/d2g/ - DotA 2 General

Major patch: dota2.com/duelingfates (7.07)
Minor patch: dota2.com/news/updates/34339/ (7.07b)
New players: purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
New players (League refugee edition): dotabuff.com/learn/lol
Wiki: dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: blog.dota2.com/
Lore: dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page
Interactive Map: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/interactivemap/

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: datdota.com/
Personal statistics: dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: opendota.com/
Hero stats: devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

Streamlink: github.com/streamlink/streamlink
GUI: github.com/streamlink/streamlink-twitch-gui

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thanks for the meal dotards

haha me too

Reminder that Techies are officially back.

>three memes late
fucking never post here again you fucking inbred moron if you're going to make a new thread do it right

is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land? this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.


>Kaya is the INT sange and yasha
>Can't add it to the S&Y
Dotards? Hello?

What hero uses STR AGI and Int?

i want to kiss both of them at the same time

kys hehe xd
get it

haha wtf thats crazy

dotabuff? Sounds like you're either fulla shit or playing in sub 1k/lpq


spook kang
some other bullshit probably

How does techies use Agi?

where did you get those stats?

4.6k currently dropped from 4.8k, also C behaviour score maybe lower now but you get the picture. Not posting dotabuff cause don't see the point personally.

Whoever buys Skadi

I notice you conveniently cropped out your recent matches and your name. You're still fulla shit and a garbage booster until I see otherwise

Guys, turbo is too much fun...I can't go back...

Ranked turbo when?

What buffs did he get?

>not maintaining a 60% WR on techies
ummm dotards?

POST MMR GRINDING TUNES - Imaginary Girlfriend Edition

>tfw icefrog will inevitable add something for kaya to pair with or just make it go with SnY so we can tell people to KYS


I'm just 2% away

think what you want, heres' the latest matches if that means anything to you

>65% oracle WR

>FREE rapier at level 25
>guaranteed to get it since every game goes over 2hrs
>somehow doesn't need attack speed
kek ok

What should Kaya's mana cost reduction be raised to?


>not picking the 25 move speed one

SS is pretty much an auto-win in turbo mode considering how weak the towers are

this is one of my favorite songs, why is it so good?


This one gets me in the teamwork mood

>peruvian picks alch
>afk rushes radiance octarine manta
>tries to fight with it



Reminder that Pangolier's voice lines confirmed Jakiro and OD are the two most hung heroes in Dota.




>Techies gets a level 25 "select all red mines, rightclick enemy ancient to win game" talent
>You pick the rapier

I'm only 2.3k or so and somehow the carry on my team always knows what he does, and no one on the other team does. Feels fucking good man.


delicious brass horns

the mines can fucking move on their own

what if

what if doom

Red mines do more damage and give less gold.

Also better talents

>Jakiro and OD are the two most hung heroes in Dota.
water is wet

not gay but that's pretty hot

There's more dota happening but I don't feel the need to watch every single match.
In fact I didn't even watch the Liquid/VG finals
So Valve trying to keep their game alive by cramming it with esports throughout the year with like a 2 week break at most is actually waning my interest in dota

Ofc it's not the case for everyone since there will always be people who watch every single thing

>he thinks 5 losses is a lot
10 out of fucking 10 come talk to me after you endure 15+ in a row. those losses are just the gamble of solo queue, this shit is beyond that

what if rupture

my dick demands a source.

what if rupture stunned like mana leak

>my win rates with female heroes I actively (20+ games) play are all over 60%, not a single hero below this
>my win rates with male heroes I actively play range from 30-48% with one outlier in 61%
i-its just a coincidence right?

>when you open up all the links at once just to soak in the ear rape

>Listen to gochiusa OP

anyone got winrates of 5k+ games since 7.07?

I'll party with you user. Sending a friend request.

well here's the full story, i dropped from 4.8k to 4.3 after behaviour score patch, the climb all the way back to 4.8k then started having unwinnable games again and dropped to 4.6k (ooga team booga i know..), but then the subsequent games i literally had the exact same players that made me lose my previous games and i wasn't even queuing immediately after i had the games with them so i threw a tantrum for a few games and got banned till Friday, trust me i know what real loss streaks look like.

