Butler
Maybe we should give up for now and revive it once ao/cs2 port or maybe cs4 news are out. I checked the discord but I just can't get used to it.
Jonathan Gray
its better than this general which only plays trails and thinks oath is the only good ys game, you should make it so this shit thread can finially die until cod steel is announced for localization
Christopher Bailey
Kill yourself
Jaxson Gray
Smug Altina.
Ethan Sanchez
No one wants to talk about kiseki anymore after Sen 3. It's the same everywhere.
Christian Brown
Better dead than nonexistant
Chase Hernandez
Elijah Anderson
Adrian Sanchez
On a scale of one to 10, how much better would Cold Steel be if Rean was female?
Aiden Scott
Huh? That isn't the reason at all. 90% of people left because they don't want to get spoiled and wont be able to play Sen 3 for years. There is no new Kiseki for anybody to play right now and it is not like people here were actual Falcom fans.
People barely even talked about Ys 8 let alone something like Zwei 2.
People will be back when CS 2 is released on steam or when/if the Ao no Kiseki english translation gets finished.
Josiah Sanders
Might be better, but not with that character design.
Jason Green
> Be daddy Rean > Your kids are delinquents > They decide to tail you to a place closed by the government by hijacking a military vehicle. > They decide to tail you while you head to the rooftop and confront terrorists instead of helping out with the evacuation of the VIP. > They decide to tail you to a casino and they find you playing a children's card game with a bunch of jaegers for information.
Will daddy Rean ever discipline his kids?
Brandon Gray
He spanks juna and musse every night.
Elijah Rivera
Daddy is disappointed in you spying on him.
Anthony Russell
>musse she can only wish
Charles Rivera
Give link to the discord
Charles Rodriguez
She would want it both ways regardless.
Matthew Myers
You sure Juna doesn't wanna be spanked by the entirety of Crossbell? I mean, she does like Crossbell back after all.
Michael Bell
>Be a harem protagonist yet the only character you even take any notice is the guy who put you in a coma. >Be a ln tier special snowflake protagonist who has all these cool powers, a mecha, and friendship powers which screw you over badly at the worst possible moment. >Have three games in your belt and still hasn't obtained any kind of happy ending in a series where the only thing that matters is what you accomplish in the final hours of the game. >Obtain your mecha but get wrecked by your boyfriend so hard that you had to retreat to the mountains and in a coma for a month. >Your boyfriend dies for you to save a prince who ends up being the biggest little shit head. >You end up killing a beast thanks to the powers of your dead friend who became a sword and lose yourself to your powers that actually belonged to daddy. Said beast wasn't something that you weren't supposed to kill and thanks to you killing it, you doom Erebonia.
Being Rean is suffering.
Luke Harris
Grayson Morgan
>TFW you and your waifu harem are about to fuck shit up
Evan King
Kisekifags please buy Zwei.
Connor Jenkins
More like >tfw you realize you can only waifu one of them now and it still won't matter
Tyler Mitchell
oh yeah so what's the deal with those RAMDA orbments that calvard has? did we get a sneak peak at the Calvard series's orbment system?
Easton Torres
You fucks actually revived the threads?
Anthony Campbell
I am currently playing Ys 7, so maybe i'll check that one out afterwards.
Jonathan Wright
If it's good enough for Crow and Rutger then it's good enough for /fg/
Brandon Brooks
D-Delet this!
Jose Hall
The hell is going on there? King's game?
Bentley Morris
So there's an alpha translation released of the first Zwei!! -- does anyone have a download link for the Japanese game? My googlefu has found nothing.
Ethan Powell
>no memories until the final scene >work for fucking osborne of all people Even /fg/ deserves better
Ryan White
Also, I hope it's closer to Xanadu Next than Gurumin. Why can't more games be as good as Xanadu Next?? Tell me Falcom fans.
Jack Rivera
I just finished it. I liked the QoL updates to the inventory management and combat compared to the first game. The bosses were a joke but the dungeons were pretty fun, especially the ones in the last third of the game. Good OST too as usual. I'm way too lazy to write a guide but if you want to go for it, here are some japanese ones for reference:
It's Lambda. People are just confused because Nips fuck up their Ls. And before anyone says "b-but I saw it written" please remember the whole Harmel/Hamel shit.
