
>man voluntarily buys ticket knowing conditions
>when asked to leave per standard of contract, violently resists
>is beat up and removed from plane, allowing its continued operation

what part of any of this undermines ancap?


The passenger violated NAP
He's lucky he wasn't shot

Ancap is not even an ideology. Its a childish Veeky Forums meme. That is all

>per standard of contract

Actually "the contract" specifies that once he is in his seat he cannot be removed. Furthermore even if he wasn't in his seat and outside the plane, he cannot be bumped out for United's staff to take the place.

Ancaps rekt again... just think of the roads!

Contract states he cannot be removed from his seat once seated. It was on them to continue upping their offer, not just pick passengers off at random.

I wish that were true senpai but the libertarian group at my college is full of them

>Contract states he cannot be removed from his seat once seated.
Didn't know this.
He's going to get so much money in the lawsuit.

what they did was illegal, the dept of transportation rules are for prior to boarding on oversold seats, but the plane was not oversold and the 4 employees came to get seats after the passengers all boarded

>not realizing that a company breaching its own contract means that it has less reliability overall and people will boycott it or opt to use other services, like they are doing right fucking now
>not realizing United broke the NAP
>United is a private company anyways
No-one is forcing you to use United in an Ancap society. Don't like it? Use someone else.
Like it's not even bait at this point. Just autism.

In today's world of camera's everywhere I'll never know why a manager thinks this was an appropriate course of action.

Yea he may have had his as chewed out for raising compensation but you have to wonder what's going to happen to him now.

Either way overbooking is a bullshit practice and anyone who defends it is a corporate bootlicker.

That's not true. People get removed from planes after being seated for all kinds of reasons.

this is the narrative the CEO is trying to create by saying he was disruptive and belligerent, however video and eyewitnesses will confirm this was not the case. he did accuse them of racial profiling and said he was calling his lawyer, but wasn't doing anything that warranted that kind of force.

thats what he gets
>didnt create and enter into smart contract with united

Holy shit. They are going to get sued to Hell. This guy had no idea he was buying a ticket to become a member of the global elite.

He should have armed himself


Anarcho-Monarchism is the true patrician choice.

>be american
>violate clause of a commercial contract
>get assaulted
Ayy they did the right thing what are you a communist hahahha do you even freedom lmao

His face as he is removed reminded me of that picture with the orangutan that gets posted all the time.

>yfw the name of the chink is Satoshi Nakamoto


>allowing its continued operation
2 hour delay nigger