>tfw comic with all those characters soon


Hmm, what you're saying is a little hard to comprehend, but let me try to break it down.
What is an interrogative pronoun, in this instance used as a conditional tense. Conditional tenses are used to speculate about what could happen, what might have happened, and what we wish would happen. Conditional forms in English are generally used in sentences that include verbs in one of the past tenses. This usage is referred to as "the unreal past" because we use a past tense but we are not actually referring to something that happened in the past. There are five main ways of constructing conditional sentences in English. This sentence uses Type 2, used to refer to a time that is now or any time, and a situation that is unreal. Type 2 sentences are not based on fact. The type 2 conditional is used to refer to a hypothetical condition and its probable result. In type 2 conditional sentences, the if clause uses the simple past, and the main clause uses the present conditional, or the present continuous conditional.
Pretty straightforward, the other half of the conditional. Although, because this is an interrogative clause and not a declarative clause, the appearance of this "if" raises the question: what if this is a mixed conditional? For clarity's sake, a mixed conditional refers to an unreal past condition and its probable result in the present. These sentences express a situation which is contrary to reality both in the past and in the present. In these mixed conditional sentences, the time is the past in the "if" clause and in the present in the main clause. It is ambiguous which of these two conditional types is at play here - most probably it is up to the answerer to decide. Also, fun fact: "if" is derived from the Old English "gif", like the internet file type.

>34% wyvern winrate
Should've been playing core winter waifu.

pure concentrated autism

This is another ambiguous one (what did he mean by this?) Of course we all know and love, or hate, the DotA 2 ultimate ability "Rupture", but what about the word itself? Collins gives the noun definition as a severe injury in which an internal part of your body tears or bursts open, especially the part between the bowels and the abdomen. This raises the question of what exactly the Bloodseeker is rupturing, and how, but we'll save those questions for another time. For now, let us focus on "rupture". According to Oxford, rupture is an intransitive verb that means: (especially of a pipe or container, or bodily part such as an organ or membrane) break or burst suddenly. Most probably, "rupture" is used in this sense in the name of the DotA 2 ultimate ability, and the poster I am replying to meant to reference that name rather than a noun. So despite being used as a verb, it becomes a proper noun, at which point of course it must be capitalized. The poster failed to do this, hence the confusion.
Another loaded term (loaded term can be used to mean a term that elicits an emotional response—positive or negative—beyond its literal meaning, but it can also just mean a word understood to have greater meaning in that specific context than it does in general discourse). First, the word stun: "to daze or render unconscious" (from a blow, powerful emotion, etc.), probably a shortening of Old French estoner "to stun". Another thing to note is that it is in the simple past tense, indicating action having already occurred. Of course, this term "stunned" also carries special meaning in Defense of the Ancients Two, but that should be familiar territory to anyone acquainted with this general. As a quick refresher, "Stun is a status effect that prevents active actions like moving, turning, using spells or items, but does not prevent passive abilities, such as evasion and Damage Block." (From Gamepedia)

Is this even the correct word to use here? Should this be "like", like it is now, or "as", as seen elsewhere? The confusion in using like or as is caused by a lack of understanding of the words’ roles. In formal writing, like is used as a preposition, telling where, when or how the noun in the sentence is doing whatever it may be doing. As is used as a conjunction, joining two clauses. Coordinating conjunctions allow you to join words, phrases, and clauses of equal grammatical rank in a sentence. Let's look ahead a bit to see which this is. At first it appears our second clause is missing a verb, making it of unequal rank, but hold! It could be a verbless clause. Curious? "A verbless clause . . . is considered a clause because it is dealing with a separate piece of information in relation to the main clause. For example, in the sentence, In the interests of the local children, the council should reconsider its decision, there are two separate pieces of information: the main clause--the council should reconsider its decision; and a dependent clause that deals with issues that interest local children. In this clause, however, the verb has been nominalised resulting in a verbless clause. Verbless clauses are different from adverbial phrases. The latter provide some information to do with the time, place, or manner in which something happens within an existing clause. Verbless clauses, on the other hand, provide a separate piece of information outside of an existing clause." (Peter Knapp and Megan Watkins, Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing. UNSW Press, 2005) This is almost certainly what we're working with here, and so we'll assume this is what the author meant. Another error!

what if mana leak killed like rupture?

