League of Legends general - /lolg/

Riven is best girl edition

OT: eyosongive.us

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xth for my wife Syndra

I want Nami to smother me with her fishpussy!

kat a best

What champion pisses you off the most?

She's one of the best, yes. Surprise Party and Cheerleader epic skins one day, maybe.

You have a threesome with your highest and lowest mastery champs.

How does it go?

Pick an item from this page you want back
State why it should be back

>think i'm finally free from this shit game
>new champ has like 5 of my biggest fetishes
give me ONE good reason to not reinstall this game and otp zoe

deewdle doo dooroo

dewdle doo dooroo

Noob here.
Who are some easy-to-learn hard-to-master champions with good carry potential to main?
I play annie/lux mostly but I think they are very repetitive.
No yasuo/thresh or others that are banned a lot.
I'm inclined to go with Ahri.


Just play that monster girl game with Mako for now! Shark-themed Nami skin when?

>tfw ending season in silver
>tfw played over 500 games and honestly tried my best to climb
>tfw been playing since season 2


but also this

Replace Knights Vow with Martyrs Gambit, the amount of people who still dont know to stick with the tank as an ADC is absurd


>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

old jungle items, they were distinct, now every item is the same sword, can't tell them apart.
alternatively boot enchants but keep the homeguard from 20 minutes as a thing

I have 4800 IP.

I want to pick up a new edgy champ, who do I choose?



Get 300 more ip and roll shards

Nami and Evelynn? Two words:
But. In the best way possible?

if you want to win 1v9, vlad

Vlad. Make the enemy team hate League of Legends.

>literally the 5 enemy bans are directed to hashinshin

>blahh blahh vlad
Yorick, Cull into Executioners and W when he's coming out of sanguine pool

for a autistic jax main his champion pool is quite large

Zoe is for hug, not fug

is blue ez still viable?

>rakan, that's the wrong hole

Alright lolg. what meme build am i going to CLIMB with next season.
>AP on-hit Shen Top
>Crit Thresh adc
>AD Leona Top
>Darius Support
>Susan Support
>Full AP Taric mid

Not played since season 2. Get Gold 5 from S5 by spamming Jungle J4 in 48 games. Is not the worst result tho. How can i improve for plat + in the next season? I don't think what i'll main jungle with all of this jungle changes.

where were you when vladfag went over the edge

vladfag is insane, what's the big news

If this is a 5 you pay for professional coaching from LS and learn how to play the game

>go to play on pbe
>forget its not in my country and my ping is shit
well this is going to be fun

can people stop treating bronze like a mental disabillity please ffs

just because I'm bronze doesn't mean I can't work how to click right click with kayle or other "easy" champions

bronze really isn't that bad unless ur low bronze v most people could get out with a bit of luck and there isn't much seperatly a bad luck streak from gold players

most games in bronze are decided by pure chance with one lane going 0/15 and being utterly uncarryable even if u win your own lane

I'm excited for s8 and played a lot on pbe to try out runes but eventually playing with even something as modest as 130ms started grinding my gears

Vlad for satisfying splat quadras

I love Camille

Or you could wait a day and play on your normal server.

Also, isnt PBE signup NA exclusive? You would have had to make an NA account, level it up, get its honor up, then try and get into the PBE.

>I was like 2 kills/assists away from completing the mission for 20 tokens
>but I had to play SR again
Some people.

Who told you that bullshit

no it isn't na only
also it'll be in a day AND A HALF

PBE fucks up my mouse for some reason, its annoying as fuck

settings are server-specific
you might have a very different mouse sensitivity/acceleration than on live server

oh now she's a crazy dyke too?

keep discuck shit in the discord or make a discuck general

your drama has nothing to do with league

>just because I'm bronze doesn't mean I can't work how to click right click with kayle or other "easy" champions
But according to youtube channels like Bronze Adventures it is. Or you thinking you making a good move but there is absolute wrong. Thats why people in bronze. They don't want to understand they mistakes, They think they doing all right.

copy your live installation's config file and place it into the pbe one.
it'll be the one with settings ending in 1s and 0s

>PBE fucks up my mouse for some reason
Check Default Mouse in options in the game client. I had the same problem with my Razer mouse until i figured up whats going on.

>pay for coaching
>in Silver V
>"ok lets see what weve got"
>10 min later
>"yeah youve just gotta learn the basics if the game"
>"thanks for the 30$ make sure to likecommentandsubscibe"
really actuates my alstates...

i replaced the file with the live one, rebooted the client and it didnt change my mousebinds, really weird

you wish

>he thinks its 30 dollars
LMAO. Ls charges 120 dollars a session. AND HE GETS GOLDS TO PAY. People who play like 6 or 7 games a week pay 120 dollars to improve, when they don't even play

I don't even know what champ that is

that doesnt change mouse binds. only settings of interfacing.
key and mouse bindings are input.ini
copy that file over too

Invest in 1700 IP shards and convert everything you get into blue essence to get the most out of it.
There's really no need to do anything else with it.

