Where, academically, those ideas of white privilege and structural racism came from ? I'm from Europe, and have only started to hear people talk about this seriously recently. I really can't understand why some teachers would push these ideas since it basically creates more and more racial tensions.
Where, academically, those ideas of white privilege and structural racism came from ? I'm from Europe...
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Conflict breeds opportunities.
People working in racism related fields don't want racial tensions to go down, rather the opposite.
Just like a professional soldier wouldn't want a war to end, just to see his job at risk, his promotion chances smashed, a return to a stricter peacetime discipline, etc., so racial studies professionals (who even if they work in academia are really more politician than teacher) don't want for emotions to cool down just to see his work getting far stricter scrutiny, less media attention, less budget from interested parties wanting a study to point at regardless of quality.
Talking about racism isn't race baiting. Just because you or I have never experienced racism doesn't mean it doesn't exist, so when we do hear instances of it occurring from people who it actually effects, we should listen and take steps fix said issue.
Not talking about racism doesn't make it go away, it hides it in its corner and lets it feed upon its victim and while brinign it out in the open may often be uncomfortable it needs to be addressed
As far as im aware they are just some garbage idelogues thats been posted on the internet. Havent heard any proper academic source to them. A lot of books seem to be written about it but none them seem to want to be criticized by their peers. Any proper criticism also tends to be either ignored or the criticizer gets attacked with verbal abuse. From little ive read on it, it sounds very Freudian with some nonsense about subconscious thought crimes or whatever it was called.
Racism is inevitable in multi-cultural society where different communities cohabit, with their histories and their resistance to cultural assimilation. Political power must marginilaze racist behaviors. Instead,communities are set up against one another. Do you think those poor whites living in the suburb are happy to be called "privileged" ? And how saying the violence is black ghettos is legitimate because it's in retaliation to structural racism will help to appease the tensions ?
Honnestly, this would be pretty reassuring, but I doubt it's true. Those students in american universities didn't come up with the ideas of "white privilege" by themselves. No matter what we think about these theories, their rhetoric clearly borrowed from marxism and is well organized.
It seems to have more of its roots in american anti racist groups from the 70s though theres probably some influence from marxism too since they were pretty big on it too. The white privilege groups seem to be pretty big on all class divide being racial so i doupt they are proper marxists though.
It does exist though.
What they don't mention is that one of the biggest aspects of "white privilege" is not being pulled down or disadvantaged by your own group.
>Hurrrr he getting to big for his boots, off to Uni aint he fancy
>I really can't understand why some teachers
Post which course, what subject, course catalog, university.
Yes Freud im sure the subconocious mind is very racist and we want to fuck our mothers too because we hate our father.
>The results indicate large racial differences in callback rates to a phone line with a voice mailbox attached and a message recorded by someone of the appropriate race and gender. Job applicants with white names needed to send about 10 resumes to get one callback; those with African-American names needed to send around 15 resumes to get one callback. This would suggest either employer prejudice or employer perception that race signals lower productivity.
>The 50 percent gap in callback rates is statistically very significant, Bertrand and Mullainathan note in Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination (NBER Working Paper No. 9873). It indicates that a white name yields as many more callbacks as an additional eight years of experience. Race, the authors add, also affects the reward to having a better resume. Whites with higher quality resumes received 30 percent more callbacks than whites with lower quality resumes. But the positive impact of a better resume for those with Africa-American names was much smaller.
Are you being oppressed, identity politics man.
Your candidate and your guys just won every branch of government, calm down there.
Well, that's why I was making this thread, I want to know where this idea came from, what sociologist support this. I was never in an american university, I don't know how it works, but I have a hard time believing students came out with that stuff independently. Just like feminism has gone mad, I only know there is "women studies" courses. Maybe those ideas are not diffused globally, but subtly. It might not be much, the constant criticism about Eurocentrism in history is possibly part of the problem.
I'm not american, and Trump's election just proves racial tensions are worse and worse. Many whites feel threatened, whether or not this is a reality,impoverished whites are by no mean privileged.
But is this always related to race ? In my country, arabs are the ones who commit more crimes, but it 's not about race, but the fact they've been poorly integrated, both culturally and economically. People barely notice racism about chinese or vietnamese because they're economically integrated.
What I am saying is SJW is no where near the power.
20% of millenials voted, 60% for hillary, 40 for Trump.
I don't see some sjw mobilization to stop Trump there.
