haven't played dota in 6 months or so. Ember is my favorite hero. how the fuck do you lane him, now that PMS is gone?
Samuel Anderson
>play starcraft >want to banshee rush >opponent bans me from being able to train banshees before the match starts
>play civilisation >want to build a bigass navy and control the sea >the other players ban me from building ships before the match starts
>play caladooty >just want to hang out and have comfy sniper gameplay >enemy team bans me from using a scope before the match starts
>play magic the gathering >looking forward to playing deck i've built >opponent bans cards out of my deck before the match starts
Daily reminder that the entire idea of Drafting and Banning is tedious, boring, time-wasting garbage and only exists because Valve is too talentless to balance their own game, and so outsources it to the playerbase.
Isaac Cruz
is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land? this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.
Caleb Clark
thanks for the meal dotards
David Reyes
>linking the thread at 750 posts to hide that fact you made it early
>* Templar Assassin: Psionic Traps bonus damage increased from 100/125/150 to 175/250/325 oh hell yes
Aiden Jenkins
>players don't control meta >players don't play around the player made meta >players dont and shouldnt have any impact on the balance of the game
>i dont understand how anything works, the post, the movie, the book, the meme
Chase Morris
Mireska is CUTE! Mireska is a MID!
Jace Gomez
You think people who make ops care about anything other than getting their waifu on the catalog?
Kayden Martin
>* Battle Fury damage reduced from 50 to 45 >* Anti-Mage: Spell Shield reduced from 26/34/42/50% to 20/30/40/50% I feel like this will help AM be less of an annoying shit early/mid game, but once he gets his items (and he still will get them 95% of the time) he will be just as obnoxious as before)
Logan Robinson
uh sweetie, he has like 300 hp less and only 81% magic res instead of 85% with the 25 talent now :^))
Gabriel Sullivan
Those changes basically do nothing.
Alexander Richardson
He's balanced now.
Matthew Nguyen
>Swashbuckle buffs >Shield Crash being able to cross terrain outside of RT >RT buffs
What's your reason for not playing based pangolin of polygamy and offlane?
Brayden Baker
Angel Foster
>once he gets his items That's always how it worked. The difference is that now it's much easier to prevent him from doing so since level 1 Spell Shield isn't a F R E E Hood anymore. Though I still think midgame AM builds should be experimented with since he can now use Skadi and lifesteal items that aren't Vlads.
Benjamin Cruz
>comparing solo games with handful of working playstyles to team game with tons of viable strategies
Vega vs MoF (w33 cancel synd timado khezu) then Empire vs Navi
Isaiah Roberts
>Troll Warlord has 1 int gain Is he the most brainlet hero?
Juan Barnes
Is treant a bad hero to play right now? His most useful skill is living armor but you want to get natures guise to do anything in lane. He is one of those supports that don't do jack shit in lane because he is melee and invis is easily countered.
I am sick of this shit. I like the hero thematically but I have never seen more meme talents crammed into one hero. 3s tree respawn? For what fucking purpose?
Julian Parker
Just hope someone picks a hero that can farm up blink and nullifier and still be useful.
Joshua Davis
based esport bro
Jayden Edwards
Canonically, Ogre Magi would have 1 int gain if they only had one head.
Josiah Walker
why does mof have 3 mid players and no carry or pos4
Bentley Barnes
post captains who have already figured out the patch, pic related but he will choke after 2 lans and go back to the shitter
Dylan Fisher
why is icefrog so afraid of making anti-mage a.. anti-mage? Right now AM is anti-mana which everyone in the fucking game uses. Anti-mage has no abilities that scale off the enemies INT GAIN. Nyx is more of a anti-mage than anti-mage.
Right now, anti-mage is a pusher and ratter. That doesn't sound very anti-mage like.
James Lopez
Jacob Brown
i also want a comedic sentence i spam every thread. what should it be dotards?
Sebastian Allen
w33 has given up playing mid, says he finds being a 4 more interesting
Dominic Cox
>tune in >a chav >a cartoon character >a horse >a orange american idk what I expected
Hudson Morgan
>For what fucking purpose? to protect the trees
Dylan Long
Dont forget str gain nerf and removed +10 all stats talent
Ethan Garcia
>synd why the fuck is he still trying to be a pro player? jesus christ just stick with casting
Jaxson Peterson
Kaya on DP y/n?
