League of Legends - /lolg/


OT: eyosongive.us

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I like this more

>tfw I waited to make the thread until it was too late


thats why u post early idiot

I'm here with you

We'll just use this one when the current one expires.

certainlyTrash needs to be gassed

>wonder what this general meant when they said the new champ was going to be lux's rival
>see the video
>I finally realise

They've made someone that is as, if not more, annoying as Lux.
Bravo Nolan.

This champ isn't Lux's rival. Lux's rival is coming out soon (tm)

How viable do you think a 5 man group taking unsealed spellbook (well, minus the jungler), and switching to smite at the 20 min mark for early baron is? At least for unranked games.

>Reality-altering loli

How do i get good at this game? I understand that practice makes perfect. but what is the most effective way i can get out of let's say a 100 games of practice.


xth for my wife Syndra

Farm better. die less. Place more wards. Look at your minimap.

you'll be gold in no time at all.

How do I not love him, lolg? No man can satisfy like that.

What champion can I play if I just want to be a holy dude that protects the weak and smites the wicked?

>56k gold deficit

Dem yorick buffs look pretty nice.

Gimme trickster's glass gimme Rubik spell steal

well morde is shitshit :c

The only real advice I can say is die less. Unless it's for a do or lose cause or some crazy baron steal and shit, dying is almost never worth.

just got a free moo cow allistar and star guardian ez.

anyone feeling fine?

Garen and Jarvan are great for that.

Alternatively, Leona if you want a woman.

post webms

>blood kink


Leona is a bad person

>I believe CC can stop her if she doesn't complete her R cast, but once she completes the R cast and goes through the portal, she's going to return to the origin point no matter what.
You can just tell she's a certainlyt champ

>How do i get good at this game? I understand that practice makes perfect. but what is the most effective way i can get out of let's say a 100 games of practice.
Practice CSing. Both alone (in the practice tool) and against bots. Shoot for getting 95% of the CS. You can try a regimen like Pic related. This will make a huge difference. Finally, record your games and watch the replays with an eye towards your mistakes.

literally Taric
Braum feel good to
Kench to but don't look like one

How long do you think it will take him /lolg/?

so zoe is just a very cliched champion with zero to no background?
at least she looks fun to play

>tfw you'll never play with Shyvfag again
>tfw you'll never see her just smack a Pantheon in the face for a solid 15 seconds

It's reasons like the stuff she did that makes me want to tie her down to a bed and rape her till she can't even protest.

>Yasuo's ult arbitrarily places him outside of turret range instead of him going to wherever the enemy champ is like literally every other targeted gapcloser

morde at least takes skill. there is no cc, there is no mobility in my kit without minions or a champ nearby.
its as barebone as can be unlike lulu's shit since its all fucking utility

and morde actually looks good unlike lulu


BEST couple


Umm, Riot? First RenCar and now THIS?

danke herr shädman

>forgetting the Umlaut
tsk tsk tsk


this has to be sent at the wrong person


>morde at least takes skill.

what's the name of this artist?

its almost like pbe is experimental and subject to change


well he draw her just coming out of Brad's ass

>nicely drawn

Except every other AD champ got buffs but not Rengar?

>playing ranked
>have standard games, with enjoyable teammates
>play promos
>loaded to the brim with brain dead monkeys and drooling kids skipping school with embarrassing shitty names who are picking yasuo
This isn't fair

I was talking about how I want to brutally and savagely rape Shyvfag until they are a mute and a cripple. Is there a problem>

ptcrow (pronounced platinum crow). If you type it in Gook speak, you'll find it.

>Playing udyr jungle
>Ping top for leash
>"I don't leash"
>start blue side instead and just focus on powerfarming and ganking mid
>top starts pinging for assist
God I wish Riot would buff jungler so we wouldn't have to deal with these apes, I wish devourer was still a thing, I don't get why Riot handicaps jungle so much, are they that much against carry junglers being a thing?



He still hasn't posted about it on his Twitter, so it might take a while.

Someone post shyvfag discord i wanna meet her

Based solely on what they did to Kindred, yeah. I'd wager yeah, they are against carry junglers.


the way you play makes me think you have 200 ping
but you don't

Got Penta Kill Morde
and disenchanted Penta Kill Karthus cause I'm a faggot.

Why don't you come and make me fuck off you useless cock sleeve?


Why? what's wrong with jungle being a carry role? why can top mid and adc carry but not jungle? isn't it enough they gimped our jungle? it's a piss take.

>people constantly talk about how shit Shadman is
>people constantly hope he draws the new champ


I want Skarner to give me a scorpion hug!


Lethality Caitlyn will live on with sudden impact


Mmm yes. The yearly Vi skin.

because there are """"""""people"""""""" with taste shit enough to actually like his work



>that smug kench emote
day one buy

I wouldn't call Kench a holy dude. More like a devil to deal with.


who is this?

>the way you play makes me think you have 200 ping
>but you don't
I used to

also my brain is pastribatter and really slow

holy fuck insta-buy the salt will flow

>No project sivir


Vayne I'd bet.


Why isn't he touching his chin?

>brother gets into Shadman's work because he's a shitter
>shows me two THICC characters from undertale as done by Shadman
>blankly stare at my brother and say "Those are boys."
>he laughs and says boys don't have hips like those
>weeks later he changes his wallpaper from that image to some cringey goth chick wallpaper
>ask him what happened
>"They were dudes, you were right."

I want to purge the youth.

>wait a whole year for another Vi skin
>it's a fucking PROJECT skin

God damn it and fuck you Riot.

Who is this?

tfw excited for preseason because things will feel new again(for a short while)
I miss enjoying things


isn't she the one with the glowy red eyes?

>making another shit project skin
>when pax sivir already exists



>star guardian
shit skin for a shit champ

the only decent skin i've gotten from boxes was elementalist lux. i don't play her though so it's wasted on me.

Looks like cass but not sure.

Eternum Cass

>tfw no qt petite gf

>We're already getting PBE but no new patch

The only skin you need on Vi is Neon Strike


>more jhin skins

Are you a retard by any chance?

It will hit live on the 8th, just as normal.

I'm thinking it's Cass and her most recent skin but why give an icon for it so late?

>implying it is somehow new

okay okay, then who the fuck is her ?

She looks straight from dota

She might be involved in the Project game mode somehow.

Maybe they saw cassfag complaining so much so they decided to throw him a bone.

I dont mind, I hope I get it though cause I bought the skin when it came out.