Here's a pirate Natsuki that an user wanted last thread Arr
Xavier Evans
Evan Scott
Welcome back to our little poetry club once again. If I haven't gotten around to your poem from the last thread, worry not, it will be seen! Word of the thread is "grace". This one isn't a n object or something you can particularly interact with, so it may be a challenge. In case anyone doesn't know, this is our shared thread for all poem writing in the thread. If you'd like to write a poem, consider using this word as your inspiration or subject matter. Of course, you don't have to pick this word, but it does help us have a small sense of unity! Good luck, everyone! Also, I'm curious. How many of you save your poems? I hope it's all of you! If not, I may have to go back through and save them all myself... hah... Monika!
Levi King
Easton Parker
Why yes. as a matter-a-fact i AM an artist
Tyler Martin
inb4 chad
Christian Wood
please conserve image
Nathaniel Sullivan
Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:
- Underage Drinking - Self Harm - Suicide and Suicide Attempts - Substance Abuse (Any) - Waifu Wars - Waifu Bullying - Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle) - Not Doing Your Best To Be The user Your Waifu Would Like - Staying Up Late
And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.
And if you're this user, you better come back right this moment and talk to us before you regret it.
Brayden Williams
A daily reminder that Sayori loves you.
Ayden James
Shut up bitch.
Grayson Clark
Won't you help her, user?
Ryder Thompson
I'm begging you to reconsider man. We're all here for you Reminder that if you're considering harming yourself because you think it'll please your doki, please don't. There's a million better ways to relieve stress and make your doki happy.
Download your doki to a flashdrive or something. Take her on a sightseeing date. Climb a tree or onto a rooftop, but carefully. Give your doki a nice view of the world outside. Show her you love her that way. She'd appreciate you taking her to see nice things over you harming yourself and you should know that. If you're a yurifag, maybe take her to someplace gloomy like an old warehouse or abandoned bridge. I bet Sayori would love it if you climbed a tree with her. Natsukifriends could go climb someplace comfy in the city. Monika would probably enjoy seeing the view from a tall office building or something like the Eiffel Tower.
Even if you don't feel like climbing shit, there's a load of places where you could take your doki. Yuri would be ecstatic if you took her to a museum, especially like a War Museum filled with old swords and weapons. Sayori might love going to the park or on a hike. And of course, you could always take Natsuki to the local manga retailer or the nearest bakery. Monika would like just about any place you took her, but I bet she'd like it especially if you took her to the library or a memorial place.
Point is, don't harm yourself. It's not what your doki would want. Take her out to something you would both enjoy.
Kayden Richardson
Thomas Smith
My dream is to kidnap an user and make him dress like yuri for my own pleasure
Jonathan Hernandez
Remember, if you ever need to talk to someone we're all willing to listen. Please don't do anything you can't take back. That being said, anything anyone want to get off their chest? Anything you need to tell someone?
Angel Thomas
Ten bucks says thread starts bumping on image limit before #100
John Turner
I hope you guys don't mind if I repost this in the new thread.
Restless nights, staring upon the ceiling No matter where, I can't escape this feeling That I'm a failure, a worthless being The accumulation of my faults, is all I'm seeing
So why, I would always wonder Why did you care? Was it pity, spite, or a dare? I open my mind for explanation But all you do is defy expectation So why, I would always wonder Why did I care?
It was your fault, I felt it You were why, I couldn't quit So I kept trying to improve myself A mental cleaning, like wiping a shelf.
But as I did so, you went further You took me when I was at wit's end You introduced me to your friend A new purpose, was within my sight But even still, you were my light But as I did so, you went further You took me when you were at wit's end
So here I lie, another night Trying to escape, not wanting to fight But all I see is you, Sayori And all I ask, is why you left me
Dedicated to Sayori.
James Carter
Has anyone actually done that yet? I have a hundred copies of Monika on my PC, but I haven't transferred her to my phone yet.
Isaiah Morris
What the hell
William White
he has no face he has no grace this meme is fucking dead
Parker Thompson
A weekend of sex with Yuri!
