League of legends general - /lolg/

Warwick makes a new friend edition


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xth for impregnation fetish!

>Dark Lux will never sit on my lap
how do I keep going

Xth for gassing Lulu and Zoe fags

xth for my wife Syndra

>cuts into future champ sales

Nigger, you're already raking in cash hand over fist, what the fuck are you doing?

Why is he grabbing Tristana while showing her a picture of herself?

I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!

>tfw no qt petite gf to survive the zombie apocalypse with

xth for bring back urgot

I want nami to trap me in her dolphinpussy until I pass out and wake up still inside her

>both of Sona's best friends are star guardians
>she isn't

Best guy!
Evelynn is fun!
Old Evelynn was also fun!

at least your rework wasnt complete trash
unlike eve for example

The eve rework makes my dick diamonds though

Why is Draven such a cute little autist?

and thats all that matters right
who cares about the actual gameplay when a horny 14 year old can fap to it

>need honor lvl 5
>play regulars
>see a clan with 4 people
>they all fucking suck and feed their asses off
>go rhaast just so I can carry their bitch asses
>i'm literally the only one with engages, towers, inhibs, dragons and 1 baron steal
>not 1 fucking honor
Awesome system

>kayn goes blue against tryn, zilean, fiddle , jhin, and bard
>wonders why he dies 10 times and cant assassinate anyone

why do people even install this game

Should I go Electrocute with Ahri or should I go with the Lich Bane build while going with Dark Harvest?

To be fair, assassin kayn is 10% more fun than the boring ass other form.
Yeah I know it's meta and blah blah blah koreans, but it's boring as fuck.

hey gumi
die pls lmao

a grey screen after getting cucked is fun?

Rhaast is way more fun cause he actually does shit

Winning is fun
Being a useless fuck is not

I said a bunch of zeroes, why did it only say 10?

Post and rate but DON'T hate

Take it to riot for making assassins so garbage.

Even Rhaast would be garbage against that comp. He should have just picked something else entirely.

Best guy!
He's so cute!

downloading the game now. whats the sluttiest hero (er champion...srry dota player) I can play.

If I play support will people verbally abuse me and call me bad names? (I like that)

Post 'em

Say something nice and something mean about the person who goes before you.

No its the people that willingly want to be useless
Like if youre 7/0 and raping everyone sure go blue form otherwise just dont and play khazix or rengar who are actual useful jungle assassins

but sona doesn't have any friends....

Janna is literally THE support slut. Soraka is also a good contender

If you're playing for fun sure go assassin Kayn who cares what the rest of your team thinks mute buttons exist for a reason.
But if you're doing poorly and that option for Rhaast pops up first and you wait those 5 minutes for shadow assassin just uninstall.

good job on---
I like--

you cropped that screen shot real well user

sorry but gas all janna mains that champion is aids

I want to fart on Lulu and Zoe

Can someone give me tips on ways to level up quicker while jungling?

I try to get everything as fast as I can but I'm still like level 4 at 15 minutes. I have no clue how people get to level 6 in 6 minutes.
Also my health gets completely wrecked and if I don't recall at level 2 I will die.
Is there some item I need that I don't have?

Please tell me what to do. I want to not be terrible at it.

stupid boosted support monkey

>Soraka is also a good contender

more like the top slut


Janna has a sluttier design overall.

Ahri. Janna or Sona if you really want to be a slutty support that everyone would abuse if you fuck up.

She has me. and she always will.

Soraka's dress shows off her huge cock and balls

Sona is the best to slut as t. Pro

dont bully our only good girl

just fuck off

long time dota 2 player. Trying this game because sometimes I just want something quick and low effort (dont always have time for a 45+ minute exhausting game, much as I enjoy them)

This whole paid champion model is bullshit, so someone tell me who is the most mechanically intensive/highest skillcap champ I can buy to just dumpster people in my spare time.

I reinstalled and I can't see my match history or number of games played.
Did they just stop showing old data?

I don't really play ranked at all, only if one of my friends force me to duo with him. I've had a lot of friends quit in the past because of ranked and the stress it adds.
I could never get Elise down right to being good with her.
>Actually enjoying playing as Elise.

Probably my favorite thing right now is playing TK in toplane. What do you guys think of this?
na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/preseason-update/8400-8437?build=30220370 - Possible TK Top
na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/preseason-update/8400-8437?build=30220016 - 2nd possible TK Top


>Sona's lover is a Star Guardian
>she isn't

pls respond

On a scale of 1-10, how cringey autistic is this picture?

If you pick off-meta shit like alistar top in ranked I will report you. Even if we win. Have fun with your ban, I already got like 3 instant-feedback reports over the last few days.

It's p bad, he's their summoner. Heroes are in DotA.

