>inb4 Hol fuck, he's still alive?
Kissinger on ralpolitik, war, China, and Trump:
Henry Kissinger thread
nixon's Jew got awarded access to the secret immortality serum
Is this how he really speaks in a conversation? His responses seem like something written by an essayist.
Yep, that's how Harvard intellectuals talk.
MA, PhD, summa cum laude etc.
>You will never be this precise.
Nobody denies the fact he's very intelligent, but after reading this article I can't answer the question "is he wrong"
i wonder, do u think kissinger is /pol/ approved?
>that butthurt kike trying to get him to shit on Trump
>based Kissinger blowing him off
He's shit on trump plenty.
He has, but (((Goldberg))) over here is trying to put words in his mouth
/pol/ doesn't know who he is.
>le meme parentheses
You realize Kissinger is also Jewish, you retard?
I'll leave you with a Nixon quote
>But by God, there are exceptions. But Bob, generally speaking, you can't trust the bastards. They turn on us.
Because who's more trustworthy than Richard Nixon, amirite?
Who better to root out snakes than a cobra?
>"I have not endorsed Trump and will not do so."
Of course not. Hillary is right up your alley you war-mongering cunt.
Did he anything he did ,worth it?
I'm just trying to imagine a conversation between him and Zizek now.
Nah there's better animals that kill snakes.
Unknown since he seems to be indifferent to Zionism, despite being Jewish.
Everyone knows who Kissinger is, retard. He's pretty popular.
You missed the significance of that.
He was asked to endorse one or the other, he endorsed neither well keeping his interviewer content with his answer.
It was an eloquent dodge of a pointed question.
Idk, lots of it came across as mystical handwaving about national spirits and such. China is going to find their destiny, Europe will search for itself etc. Easy things to say nicely but which don't tell very much.
But look at his answers for Syria and the Middle East. They're detailed and precise af.
>Therefore the best way to combine democratic methods and a Syrian state is “cantonization,” or division, of the country into regions that correspond to its component minority groups. The intra-canton elections would reflect the concerns of the groups in each of the various regions. From this, one could move in two directions: 1) A federal constitutional structure for a Syrian state through which a national election with guarantees for minorities could be constructed over time. 2) An off-ramp for Assad, who cannot endure as the leader of unified Syria but could perhaps be given 10 or 12 months to transition first into the Alawite portion of the country, and then out of Syria altogether. In this effort, Russia would likely participate. A workable outcome would be an internal settlement supervised by the now competing outside powers. This, in essence, is what I think Secretary Kerry is trying to achieve.
>and then out of Syria altogether
Well, that shit's not gonna happen unless the FSA starts to actually kill Russians.
Precise but at least that part isn't very original. The Switzerland comparison has been floating around for a while. Rojava is already calling its territories cantons.
israelis hate him for he forced them to gib Sinai back
No because hurr Jew
He's still alive
Actually looks like he just answered a question
He seems to be just about the most boring person alive, its surprising that he didn't become UN general secretary.