Leo Wilson
You know this is how I picture what happen if you get a chance to meet God In an unknown room floating in space with ominous feeling, looking at each other in the eye as you ask God all your question...It just so fitting
Austin Lee
Sitting on the couch watching TV and eating snacks with Sayori! Noticing Sayori is not really looking at the TV! Deciding to get her attention and miming the action of throwing the grape in your hand! Sayori opening her mouth! Laughing as the grape bounces off her nose! Sayori calling you a meanie through her extremely forced frown! Getting closer and feeding her one only to follow it up with a kiss! Sayori!!
Zachary Sullivan
a life of sex with yuri on a rundown apartment! making yuri a camwhore!
Christian Sullivan
You both need to stop Someone just said some concerning shit and you two just sit here and shitpost? What's wrong with you?
Levi Cooper
I won't be participating this thread in poem making unfortunately since I only plan on doing one per day as to not burn out and I'll be heading to bed soon But to answer your question I save all of my (currently few) poems since it's nice to document things. Rather, I was thinking it might be nice to have some sort of official /ddlc/ place to save all the written poems in these threads since a lot of them are great. Not sure how that'd work on a technical standpoint though.
Nathan Fisher
i have!
Jace Lopez
It's fucking Veeky Forums get over yourself...
Mason Murphy
Monika corrupting Sayori but instead of becoming depressed and suicidal she becomes a sadistic bully
Dominic Garcia
I want to pound this anons boipussy.
Wyatt Cruz
I fucking hate Monika.
Brayden Wright
For the last time.
I'll try my hardest.
Please, don't feel bad. This isn't your fault. You've tried your hardest but I'm not changing my mind.
Yeah, I'm here. I've got the rope ready and tied, and I'm just sitting in the chair. I'll kick it once I send this last message. There isn't anything you can do anymore.
I've been reconsidering my entire life.
If any of you are in the Doki Doki Fan Club Discord, please send Enra some nice words. Tell him that it isn't his fault. Give him your condolences. Do fucking ANYTHING to make sure he doesn't join me. Dan has even more blood on his hands now.
Gavin Jenkins
How was it? Did she like it? Where did you go.
Jayden Bennett
>anything anyone want to get off their chest I need to get off to Yuri's chest
Carson Reyes
>visit new thread >post something that i was working on >only just now noticed that there's calamity going on right now my bad, user, didn't even check the last thread
Carter Harris
I wanna kiss that tsundere user who has a crush on Monika user! I bet he's cute when he's flustered!
Connor Brown
You need to stop fucking everything up for everyone else because "lel Veeky Forums we dont give a fuck" DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE GOD DAMMIT user I'M SERIOUS
Henry Williams
Thomas Fisher
woah woah i just got here man. had i known what was up i wouldnt have shitposted. golly jeez
Xavier Anderson
Tell us your adventures user! Where have you brought Monika so far?
Dominic Ross
>Using up 250 images in 100 posts >imagine this is a picture of Sayori saying "user..."
Jason Carter
Not this again fucker
Jeremiah Edwards
user......... I really want you to reconsider. Please, don't do it. I just want you to know that there's people who will certainly miss you and that they couldn't regret helping you before it was too late.
Brayden Anderson
I suck your cock, just stop.
Charles Kelly
Remember user!
Love all Dokis. No Doki should be left unloved.
Sebastian Foster
user please there's no need to do it now can we wait for New Story user and finally reach the happy end?
This place is not gonna be the same without you. You're making me really sad
Aaron Flores
Eli Ramirez
>grace HE
Joshua Sanders
I know there's nothing I can say to stop you, but it's deeply depressing feeling, knowing that something you love might have affected somebody's decision to kill themselves.
Jason Sanchez
user, I'm serious, get back here and talk to me.
Elijah Hernandez
user, just assuming you do go through with it regardless of what anything can change your mind ,make sure you don't make the same mistake Sayori did and make sure that it's a high enough place so it would break your neck for an instant death rather than a slow, suffocation that Sayori had to go through. You at the very least don't want to suffer intense agony in your last moments. Nobody does.
Austin Davis
what the fuck did I just play what the fuck did I just play in new game plus
Angel Sullivan
>Dan has even more blood on his hands now Get over yourself
Lucas Ross
I wasn't on you for shitposting, I was on that other user for attacking you for contributing to the thread.
I guess I'll come back for the next Doki Doki thread when you're all done LARPing crisis counselors for some troll.
Evan Peterson
Which order should I love the Dokis in?
