League of Legends General - /lolig/lolg/

League of Legends 2 soon !?

Project Vayne Edition

Old Thread: >na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/champion-reveal-zoe

Zoe Voice
Zoe Special Interactions
Project Vayne Voice
Project Vayne special interacions
Overvharge music champ selection:
Project Map Music
Project Jhin
Project Vi
Project Vayne


Other urls found in this thread:


So I should really just buy mystery champion shards to disenchant, then? Reroll any worth less than 3150?

That's what I just did.


xth for my wife Syndra

>tfw no qt petite gf

Alright lolg bouta hit ranked up for these last 2 days on a rampage. What champion(s) should I use to get straight to plat. Hint: I get 1 free win for every promo up until plat since I hit plat solo beginning of the season in less than 60 games until I got chat restricted and harassed a riot employee :^) now im gold 4

i hate this game so much why am i still playing and playing actually want to kms

So what is the CD on Zoe's ult? I saw someone mention


in the previous thread.

I wanna cuddle Jinx and give her lots of gifts, love, and appreciation

rioter said it was 10/8/6s base cooldown

>zoe has almost 400 different lines to spew in game
ive transcribed what so far is the longest one

be ready to finally turn off voice acting in this game if this is the shit she spouts

xth for breast metal waifu

>two more PROJECT adcs

>Zoe's ult is 10/8/6 base cooldown.
What the literal shit?

>literally half an hour of annoying squeaky dialogue

xth for my wife Riven

Can someone explain to me how this is an S rank for Galio?

Like, this was literally the first time I played him cause they took my Zyra mid and I wanted something to mess with Katarina.
I felt I was doing okay, but certainly not fucking S tier, not even S-.

please tell me you're memeing me

alright new runes are out who is OP so i can abuse them

Procrastination, addiction?

It's all relative to the performance of others, friend.

>one day left and still no idea what champion to main

>Project appeals to shitter kids with no taste in skins
>ADC's get far more project skins

Really makes me think

I think Zoe has more lines about Ezreal than Ezreal does total.
Zoe/Ezreal lolidom when?

How are you guys passing the time until pre-season

What the fuck are they even doing at this point? Do they even know?

Is vayne a bad Project? I don't get it

thinking how to kms

50/60/70 mana cost, 2.5s CD at max rank with ultimate hat, she blinks back to her original destination regardless of whether you CC her or not

would you let this suck you off?


I get that, but are Galio players really SO shit that a 5/2 and 129 CS at 25 min is top tier?

>no project Shen

>first ranked game of the day
>lets do 5 adc
>^_^ ashe top
screenshotted and sending a support ticket, these fags are fucked

> new runes are out
wut? what server?

> deciding to main something
> not waiting to see what you're good at/is good
> destroying your mmr in trash preseason games

just play whatever you want in the pre-season and decide once season 8 starts

Can they just start the actual season now?

No preseason bullshit. Just let me get back to soloq. I don't care if it's a broken shit experience just get me back to my addiction.

Apparently. It's also probably by skill/mmr or whatever.

Hey, remember that sword teaser everybody thought was Shen but turned out to be Fiora? Tough break~

it's just really uninspired

>Last male champion you played turns into a girl
>Last female champion you played turns into a boy

What happens?

i don't even know what to try first

>Ult is literally Kass ult but no damage and doesn't actually let her get away or anything, purely a tool for getting extra range
>Has a low CD
>People freak out

I don't get it. Do you faggots think she gets to stay after she blinks? She's forced to go back. The portal jump is just a temporary in and out.
She can only use it defensively to get out of skillshots if she's really good with the timing.


>tfw when i already decided
Eve, kayn zoe and akali are the only 3 im playing

So why are people freaking out about Zoe's ult? Just drop your damage/CC on where she started.

xth for getting spoiled by my mommy gf

Female Panth and Male Leona



>Just pinkward her bro

>Substructure 43 Map Preview | PROJECT Overcharge Game Mode



>female Braum
>male Xayah

Its theorycrafting time /lolg/
How will you build her?do you have any strategy for her in mind?what do you think will counter her?any rune setup planned?

