we need a edit of prvati eating a fish so everyone post that until they like parvati
Thomas Sullivan
Reminder that it's currently fall and that winter comes soon. Keep your Okita in her first ascension to keep her and her cute feet warm
Zachary Brown
How many hours until gudaguda?
Blake Wood
fluffy servant
Angel Moore
You may be here for a while
Christian Hill
Fluffy Servant
Jordan Harris
Landon Gonzalez
Chase King
So. Out of all the servants who's alignment is just utterly fucked by the throne? Popular choices include: Atalante, Cursed-Arm Hassan. Anyone else come to mind?
Colton Cox
Okita's toes falling off from frostbite!
Lincoln Reed
>Loves people without reproach >Even those who abused her child to death Such a naive person, but cute.
Nolan Kelly
Michael Sanders
please be my friend
David Rodriguez
When are we going to put all these friend points to good use?
Ayden Sullivan
I don't know anything about her, beyond the shit that people were giving the artist. Oh, and that she's possessed Sakura.
Ryder Adams
Or else.
Isaac Baker
Seems spot on to me
Caleb Peterson
Fate/Zero event
Angel Gonzalez
They fucked up Big Foot, he's a gentle soul who wouldn't murder a camper
David Rivera
Jacob Perez
Does anything get added other than Hundred Face?
Josiah White
can you put a fish there?
Nathan Howard
Wyatt Young
I'm keeping her in her first ascension outfit until I get her third Ascension and switch to that. I like the combo of her Shinsengumi coat and Scarf.
Blake Jackson
The Priest COOKS
Eli Kelly
She hated them for a moment, but lasting hate isn't in her blood. Hell, she doesn't even have a wish for the grail and you'd think she would want her family back.
Nathaniel Lee
Only 7 levels from 50 (where I've been stuck with her for a while) and I already feel like my Ushi is different kind of beast. Now she can hurt and kill things with something other than her NP. Plus, I quite like her new sprite.
She's really a latebloomer. Revserse S is a pretty cool development curve.
Cooper White
my next level is up soon but if i wait until guda starts i will be sitting on full ap for 6 hours and wasting that regen ap...
Julian Lopez
But you can already get a level 100 CE and a full set of Fous now! For the low low approximate cost of 2 million FP!
Jose Wilson
I hope she either get's a 4 or 5* Adult version of herself or an animation update one day.
Seeing the Generic animations on servants I like such as her, George or Hans makes me die a little inside.
Jace Bailey
Sent, name starts with L and ends with en.
Robert Reed
So should I use my main team or use a full underleveled bonus team to clear the story first?
Lincoln James
Does Scathach love (me)?
Lucas Anderson
>Brown sugar Ushi Diamond.
Landon Jones
I'd try it. Always curious about how hot that mapo tofu was.
Carter Wright
>Scat >love
Aaron Foster
Mordred is a princess!
Kevin Parker
Underleveled toons so you can get a feel for how little damage they'll do when they come out for event time Or normal team so you're that much closer to bond CE and benching them
Brayden Richardson
Not my wife, but still a snek.
Justin Bell
I'll kill her father and make her king!
Oliver Young
Mapo tofu ain't that spicy. You might get the numbing feeling on your tounge weird tho.
Oliver Johnson
Mordred needs a fat cock in her mouth.
Robert Bell
Are they still on the boat?
Kayden James
Jonathan Thomas
jack every thread until she can be adopted
Joshua Cox
She has cute taste in armor, I'd enjoy polishing her long sword while listening to her talk about sword fighting tactics
Christian Lewis
Do you guys bother with the attributes?
Jonathan Richardson
Type Moon haven't made anything of value since Fate/Extra CCC. Prove me wrong.
Parker Cook
Nigga, what the fuck.
Christian Rivera
You're wrong, they haven't made anything of value since kagetsu tohya
Wyatt Richardson
Stop making me love long tongues
Jonathan Perry
Jacob Young
I still can't believe it's banned.
Christopher Hill
Is it gay that I'm starting to like Astolfo a bit?
Sounds pretty weird. Guess I'll try it next time I eat out. Maybe douse it in ulcer causing spices for the true priest experience.
Cooper Thomas
Brings back old memories..
Brayden Lopez
wasn't that CCC?
Joshua Howard
I like his design, I just wish he didn't have a dick.
Hudson Johnson
Luis Ward
Henry Wood
Really? That blows.
Thomas Flores
it's a lot gay
Bentley Barnes
Astolfo wouldn't be Astolfo without the dick.
Andrew Robinson
Only if you're a guy. Astolfo is a straight man who just happens to be pretty enough to pass as a girl.
You ARE girl right?
Ayden Sanders
Exactly, I don't want Astolfo, I want Astolfo's design.
Hudson Long
Christopher Turner
>2017 >not being bisexual If someone's cute nothing else matters
Levi Smith
Type-Moon haven't made anything of value since Hollow Ataraxia. Extra is trash and was start of the decline >inb4 muh Nasu said CCC was his best Nasu is a shit and a hack
Dylan Davis
On a scale of 1-10 how ready are you?
Charles Jones
If you wouldn't suck Astolfo's cocklet you don't deserve him
Tyler Green
imma make that litttle twink hard fucking gay with my big gay cock
Aiden Cruz
Yeah. New /a/ mods are crazy.
Isaac Brooks
7 Need more XP for the servants I get but am more than ready to roll for Okita.
Aiden Jenkins
Liz Ready/10!
Ryder Carter
8, I didn't stockpile enough exp to ascend nobu to 80 but I have a maxed emiya and cu so it should be fine
Ian Gutierrez
that image be a fake
Chase Ramirez
Needs to do that with Amazons too.
I believe she'll be back one day. Definitely.
Ryan Bell
>Just like an eroge protagonist, he emitted a mysterious radiation that attracted women to him, but sadly everyone ensnared by it inevitably met a terrible end.
What's wrong with Kiritsugu?
Grayson Ramirez
I needed to harvest more hands
Nathan Evans
Don't forget that you need a slot for Nobu.
Ian Ross
Fuck it. I'm calling to Astolfo tonight.
Adam Allen
Chase Cox
About a 9, got enough exp cards to max Okita to level 90 if I get her. Im just missing 15 gears
Ryder Cruz
Liking Twinks is so cowardly, if you are gay you should like MEN not girls with cocks
Cameron Phillips
They also banned Illya and Jack threads
Nathaniel Robinson
Jaxon Evans
>Most I ever see is 23 - 28 stars >Call in Evil Cat support >Brown shirt boost + NP >100% for everybody
Fuck me, green cat please come to me. My team needs- No, I want you!
Blake Taylor
Hmmm, gonna go with a 4 for this one. Don't have Emiya, not planning on rolling for Okita, about 50/50 on servants being leveled for the event, got a stash of exp to toss into Nobu. It will go like most events, I'll squeak by on getting the mats I really need and a few extras, and accept that I'll never clear the fucking shop.