Socially racial minorities are at an advantage in getting an education and good job because of affirmative action. Because they choose to live in such demeaning cultures and play the victim has no real evidence of actual racism. They basically just played themselves.
Of course there are people that are personally racist, but there's no such thing as white privilege.
We're not disputing racism exists we're disputing "white privilege" and "structural racism".
Blaming all Whites for racism is as bad as saying all blacks are criminals. All it does is deepen the racial divide and create an us vs them attitude.
>I really can't understand why some teachers would push these ideas since it basically creates more and more racial tensions.
No. Racism creates racial tensions, and in western countries this usually favours whites. Discussing it makes you feel uncomfortable because your confirmation bias tells you to seek out information that defends your superior status, thus alleviating cognitive dissonance with concepts you implicitly accept like justice and fairness. Subconsciously or not, you're trying to make the primary victims into the offenders here. It is a typical mark of the privilege that one believes everything was fine and dandy about current social arrangements until those hopeless whiners showed up and ruined everything - because you don't experience the shit they do.
Saying white people benefit more from racism isn't the same as saying that every white man sits around a table planning racist conspiracies. Racism is more subtle than that, just like many ingrained features of society go unnoticed by in groups. Although on Veeky Forums people embrace it pretty fucking openly.
>that image
He's talking about the consequences of internalized racism, not saying its black people's fault. You racist fucks sure as fuck love Uncle Toms to excuse your shit.
>Blacks have some rights but not equal rights
>Still a lot of (often violent) bias toward them
>Blacks get more rights
>Still bias
>Blacks get theoretically equal rights
>Still some bias toward them but this is no longer an accepted state of affairs, and anti-black sentiment is looked down upon by the majority
>Blacks are essentially equal but if you're unlucky enough to work for someone who still doesn't like blacks you won't get as far
>Blacks are equal
>Black presidents, CEOs, lawyers, cops, soldiers
>Society is still "biased" to favour whites because a majority of the population is white
>Blacks want inclusion
>Blacks slowly included
>More inclusion
>Blacks included a bit more
>This is the turning point
>Side A represents the stupid blacks, Side B represents stupid whites
>Side A believes that there can be no true representation until blacks are represented at the same level as whites, without realising this means having an over-representation of a demographic
>Group B sees integration and representation as a direct attack against THEM, and starts to REEEEEEEE
>The two sides collide and spawn group C, a group of mix-race stupid people who decide they are smarter than everyone because they can rise above this "conflict" and approach things logically
>Ease of access to the internet (aka-highly intensified media) for kids means that whatever is popular on the sites kids use is going to be popular with the youth in general
>Tumblr, facebook, twitter, youtube dominated by Group C which is slowly evolving to decide that white people are only dominant and on top because of the privilege that comes with being white, which only came to be once blacks were prevalent and represented enough to be counted as a chunk of regular society
>Kids grow up in a society in which non-whites are pandered to and treated like they're made of glass, while simultaneously being told non-whites get it harder than anyone else
>The safety net of "that's racist" saves them from most criticism
Hello Freud again, you arent relevant anymore in psychology so please stop trying. Please try to have a point without using bogus science.
>He's talking about the consequences of internalized racism, not saying its black people's fault. You racist fucks sure as fuck love Uncle Toms to excuse your shit.
Fuck off, Tumblr
>People having prejudices they don't have to actively think about is FREUDIAN PSEUDO-SCIENCE!
At least you didn't compare it to phrenology, I guess.
>No. Racism creates racial tensions
Again, why some minorities, that also experienced colonization and racism are less discriminated than others ? It's not a racial problem, it's a social problem. Polish minorities were also treated like shit in the west, was this because of the anti-white racism in the west ? Obviously not. If you're talking about structural racism, well you should actually point which institutions are actually responsable of racism. Is it the schools, the justice ? I'd really like to know.
>Some black kid in school decides to pay attention in class and do his homework
>other blacks bully him and call him white for trying to succeed, usually discouraging him and dragging him down
>some black dude points this out
>other blacks and the left bully him and call him an uncle Tom for trying to change something, usually smearing his name and dragging him down
It's almost like the problem is the complete opposite of a worldwide right wing white people's conspiracy and instead somebody else trying to perpetuate divisions and suffering through cultural manipulation in order to maintain their political power
Really makes you think
Oh the subconcious does excist, the problem is no psychologist worth their salt would actually judge it to mean a whole lot or judge people for it because its outside peoples control. Freud would because he came up with it and all but hes been proven wrong. If psychologists dont use it to justify anything or explain anything, why would i let ideology driven morons to do so who probably arent even qualified psychologists? Modern science dont know much about the subconcious in fact, so saying anything about it is in fact probably psuedo science.