I literally copy and pasted the entire confi folder, however I suspect it might be an issue due to it technically being different accounts?

AP Renekton

>entire folder
did i say entire folder? i said 2 specific files.

good luck and partly yes as some are account bound and therefore must be copies but not overwritten in certain spots

I have odd mousebinds. Before they stored everything server side you could change everything. Took me hours to get the same settings on my smurfs, have no idea how to do it anymore. eh. thanks anyway user

Is hashinshin retarded?

>its real
jfc do people hit rock bottom where they just give up on their ability to CLIMB?
is LS that good?
he always came off as some depressed guy who used to be something but fell off the map

Bronze and all ELOs are easy to get out of provided you play enough matches per day / get in the zone. With 1 ranked match a day you can't hope to climb anywhere past high silver, maybe low gold if you're a lucky punk.

For this reason I locked myself in Bronze 1 100 LP and never do the promos. Don't care what people say, Bronze is the comfiest ELO because it's like normals only you don't get the occasional hard stomp all that often, be if from your side or the enemy side.

Is Wukong jungle still a thing?

is it true you can dodge games in your placements?

He's a magic homo you see
He's like the Milo of LoL, where his words apparently hold a lot more weight because he has a lisp and literally sucks Korean dicks

Kayn and Lee sin, I used to ask the same question until I figured out that low skill floor high skill ceiling champs are only found once you can combine their kit to create a combo

Hello Kaynfag, just stopping by to say you're cute and I love you.

>tfw smurf is silver 1 in promos for gold

>tfw too lazy to play on it

>Is Wukong still a thing?

>never do the promos

As a player sure. As a coach? God no. Gives barebones advice and just resorts to telling people to play something easier like Annie or Malz.

Hi there Vladfag. Thank you, hope you;re having a pleasant evening. Love you

What's a list of all the most satisfying/strongest tanks in the game?

It was never a thing, you have to be mentally challenged to think a 1 second stealth is a good ganking ability.

Lethality Wukong is still fine for a day before the next patch.

>play starcraft
>want to banshee rush
>opponent bans me from being able to train banshees before the match starts

>play civilisation
>want to build a bigass navy and control the sea
>the other players ban me from building ships before the match starts

>play caladooty
>just want to hang out and have comfy sniper gameplay
>enemy team bans me from using a scope before the match starts

>play magic the gathering
>looking forward to playing deck i've built
>opponent bans cards out of my deck before the match starts

Daily reminder that the entire idea of Drafting and Banning is tedious, boring, time-wasting garbage and only exists because Riot is too talentless to balance their own game, and so outsources it to the playerbase.

>the Milo of LoL
go back

I mean never doing the 3/5 matcyhes to climb to the next bracket. I locked myself in bronze 1 100 LP and I've never went anywhere past it.

This is my home.

>I mean never doing the 3/5 matcyhes to climb to the next bracket.
Do you intentionally throw games or, have stopped playing completely or what

So do you want to play a League of One trick pony's? What if an enemy OTP your champion too?

Why couldnt we have gotten this kayn? he's so fucking rad.

>he lost that game
How. He did ok at the start

>play adc champion for the first time
>enemy team is Zed, Yas, Eve, Jhin, and Thresh
What even is the appeal of assassins? Is it just "muh skill!!1"?

>decide to come back after a few months break
>5v5 draft
>first game a warwick feeds and blames everyone else
>second game top and mid are useless
>third game "support" picks jinx and I quit

Well thats me done for another few months, have fun.

Can you upload a replay of one of your games to youtube?
What champions do you play?


>high mobility
>high damage

Not really rocket science.

>tell bad players to give up on a champ theyve been playing to play Trynd
>tell bad players to give up on a champ theyve been playing to play Yi
>tell bad players to give up on a champ theyve been playing to play Sona
>tell bad players to give up on a champ theyve been playing to play Annie
>tell bad players to give up on a champ theyve been playing to play Malz
i wish people would stop doing this. all it does is encourage them to play champs that will get them stuck in low-mid elo. as soon as they go against a player who has a brain they crumble down and crawl back to coaching.

I think a "gift" system would be better. Like, you offer the enemy team a pick and they have to take it or it becomes available to neither team.

Ultimately, MOBAs are just clusterfucks of incoherent game design that are inexplicably popular

no, it's seeing cry babies like you getting tilted and sperging on game's chat, lolg, leddit etc

Your last played champion is spending the night with you. Your post number decides how hard you fuck.
If 0 nothing happens
If repeating digets its forced
If 9 theres impregnation

Good luck.

Malz and Sona will get them to diamond.

It's easy mode because lol fuck adc.

I wasn't even mad though; the most mad ones were Zed and Yas (shocker) because of our Jax

He hates the system that was present for over 15 years and even more because it is in the game that he does not like