I have an interview for an apprenticeship with the HVAC union tomorrow and it's 30 - 45 minutes
Holy shit im feel like I'm gonna throw up what should I do I really want this job
Anyone have a job in the trades?
I have an interview for an apprenticeship with the HVAC union tomorrow and it's 30 - 45 minutes
Holy shit im feel like I'm gonna throw up what should I do I really want this job
Anyone have a job in the trades?
I use too, lmao fuck unions nothing but old fags being lazy. So you're doing it FOR FREE?
they are probably checking for one or both of two things
>if you are competent for the job
>if you are likable based on initial impressions
so study your books or whatever and make sure you look your best and are at the top of your social game
It's for a first year apprenticeship so I have 0 knowledge in HVAC and my social game is 3/10
Can you be more specific in why it's so bad?
Fellow apprentice bro! I just got into a heavy machine operators union as an apprentice and start my training June 5th. If you want, I have a junker email you can reach me at so we can compare apprentice experiences
How was the interview? When did you get accepted, two months seems a long time to wait before you even start (not that I would mind that much)
Don't listen to him. Like all things some unions have their faults, but for some reason everyone has a hard on for shitting on the little guys when they want to unite. I have quite a few relatives in various unions and they all are glad to be in them. It's a brotherhood and and a good way to make connections.
Unions are AIDS. They only exist for marginally skilled people. How many doctors you know in a union? How many engineers. Unions in America today are the remnants of the mob trying to control labor.
Fuck off corporate bootlicker. The only AIDS around here is on your lips from all that ass you kiss.
>pay my dues, we'll protect you in an industry that won't be around in another 15 years!
Meanwhile every modern job that makes $60k starting laughs at unions. But hey everyone against unions must be one of those evil corporatists!
Are you telling me the electrical, HVAC, plumbing etc etc industries are going to be gone in 15 years or magically replaced by advanced robotics capable of the complex tasks required? These aren't burger flipping jobs.
Look don't talk about shit you don't understand. You appear very foolish when you do. Leave your mouth closed unless you want to remove all doubt.
>my job is special and safe!
I don't work a trade you dumb nigger.
Listen just be quiet and we will forget how retarded you are in due time.
So you have to interview just to be able to work for free for two months? Dude just become a trucker at least, better than a grunt for old fucks
Dude says he starts in June, it's April right now. Where did you get the idea I said you have to work two months for free?
I don't live in the USA I live in Canada. I'm not gonna be a doctor or an engineer
Interview was pretty normal... what experience do you have with this position, what are your accomplishments, simple things like that
Not working for free, I get a reduced rate for 3 weeks of training, then right after that I start out at $17 for the first 1000 hours
Second year union electrical apprentice here. You won't be expected to know any technical stuff, so don't worry about that. Just be cool & confident and show that you're willing to work hard and be flexible as needed. Make it clear that you are not a degenerate who will immediately fail his first drug test. Also, be sure to mention how pro-union you are. Good luck!
You live one time. Then die. Quit worrying about the consequences, they don't matter anyway.
I run equipment. Ama
Imagine a bunch of neets replacing a factory of workers.
This is a union.
Need any advice on particular machines? Also, be wary of anyone who pretends they are fucking superman and just break shit. Keep a watchful eye on the guys you notice are fucking good. I mean guys that been in a loader or hoe for 30 fucking years. Get tips from them. I am not a pro by any means but advice from crankybold assholes and nice bros alike is worth its weight in gold.
Tought myself to run my loader and i got bad habbits. 3 uears and i still cant even blade my road for shit. I just back drag it.
Meanwhile i feel as if i coukd conoete in a hoe or shovel competition. Hell, fucked up a front tire on the skid loader once and drove it 5 miles on the back tires.
Just pay attention and dont get complacent. And always look for faggots in the way
Not true they already make auromated haul trucks. I built a remotr control lawn mower with junk parts...
Just a matter of time before loading trucks is autimated.
As a former trucker i have to dissagree.
Driving a truck is like sucking dick without kneepads and paying to do it.
Yeah, the way I've had it explained to me by my dad who used to be in this union is that crane operators get paid crazy money, is this true?
Also, how many months out of the year do you work?
During your off season, do you find somewhere to drive semis for or do you just sit home and collect unemployment?
Agreed, my dad is a truck driver making 100k a year, and it kills his soul
is your head overheating?