If it weren't for cucks such as this appeasing Hitler, could Germany be stopped earlier?
If it weren't for cucks such as this appeasing Hitler, could Germany be stopped earlier?
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most likely yes
The world would have been a better place.
Arguably yes. There would have still been war but it would have been much more contained and far less destructive
If the British and French actually took rearmament seriously and prepared quicker, and weren't being stuck-up Jews to the Russians then an anti-German alliance between the 3 to take out Germany in 1938 could have been feasible.
>doesn't want another horrific war
>le KEK XD
If you were in the trenches, you would want to prevent such a horrific event ever happening again, you fat cunt.
Jesus, it didn't even last half a fucking year? How could anyone take diplomacy seriously in the 30's?
the problem is twofold
fr+uk weren't really ready for a war despite even chamberlain recognizing it might come and trying hurriedly to get the military gears going
however, at the same time, early war germany was a risk taker in a precarious position, not a juggernaut
had the allies decided to take a risk of their own, even their less prepared force could have basically ended the war before it began - the western german frontier was only lightly manned during the invasion of poland and the invasion itself despite major and quick successes was always dangerously close to outstripping german logistical capabilities and resources
in a saar-offensive-gone-wild scenario it is difficult to see a positive outcome for germany, i imagine a best outcome static frontline a few dozen miles into the western part of the country
poland would still be fugged by the gommies tho
also i imagine something like the above applying in case of them deciding on a military approach already during the czechoslovak crisis, except the getting fucked by the soviets part, although the czechs would probably still be fucked in the short run, but with some hope as you would have allied armies marching into germany
Yes, but the point is the fear of another war caused war of even greater magnitude than The Great War.
Effective prevention of another great bloodshed would be destruction of NSDAP and disarmament of Germany. Feeding the aggressor with weapons and men would only increase the scale of inevitable war.
The Problem is intervention against a leader the people accepted shows you to the rest of the world as an imperialist.
Could French And British troops have reached Berlin in a week in 1933? Yes.
Would America, Russia and Japan approve? No.
That would be true before the Sudets crisis. Have Germany launched operation Green, no one (except axis of course) would object to allied intervention.
yes, very easily. They were allowed to rebuild their military and France could have easily crushed them when they went into the Rhineland again. Even Hitler knew this and ordered his troops to retreat if the French put up any resistance to that action.
Hindsight is a beautiful thing.
None of us could imagine the absolute dread of these veteran's at the thought of another Great War. In hindsight, yes, if at the first breach of the ToV French and British troops had stormed across the Rhine and deposed Hitler, WW2 might have been avoided. However, I can't bring myself to fault them for trying as hard as they could to prevent the war, with the facts available at hand.
even from contemponary perspective some people knew what will happen.
There was a reason why Neville's brother through Neville should not be let near international politics.
Rage more, you pathetic beta.
Fuck off. I was in afghanistan. you're a fat cunt who thinks trench warfare is a bunch of german soldiers blowing away hundreds of french while Sabaton plays.
>its someone elses fault Hitler couldnt stop being a relentless shithead
you think anyone could stop this?
If Czechoslovakia had been allowed to use against the Germans in '38, yes.
Captured Czech resources played a significant factor in early German victories. If the Czechs had resisted the Germans by force, they could've beaten back the ill-prepared invasion, or at the very prevented their use by the Germans.
If the Allies had resisted early German conquests with the violence and tenacity the Confederacy displayed with at the start of the Civil War. Blitzkrieg or no Blitzkrieg, the Nazi leadership would never have gained the confidence (or more appropriately overconfidence) to attempt their more insane plans, such as invading the Soviet Union, or the Final Solution for that matter.
>Riddles airfields with more craters than the moon.
Why wasn't Germany just left alone to wage war in the east?
>inb4 germany wanted to conquer the world maymay
Eternal anglo strikes again. It amazes me how the Brits have convinced the world they were "the good guys", when their culpability for WW2 comes only a close second to Germany under Hitler
You know that these people who were "appeasing" Hitler had all lived through WW1 right? You might have heard of it, it was the deadliest war the world had ever seen up until that point. Can you really blame them for not wanting to have WW1 all over again? Wouldn't you have given up part of Czechoslovakia to avoid generations of men being wasted?
Turtledove wrote a book about this, "The War That Came Early"
>amerishart thinks that his tour of sitting inside a barracks and surfing internet all day means that he knows about actual combat.
Don't forget, you had French governments only lasting about a month at a time.
Even without the political will for offensive warfare, France still could have held on if their military hadn't been crippled by political infighting.
First off, I was shot in the fucking kneecap and it's still fucked
second, i'm not a fucking yank