Why do you post on Veeky Forums? How did you find Veeky Forums? I'm serious, where do you come from?
Are you young and stupid? Or a minority who actually believes this BS? Because you're clearly not by any means an experienced poster, I can tell. You're not welcome here. You sound like satire, but I can tell you're serious. Do not post here until you have a clue about what you're talking about.
"Low racial tensions" is just code for silence. There was little racial tension in 1850, because blacks knew they could be killed for violating spoken and unspoken racial code.
Formal analysis of structural racism began in the late 60s. Activists and academics realized that racially charged policy is much more harmful than individual and explicit acts of bigotry.
Who's blaming all whites for racism?
You guys are actually retarded.
Privilege theory is a very mainstream and expressly non-Marxist sociological model that developed in the 60s and 70s.
The current mainstream paradigm of race studies is that a racial identity endows upon the individual certain associations independent of class and gender. Some of these associations are positive, some of these associations are harmful.
A comparatively tiny mostly-leftist political group that has a small newsworthy foothold in academia and mostly exists only on the internet and in affluent urban environments?
>You're not welcome here.
He still has a right to state a position and defend it. If you think his argument is bs, then disprove it.
Institutional racism involves racial prejudice in law, its enforcement, and business.
Here's a great example: en.m.wikipedia.org
Nigger, you haven't even been able to explain why you think he was wrong.
"But but you don't belong!" is an absolute shit argument, especially on this particular board
i pick and choose my debates, i see retarded shit all day
refuting that would be like refuting a flat earther, frankly a waste of time. if you can't instantly see what a BS post that is you don't belong here either.
Jews, theres no white people would create anti white idea systems on their own.
Sounds like you're just being a faggot. Veeky Forums is (ostensibly) not for retards to post smug gotchas with no attempt at argumentation. Maybe /pol/ is more your style?
>quoting one word I said
Okay buddy.
Racism *is* a social problem. Racism against poles is anti-polish racism. Duh. I never said it could only be whites, but you don't really care, you just want to derail any discussion of other minorities.
>what institutions are responsible
Permeating an institution != originating from it. Trump didn't invent racism but he pretty much won on a platform of "fuck mexicans and muslims". So yeah, systematic racism is a problem you dick.
>you're not welcome here
I'm well aware of that bro. I don't care. This place is for free speech, not muh right wing hivemind safe space :,(
And yes, I'm from Veeky Forums. Shocking, I know, not everyone here unanimously agrees with you, and the people who disagree aren't all from Tumblr or Reddit.
>uncle tom
>I believe blacks should be violent mindless idiots
Liberals are the real racist after all.
>Subconsciously or not, you're trying to make the primary victims into the offenders here.
How do i falsify your claim?
Wow it's almost like coming from a social background with a legacy of social and economic barriers to achievement breeds tall poppy syndrome and anti-intellectualism. But of course black people's situation is totally their own doing, I mean look how much power they've had throughout American history.
>because you don't experience the shit they do.
Once again the real reason blacks have hellish living spaces is due to them, try visiting any black majority area and NOTICE HOW THEY FUCKING FIGHT ALL THE TIME, if these psychos can do that with their barehands just imagine how much blood is shed when these maniacs use knives or guns?
The most ridiculous news articles related to crime are usually done by black such as shooting a man over kool aid.
We didnt do nothing to blacks at all, these idiots point to Black Wall Street and Luther King, but look at what the african psychopaths do NOTHING FUCKING NOTHING to improve themselves.
How do you falsify falsifiability?
I wasn't calling Charles Barkley an uncle tom btw. But the way you cite him is basically the same way you guys cite thomas sowell or bill cosby. Any black man who can lend a shred of credibility to your view that white people dindu nuffin.
Forget America explain why African countries are fucking shitholes despite having a massive load of resources?
Are wild exaggerations and sweeping general statements about hundreds of thousands of people the only way you people express yourselves? You can set better bait.
I'll take this as admitting that your post is opinionated garbage.
There are infinite possible explanations of racism using the subconscious that are equally valid or invalid since none can be proven or refuted. Your post adds nothing at all to the discussion.
And this comes from a lefty.
Oh fuck off you can blame white people but not blacks just kill yourself if you hate your own race this much.