Brayden Turner
Someone hasn't played CS3. Juna's entire arc in the game is being mind broken to love the Empire. In a few years time she'll be Juna Vander and her kids will be protecting the next generation of the imperial family.
Camden Bennett
>protecting the next generation of the imperial family. Jesus christ I hope not. It isn't looking like there's going to be anyone left there worth protecting.
Isaiah White
Olivert is probably still alive, so they'll protect the children of Emperor Olivert and Empress Schera.
Nolan Baker
>Olivert is probably still alive People keep saying that, but I'm not convinced. I think it's just wishful thinking. An asspull like that would really hurt the series's credibility.
Angel Baker
>implying trails has any credibility left
Evan Diaz
Oh please there's many different ways he could have escaped from that. Plus we didn't see the body, we saw both Loewe and Weissman turns into salt in our screen, and Crow + Osborne for the time they were dead, we also got to see die on screen.
Anthony Edwards
They showed him, Toval, and Victor all accepting death. Then the whole airship blew to pieces. There's no way to weasel out of that one unless they want to have the gnomes bring him back for some reason.
Jaxon Young
These threads have no fewer unique posters now than they did before Sen 3 (well not this one, but before we went a couple of days without a thread). Just no one wants to talk about it.
And I'm the same. The more I think about Sen 3 the less I like it, so I deliberately don't think about it.
Jayden Bennett
They were caught by surprise yeah, i don't imagine they could have escaped on their own, but some outside force could do it, it's all to reinforce the feeling of dread, and make us believe it, no way in hell they're killing one of their, if not the most beloved character in the series so far. For example, remember the artifact from Carnelia? The one that teleported them out of harms way all of a sudden? Or Bleublanc who is not helping Ouroboros this time, could have teleported them out of there, since he would not want Olivier his rival, to die such an ugly death, where even Campy felt it was a low blow.
We'll have to wait and see honestly, but i'm not buying it.
Aiden Thompson
>This user thinks they're actually dead
He deserves more bullying than Duvalie.
Sebastian Martin
It's not a matter of not wanting to talk about it, it's more like most people here won't play it, cause they don't understand what's going on, not knowing the little fun tidbits that happen in the game, the lore details and so on, and we've run out of stuff to talk about in relation to the scraps we were given in relation to spoilers.
The other series are not really story heavy enough to warrant a proper discussion, and Ys 8 is a fucking mess, and i assume lots were waiting for the PC release, and they refuse to budge until that gets one.
Kayden Sullivan
How can you possibly take deaths seriously anymore? Have you not been paying attention?
Ryan Smith
>cute/hot girls get away with anything >everyone is as strong or weak as the scene needs >"military academy" >go from 3 robots to mechas for everyone >dead men walking >the curse made me do it >4 years and 3 games to tell half a story I mean I still enjoy trails but its credibility was over a long time ago.
Jacob Baker
Y'all keep saying that they wouldn't do something like that, but this is the same series that ended multiple games on cliffhangers that would piss anyone off, that introduced child molestation as a key part of a character's backstory, and that made the Cold Steel series which is basically all about the good guys being played like a fiddle by the keikaku master. I don't think they'd be afraid to kill off Olivier.
Matthew Bailey
Your big November announcement
Wyatt Barnes
It's not even the date of the magazine release.
Leo Mitchell
Death is different. It's supposed to be final and that's why there was so little of it before. And cs even brought people back so it's really hard to believe they'd suddenly kill 3 good guys in one scene.
Easton Lewis
>so it's really hard to believe they'd suddenly kill 3 good guys in one scene. Eh, I believe it.
Ethan Perry
Oliver Sanchez
>showed him, Toval, and Victor all accepting death If you're implying that's a flag, you should also take into account that despite Olivert and Victor both sporting death flags, Toval's death flag never got raised over the course of the game. Kisekis aren't edgy enough to kill someone off without fair warning.
Yeah of course the script to sc2 is done and the work will obviously flow into cs3. Xseed is not retarded when it comes to things outside of marketing unline a certain other localisation publisher.
Tyler Lopez
I really hate that OlivierxSchera is canon now. Olivier is supposed to be for Kloe.
Dylan Sanders
Kloe is already promised to the king of the birds and will lay a beautiful new harpie baby.
Leo Brooks
Literally how? Kloe has always wanted to platonically fuck Lechter.
Justin Cook
For a second I thought Doobie was wearing a skimpy swimsuit