What does Pot of Greed do?

This word should really be considered in combination with its fellow below, but a couple words on the word mana seem apropos at this time. It's almost certainly derived from a pan-Polynesian idea of "that which makes something effective" - usually, what makes magic effective. "Mana" tends to travel in the company of the idea of "taboo", the complex of rules that distinguish something as sacred. Mana comes from obedience of taboo, from the performance of certain rites, from pleasing the spirits of ancestors, or from other sources, depending on the particular island whose mana/taboo complex you're studying. (Keesing's Kwaio Religion is probably the most readable account, and recommended reading - the Kwaio have a verb that's a cognate of "mana", and their practices revolve around satisfying ancestor spirits who can in turn "namana"-ize their descendants' activities, mundane and magical alike, so that they meet with success.) Larry Niven is probably the writer who brought the idea into Western fantasy literature, as the Wikipedia article indicates, and it spread in that millieu during the 1970s. The more you know!
And here it is, the coup de grace. Let's cut to the chase this time by immediately pointing out the same error we had above - that is, the poster neglected to capitalize what is obviously a proper noun. Let us also, for now, leave the issue of the implicit verb "does" since it was omitted from the original post. All we need to know is that a leak is a way (usually an opening) for fluid to escape a container or fluid-containing system, such as a tank or a ship's hull, through which the contents of the container can escape or outside matter can enter the container. Leaks are usually unintended and therefore undesired.

So without going further, we can see that several of the issues in this post are just grammatical, and with a revision stage no doubt many a miscommunication could have been prevented.

here, this'll help you get used to the peruvians


>Squee, Spleen, and Spoon are now 3 individual entities that can be controlled independently
>Each of their Q's is called "Rendezvous", the Techies regroup at a targeted location after some channel time, dealing damage and silencing
>Squee is ranged, and his W is like Clockwerk's rocket flare that deals no damage but lasts longer
>Spleen is melee, and his W is the current Proximity Mine
>Spoon cannot attack, his W is a spell to go invisible, gaining bonus move-speed (Techies can Rendezvous at Spoon's location while Spoon remains invisible)
>Squee's E is a passive that decreases the magic resistance of enemies around him
>Spleen's E is the current statis trap
>Spoon's E is the current minefield sign
>Squee's R is "Focused Detonate",
>Spleen's R is the current remote mine
>Spoon's R grants true sight of a specific area for a period of time

>Proximity Mines can now hurt the Techies (at half the damage)
>Each of the Techies have their own separate re-spawn time, only Squee or Spleen go to kill credit however
>Spoon's re-spawn time is always 0


Improve my draft

it lets you draw two cards

>last 30 games have been turbo
>tfw can't go back

go back to hots, you filthy TLV picker.

And pick better heroes, like abathur

wow that sure was difficult, the AI plays almost as well as your average 2k dotard

I wanna plug her butt

I guess it was pretty obvious wasn't it ;_;

Underage, get the fuck out

>so i threw a tantrum for a few games and got banned till Friday
define throwing a tantrum in dota

all of them should have an innate version of 'suicide squad attack' that forces all three to blow up at once when pressed regardless of where they are on the map so you can deny them on the fly, in case one or more is getting attacked at once

>TB untouched when he has 63% winrate at 5k+

is that hero cancerous? i have 10k gold i dont know which hero to buy

TB's tournament performance is awful.

talking shit, getting reported until you receive a ban

He's meepo lite, fun but game losing unless you know what you're doing. heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/The_Lost_Vikings

I wanna plug her butt.

What the fuck are you niggers doing

talking about what dota might have been in a different timeline, what about you?


Trying to hook up with a qt but he doesn't really see to be into it

have you tried taking him out to an arcade or something like that?

that's fucking gay m8

get the chloroform and the sleeping pills out

post more wr midriff

are you living in the 80s?

I'm living in the "burning quarters at skeeball and night of the living dead while buzzed is fun" era