I dont care how much blacks suffer back in their home lands they terrorize eachother for pure pleasure, these are deranged psychotic humans with minds that are alien to us white people that is why there is crime, destruction, and misery wherever blacks exist.
Not every single valid mode of discussion uses scientific methodology the exact way a hypothesis does you fucking tool. Mathematics doesn't. Court cases don't. Are you even capable of everyday conversation without asking your friends for p-values? The fact that he places the agency for race tensions totally on minorities makes it blatantly clear.
Nigga, you need grammar lessons like you need someone to have disciplined you when you were a kid.
>The fact that he places the agency for race tensions totally on minorities
What ? On the contrary, those who produce those theories in the university are usually whites
I still don't get how it manages to spread to Europe. Even if you acknowledge the existence of privilege, why would you as a native European mind that you have privilege over non-natives?
So i should just accept your theory? What makes it superior to the infinite other possible unfalsifiable explanations?
Because we white people are crazy, we have genetic mental illness that gives us a Samaritan complex that is the root reason why we love Cucktianity so much.
Because equality of opportunity and liberty for everyone is a very attractive idea that was disseminated throughout all modern culture by America?
I think you're just a sheltered faggots uncomfortable and scared by your convictions being challenged.
His feelings make them better. You dont want to make him cry or kill himself if you disagree.
How is identifying systemic racism anti-white?
Nobody said that, you daft cunt
Because according to quite a number of people on all sides of the political spectrum, whiteness is inherent to positions of power.
Speak for yourself asshole. Even if we're both white there's still a difference between us. You belong to a group that blames themselves. If people like you self-destruct I won't miss you.
Yes for white people only though, the founding fathers never once saw nor natives as humans and never had any intentions of ever letting live among us whites either.
It creates division targeted towards white people because only white people have guilt, blacks are psychopaths that feel no remorse thus they can act as racist and hateful to non blacks as they wish and still go I DINDU NUFFIN. While the niggers whine about whitey keeping them down he fails to tell how he terrorizes whitey every fucking day in America, and the nigger has no morals he doesnt give a shit about Slavery thats just something he tells stupid white cucks like you to fool you into thinking hes not attacking white people for psychotic reasons(IT FEELS GOOD).
Having a few mines owned by foreign corporate does not a wealthy country make.
Decolonization just transformed Africa's exploitation from nationalistic to purely capitalistic.
I don't think you've ever met somebody from Africa
Not our fault blacks are too damn stupid to not be suckered by capitalist dickheads.
It is obvious something is wrong with us white people user, we are too controlled by empathy as it appears.
>blacks are psychopaths that feel no remorse
>it's a retarded /pol/tard vs retarded postmodern episode
The ideas of the founding fathers haven't been translated wholesale to the establishment of today and you know it. I was merely explaining why every culture that has had significant exposure to American media shares many of America's ideals about justice and equality. America's main ideal IS equality, and great strides have been made in that direction.
Blacks are the only group of humans so psychotic they can brush aside a masscre like this. Also look at all the murder in Nigeria its the same tier as Baltimore.
If you think blacks feel remorse just observe how they act when they attack people, they smile and giggle like psychopaths without any mercy nor guilt. They never confess to crimes, they always lie, and even when it is proven they did it they cant comprehend how its even their fault. They are psychopaths.
In Europe, it's really easy to see that you have benefits that some random brown immigrants do not.
Do I appear too controlled by empathy to you?
Even if I do admit that it's a problem of "white culture", I'd rather castrate myself than admit that the problem is GENETIC or somehow inherent. No, the problem is primarily social and cultural. People are getting raised in these values that might be deeply rooted in our history, but that still doesn't make them genetic. I just don't believe that.
It's literally Cultural Marxism, in the sense that it applies Marxist class dialectics to cultural issues.
Americas main ideal is freedom from British control not equality fucktard, women were never going to be allowed to vote and blacks would never live among us.
You are making universal statements about blacks that can be refuted by a single counterexample. Do you want me to google an example of a black being remorseful, confessing, telling the truth, or admitting he was at fault?
Have you ever been out of your house or do you live in /pol/? Because even for a /pol/tard, you are particularly stupid.
You're almost saying that they somehow deserve these benefits just for existing. In which case you can fuck off and die too.
Nobody would argue that only whites can achieve positions of power. What people argue is that whiteness carries some social benefits.
It is genetic as thats the only to explain it.
>I'd rather castrate myself than admit that the problem is GENETIC
DING DING, exactly you would rather live in a world where your empathy logic where humans arent slaves to their DNA is real and cant stand the idea that people are just jerks out of their control. Its a denial of human existence.