Anthony Perez
>treant >support
Robert Harris
Also placing the Illusion blink tallent against more blink cast range.
Nathan Green
>too intelligent to cast!! last place GOOD
Cameron Nguyen
>orange Fogged is all natural greek brown
Nolan White
show us your thought process
Brody Allen
Evan Edwards
@194775748 ooga works on my 2k booga
Alexander Moore
Dropped from very high skill every game to normal/high over a year, don't know how I got so bad.
Parker Thompson
>kaya on anyone no
Julian Taylor
Connor Reyes
More damage and more mana. What's not to like?
Lincoln Lewis
>not getting kaya on sylph
Nolan Fisher
They're still not nearly equal.
Josiah Perry
Is there a bigger victim of powercreep than Doom?
Caleb Anderson
did owen say brainlet?
David Sanchez
>dark willow is a brainlet hero owen is stealing our memes again
Samuel Lewis
is "Anti-Mage" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land? this "Anti-Mage" doesnt look like an anti-mage to me , hell Nyx Assassin is more of an anti-mage compared to this slut.
Kayden Reyes
@194775860 >he cant farm a 4k gold item
Colton Stewart
>I'm 2% greek
Jayden Brown
Parker Hill
I wish Doom wasn't borderline unplayable, he's the closest thing the game has to a Blue Mage.
Evan Phillips
i wish the meta allowed for more mid tier items being built. i don't like how everything that you can build needs to be tier 1 item
Jacob Sullivan
Rubick isn't more of a blue mage?
Brody Richardson
Rubick is a Mimic.
Aiden Lewis
Rubick is a mimic, Blue Mages use monster spells.
Ethan Sanchez
fucking nerds
Jonathan Moore
you make good points.
I think AM needs a re-work. he is completely one-dimensional, only one way to play him, has a 100% mandatory first item to build every single game and a rather narrow set of items to build after that (though it might be a little more open now that UAMs are no more). and he's not even a fucking "anti-mage" like you say. just another split push / ratter. I'd say he's more similar to Tinker and NP than to eg. Nyx Assassin.
Benjamin Reyes
>drown nerfs
for what fucking purpose
Jayden Young
>doom is bad ???
Alexander Young
Honestly I think Icefrog should just bite the bullet and let Mana Break and Diffusal stack, if he has to nerf other aspects of the hero then so be it.
Oliver Campbell
Nathan Turner
>not the eclass sedan you dotards need to grow up
Jack Edwards
/d2g/ is good
Nathan Harris
well we actually need someone to take up the mantle of "naga eating a fish" poster. we haven't been able to fill that position for a while, now...
but if that's not your speed, just peruse the d2gulag until something inspires you
any spell amplification item will be trash unless it give more than 25%. Why buy those when veil gives 25% for a little cost. it shouldve been a pencil for mightier than sword meme.
Josiah Peterson
Is aghs on necro worth it now that the cooldown is huge?
Matthew Reyes
Not all spell damage is magical, brainlet.
Elijah Bell
Christ, I forgot about Grants creepy little goblin teeth.
Hudson Watson
Kaya + Javalin + Gloves of Haste + recipe 25 int 15% Amp 15% Manaloss Toggle 1: 40 AS 40% accuracy Toggle 2: 20% CDR 30% chance for spells to deal 150 extra magic damage damage
Jaxson Cooper
Brody Ross
i accept
Gavin Gomez
you buy more regen
Isaiah King
it's only a matter of time dotards who would build this though? juggernaut? gyrocopter?
Owen Nguyen
>not playing caster sf with veil, kaya, spell amp talents, and shadowraze dmg talents
Anthony Hughes
>80% of people think MOF will win L M A O
Robert Perez
Sange & Kaya, you heard it here first. (Except someone probably already had this idea a week ago.)
Logan Allen
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Vega are REALLY fucking bad now
Angel Anderson
what if you bought all three and you killed yourself?