>Female Gangplank
>Male Tristana

Femplank sounds interesting, Tristana is already kind of a tomboy so I can't imagine them being much different as a male

>when you are too stupid to count to four

So is Project/Program/Mecha/Battlecast finally getting lore or what?

why does my enemy team always have a higher mmr than mine...

But that's for ZoeXAurelion

I'm gonna play her support lol

Is there anything in the game more satisfying than hearing the clang of a landed hook?

>tfw you dont have someone to spoil you

>he said he made all the stars in the sky, and they believed him!

im gonna build up lots of condoms so i can fuck her for an entire week!

its worse. it is LITERALLY 30 minutes

>When Zoe uses summoner spells she gets damage from her passive and extra skill damage
Oh, so that's why she was shitting out ridiculous amounts of damage without even needing the skillshot.

she looks like singed/heimer/teemo 2.0

purely annoying to play against,nothing else


Zoe throws a ball that detonates on the first target hit, dealing magic damage and making the struck enemy drowsy. After a couple of seconds, drowsy enemies will briefly fall asleep and take extra damage from the next attack or spell. Whenever an enemy falls asleep, this ability's cooldown is reduced.

If the Bubble hits nothing, it lingers on the ground as a trap. If cast over a wall, it gains casting range.

this shit is broken

It procs her passive and lets her Q do even more damage

So from a lore perspective, is Zoe the strongest character in the game? I mean if she's a bigger deal than Aurelion Sol, then who could actually kill her?

>tfw kassadin has like ten voicelines in total

So I'm running out of time. I don't play any of these but which one should I dust and what should I unlock?

These fucking boxes don't give anything worthwhile. Barely any waifu skins and for the incorrect champions.

The only thing i don't like is that the map seems to be pretty small.

Dodge it like any other skill shot, if you step on it after she flings it your way thats only a testament on how bad you are

xth for my cute wife Ashe

Project Edition

>Zoe uses flash
>she gets three passive procs, not just one, and S E V E N T Y% BONUS MOVESPEED FOR F O U R SECONDS
This bitch is Quinn levels of uncatchable

Why are skins getting lore before the fucking game itself?

becomes Vayne 2.0
becomes Kayn lookalike


Battlecast always had lore. It's Viktor's ultimate future where he's modified organics into machines.
I think Mecha is tied to it somehow. At least Mecha Zero Sion is like some kind of precursor to the Battlecast line.

vg vs vg
pass vidya

wait, is thresh's hook thinner while traveling then gets thicker when it gets closer to its max lenght? because it should have hit the first minion that kali is hitting or the cannon

what do i try first???

Can't wait.


>lets have everyone in ranked fuck around with the mastery system they dont understand while people gimp their way to challenger

Get that fiora skin, at least you can still buy dunkmaster


Thresh hook is narrow at the beginning and expands dramatically specifically at its max range, it's not a gradual growth.

Basically it's fucking retarded broken because MUH MAX RANGE THRESH GOD

Isnt it bard>zoe>Asol?

hello welding

>petting intensifies

>had 3 in mind
>wrote it out
>remembered i want to play kayn too and add it
>look like an idiot
brb kms

>Male Kat
>Female Garen

Hey, I finally get a use for this!!


>Get a chest unexpectedly from doing well with a champ and getting an S
>Okay, cool, either more BE or I can dust whatever I get and unlock Arcade Sona finally
>It's Star Guardian Ahri

FUCK. What do I do /lolg/?

No idea, they did the same thing with Star Guardian, meanwhile we still don't have an updated map of Valoran.

Couldn't Ryze do some serious damage if he did a complete 180 and used MUH RUNES to just wipe out the portion of reality that Zoe inhabits?

>she throws it during a teamfight
you can't just say "dodge it"
in league you can dodge just about everything, man just dodge 5 skillshots at once. (impossible w/o scripting)

git gud

I just hope we get a cinematic.

Their PROJECT cinematic was one of their best ones, it would be real crime if we didn't get a new one.