Check out these champions - they're all pretty good at stomping shitters and are fairly mechanical (inb4 people shitpost because they think one these champions is easy, nigga they ain't garen so shut up)

>try to snipe friend 2-2 in diamond promos
is there a worse feeling

I don't remember Sona posters being this obnoxious
Did something happen?

So, I understand why people mind find this kind of picture appealing, but damn it feels cringy. It's fictional characters trying to help with real emotion.

Reminds me of all the Nintendo characters crying over Iwata when he passed away.

>m-muh meta

>Reminds me of all the Nintendo characters crying over Iwata when he passed away.
That has way more validity than this bullshit. Losing Iwata was a big deal.

If you willingly pick a 50% winratio champ over a 55% winratio champ then you are helping the team. Enjoy your ban.


pic related
im willing to bet money that you arent even good at the game

>Nintendo characters crying over Iwata

That's because Iwata made/contributed to those games and fucking died, instead of losing in a video game 3 times

Draven. He is a snowball carry that if you are better than your opponents you will end the games fast and climb quickly.


>pick draven
>shit all over the enemy twitch/kog in lane
>lose anyway
epic just epic

Nobody is good at the game. Doesn't matter, pick top tier champs or you will get banned.

With a decent jungle pick (let's say Xin Zhao) you should be able to clear camp to level 3 without dying. Even without a leash from a laner you stay above half HP with smite and refillable. I don't see where the struggle is, unless you can't spam QWE and right click.

I'll pick Udyr wether you like it or not.

Even a one for one is great for Draven in lane because of how his passive works. You have to be really awful to throw a lead as Draven. He is also one the adcs least reliant on his support.

>Mama Meep
>Cumshot in 7

what did they mean by this?

>level 4 in 15 minutes
are you taking smite and buying a jungle item lol

so you arent good, but you think you deserve to tell other people how to play based on numbers.

post your op.gg, if any of your winrates are below the average you should uninstall like the faggot you are

>int as twitch on plat acc
>switch accs
>1v9 as twitch on d1 acc

rly made me think

I want china to get bombed, sick of these filthy fucks coming to Oceania servers and ruining games.

filthy gook faggots

>Brand Support
>Only AP on team
>Enemy team stacks nothing but HP and Armor

Pic related, it was their team every time I pressed R.

>35 games with garen soloq
>63% wr
i dont even know much about this champ

Just got permabanned 1 day before season end


I want to share a bloodbath with Vayne!

So, are the US servers down right now?

Also holy fucking fuck, I thought it was sad hearing the smurfs and people in ranked complain about noobs and their "meta" strategies,

maybe I just don't frequent Veeky Forums enough, but judging someone based on their video game strategy is just...

it's saying that your life value is based on a video game...

vayne looks slender af in that picture

This: Even as like, TK Jungle which is pretty damn rough, you can hit lvl 3 and gank pretty easily with both buffs before backing.

Yasuo looks the most fun. Samurai weeb shit right up my alley too. Assuming I can just spam him exclusively and no one will fuss about it? Not that I care. Lot of games in Dota I just pick Antimage and mute my teammates before the game starts

Gangplank. Gameplay is very unique (landing explosive AoE skillshots in sequence, if you fail your combo it does litteraly nothing, if you succeed you will deal a gazillion AoE damage).
It's a lategame champ, so it may be a bad idea if you really want to end games asap.
If you're good at GP, getting to lategame without dying too much and getting enough CS usually equals to victory.

>6:30 in game
>Level 6 Shaco walks into my lane
Wait what the fuck???

holy fucking shit, no need for AMA, just tell us the story

I played jhin and dominated through ardents meta. Does that mean im now banned?

All the Faker dicksucking after he was crying genuinely bugs the shit out of me.
>Won worlds three times
>Failed to win fourth time
>completely comes unglued
>people give more consideration to him than the ones who won, including Crown and Ambition who have been playing for years and never won dick
Yeah, that poor, poor baby. Fuck him and everyone who legitimately feels bad for him.

>Be smurfing as Brand
>Enemy team starts a Baron

wtf happened to hashinshin stream?

>Assuming I can just spam him exclusively and no one will fuss about it?
Yasuo players have a reputation for being massive raging shitters who go 0/10 in lane and blame their jungler, so avoid doing that.

Other than that, because Riot can't actually balance the game is balanced around a dumb meta, so if you can't get mid or top it's probably not a good idea to play him. Technically, he can go bot lane but people expect a ranged marksman. Don't try to jungle with him, it's shit.

Lee Sin

>say china are pig before game
>3 Chinese pigs on team
>they all follow me around
>call them tiny dicks
>get permabanned

His autism got the better of him and he told a rioter to get fired after said rioter destroyed him in lane

If you like anti mage try kassadin but yes yasuo is fun too though if you are not high elo he gets banned a lot because average players have yasuo ptsd.