>Cultural Marxism
Not a real thing.
>applies Marxist class dialectics to cultural issues
Equivalent of saying creationist darwinism.
Don't feed the troll.
No dont bother I dont give a fuck how many negros you show having remorse, they are vastly outnumbered by the psychopaths that is WHY BLACKS ARE THE MOST CRIMINAL RACE ON EARTH BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE MOST PSYCHOPATHS IN THEIR ENTIRE POPULATION.
Its the other way around for blacks the decent are the minority but the psychopaths are the majority.
Fellow European who migrated to the US reporting and gotta say niggers have it easy here compared to white people, contrary to perceptions.
Show me where he put agency on anyone other than minorities causing racial tensions. Besides that, you don't quite get what I'm saying about language analysis in regards to the applicability of a specific formalized empirical methodology in an experimental environment, but I guess science and basic reasoning are synonymous to you. Hey, while you're at it, set me up a falsifiable claim that proves the meaning of any word in the dictionary without being recursive, you fucking sperglord.
>if I deny it exists it stops existing
Shit argument.
What the fuck do you think Marcuse was talking about?
Alright I'm done. I don't see you doing anything to help though. Enjoy your "woe is me, I have shit genes and can do nothing about it" hell.
Don't feed the troll.
I don't object to the descriptive part of your post (him putting agency on minorities), i object to the useless psychological explanation. And scientific language is nominalist.
Did you read the paper in less than 4 minutes? You must be a genius.
>I have shit genes and can do nothing about it" hell.
What can we do about this? Our race is so fucking insane they will do anything to keep their mindless moral madness, hence using Christianity as a rationalization as to why they shouldnt mess with genetics.
Look at this thread its nothing but whites supporting treating african jungle savages like people because THEY ARE HUMAN TOO even though blacks dont care if your are human or a rock they will still destroy you if they feel like it, BUT BUT BUT WE CAN BE BETTER THAN THEM. Again another simple minded moral reasoning that has no weight in reality because blacks dont learn their lessons they just ignore any moral aesop you teach them and continue their backwards behavior, and yet I am supposed to feel sorry for this race of disgusting evil humans because they are fucking human? No I am not, every race that has encountered blacks said the same thing about them, only whites are insane enough to try and DOMESTICATE THE AFRICAN SAVAGE.
Troll is liberal speak for anyone who doesnt agree with me.
This. Marxism without the economics is like the pacific ocean without the water. Ideas about liberty and equality came from proto-French Revolution sentiment and predate marxism anyway. I don't know how liberalism is meant to be the spawn of Marxism when the former came first. Just trying to smear it by association I guess.
Right. Both liberalism and narxism need to get extinguished.
Everything that /pol/ dislikes is lumped into a single hated entity using some conspiracy.
I added *subconsciously* to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it wouldn't surprise me if I was wrong about that. Stop being a pedant. I was using it colloquially in the sense of being unintentional, not actually advocating a Freudian model like you jumped to the rabid conclusion of. Freud called it the preconscious and unconscious anyway.
Ideally all humans would be limited only by their own personal potential
Theres no point reasoning with you liberals you have no accountability. It is better to just kill all of you.
> liberty
I dont see the people advocating these theories supporting say, the right to freedom of association.
They might not be marxist but they certainly are not liberal
Ok, Althusser, but it remains a fact that many thinkers, who considered themselves Marxists, sought to apply the theories of (the young) Marx, specially praxis theory, to cultural issues.
And they did end up being more successful than orthodox Marxists.
Yeah, whatever dude. If you fantasize about killing people all day you're the degenerate with mental issues, not us.
Don't feed the troll.
great idea, went so good last time
Subconcious is the same as Freuds unconcsious. The new age faggots and metaphysits just renamed it subconcsious to hide the fact that its just Freuds bullshit. The main diffrence between subconcious and unconsious is that one is used by professional psychologists and the other by mystics and retards.
You fuckers openly support destroying people's lives if they dont obey your madness, and you also attacked people who supported Trump and STILL DO IT, you riot when Trump won yet you call us the murderers?
Everytime you nutjobs post the information of a so called racist you actually are indirectly the cause of MURDER because we all know some black psychopaths will attack that person, and that is your real intention you want them to be hurt or brutalized for being racist, peace is alien to you liberals you are the biggest terrorist in American history.
See what I mean you cant reason with them they assume anything they dont agree with is trolling I notice it on youtube as well.