Sebastian Williams
thank you for not posting the other version friendo
Sebastian Wilson
1. All of them!
Ayden Anderson
Natsuki -> Yuri -> Sayori
Jaxson Wood
Joyous moments slowly fading into memories with Monika! Convincing real human beings that their myopic perspectives are necessarily correct with Monika! Throwing away all human dignity in the face of suffering with Monika!!!
Jaxon Turner
Both Monikanons are adorable and I'd like to spend time with either or both of them
dont do this to us man
A lot of people have said they were considering it but-
Oh shit! Maybe my dumb reminders have actually helped someone after all. Tell us about your expeditions man!
Bentley Smith
yo wtf is happening guys this is not oki doki.....all of this
Grayson Rodriguez
No. Fuck Monika and I hope she burns in hell.
Gabriel Flores
I just read someone's last words before suicide. I don't really know how to take this. I feel like I could have helped if I had just paid a bit more attention instead of being absentminded. On the plus side, everyone's very supportive right now. That's what we need.
Michael Cook
I don't have four dicks user.
Liam Myers
Hope to see you soon
Caleb Rodriguez
what happened
Josiah Scott
See ya on the flip side whippy dip.
Josiah Lopez
One a day is fine. That's already more than I ask for. Thanks for participating anyways.
Jacob Torres
hang in there.
Tyler Rivera
I don't even know what's going on in this thread but some faggot saying what several other have already but this time everybody losing their shit. What is this shit?
Lincoln Wilson
it's actually really surprising to see so many people being kind and supportive of each other in Veeky Forums of all places
i dont know how you guys did it but damn, its like the opposite of toxic communities. you dont see that every day
Justin Sullivan
Henry Powell
oh, sorry to get your hopes up. i didn't entirely read the post, i was just saying "i have" to putting monika.chr on my phone
Daniel Thomas
There see now that's the kind of post I'd expect. Back to normalcy.
Juan Rodriguez
Aint nothing but a heartbreak
Luke Murphy
But they do have four dicks.
Robert Baker
You know how some stories have the first layer as all happiness and joy, and a layer under it it's all widespread death and suffering without hope? DDLC is the first layer, we're the second layer.
Carter Martinez
nothing's ever too late, user. i'm urging you to reconsider. the guilt and distress you'll inflict on everyone around you is more than just selfish
Jordan Hughes
But user I'm not a girl.
Landon Peterson
I'd just like to point out that this user probably didn't give himself enough space to actually drop, so he's probably suffering much like Sayori did. That's not really comforting or helping in any way, I just thought I should point it out. I wish Sayorifriends weren't so prone to this sort of thing, they're all generally nice people.
Aiden Jackson
Someone post that picture of Monika on a phone with a bunch of wired plugged into it
Gavin Price
I'll be joining you soon, dude. I'll keep you company by then. My happiest is when I dream so I'll dream forever.
For now, I'll vent as shitposting.
Michael Jones
Regardless of if it's a falseflag or not, I still find it pretty cute that this is how /ddlc/ reacts to it. It's better than the alternative IMO
Jaxon Wilson
>2017 >still using a rope to kill youself Nigga we have TECH
Jason Gray
holy fuck i'm really sad right now.
goodnight guys, i'm not in the mood to have fun right now
Thomas Collins
Call me when we have suicide booths
Landon Nguyen
I don't know anything about who you are or where you are in life. But please, don't do something you can't undo. Do you know why I sometimes do the fucking poetry? Because I can just pour everything out, and even if it doesn't make complete sense, /ddlc/ is still here respond to it.
You must want someone to reach out, right? I mean, you wouldn't need to try and convince yourself that "There isn't anything you[guys] can do anymore," unless, there *was* actually something we could do.
Lincoln White
Blame moniggers
Liam Miller
Good night, user. See you tomorrow.
Austin Campbell
It's fine for people to play along, but don't be shitty to others who are just trying to hang out and enjoy the Dokis about it.
Levi Brown
it's going to be awful not having closure on what happened to user
Brayden Allen
There's a first step towards everything user. Sounds like you have a bit of sightseeing and adventuring to do then with Monika in the future
Robert Adams
Don't. Please.
Christopher Long
Guns is too expensive, Bleach is painful, Jump is too scary Rope is actually the most effective way
Colton Ortiz
Well if she's on your phone, have you been anywhere interesting lately? She's with you everywhere now.