/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1348

■ Current Update (10/25): 「託されし巨なる力」 Part 2

■ Next Update (11/1): 「電撃!ポリタンカーニバル」

■ Future
├ Dec: Erythron Dragon Raid Boss EQ
└ Jan: Enchanted Forest Field

■ Weekly Boost & Events Schedule
├ JP: pso2.jp/players/boost/
├ EN: google.com/calendar/[email protected]
├ Random EQ Hourly Alerts (JP, All Ships): twitter.com/pso2_emg_hour
└ Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST

■ Current Scratch: pso2.jp/players/catalog/scratch/
├ Misty Dark World (until 11/8)
├ Alchemist Replica (until 11/22)
├ [SG] Mother Cluster Imitation (until 12/13)
└ [SG] Darkness Conviction (until 12/13)

■ Current Collection File
├ Trick or Treat 2017 (Fornis, until 11/8)
├ Majestic/Phantom Battleship (until 11/29)
├ Revolutio 2 (until 2018/3/7)
├ Aura (until 2018/3/20)
└ Evleda (until 2018/3/20)

├ General Information/News: bumped.org/psublog/
├ Basic English Patch: pso2.acf.me.uk/Manual/
└ Buy AC using PSO2es: pastebin.com/raDBtSpa

□ Database/Wiki
pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
pso2wiki.net/ (JP)
pso2.arks-visiphone.com (EN)

□ Simulators
├ Skill Trees: arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php
├ Affixing: pso2affix.seilent.net/
└ Damage Calculator: 4rt.info/psod/

□ Previous Thread

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I wanna go to sleep but the slot machine keeps winning..

Your luck will eventually run out

As I read your post this happens
Your words make me stronger user!

I'm glad you're having fun user

This user actually doubled their CC on rappy slots. Damn, hold on to that luck senpai. The first time I went into the casino with 1100 CC I lost everything to that shitty rappy slot.

>get in BQ
>lose rank
>get in BQ again
>wait hours before trying again
>everything fine
>do eqs
>no disconnects
>do BQ

>log on tomorrow

>login in b12
>enju erping in area chat by the gate
What the fuck. pso2g is literally just like b01.

Naberius is so beautiful


So I'm not 100% on this. Was Naberius an artificial planet made to seal Dark Falz or was it a planet that already existed that had Dark Falz sealed within it, which messed up it's ecosystem resulting in the sudden switch from forest to tundra. And what are the ruins? Are they Dark Falz' spaceship or something? Or did the Oodans make it?

>Dark Falz Jack
>Using real name for your edgy chuuni oc villain form name
Is everyone on pso2g 12-15?

Is it any different from Dark Falz Luther?

People who play pso2 are either poor or play pso for nostalgia so it's two extremes.

Dark Falz Loser?

so you are poor

敗者, Loser, pun with Luther.

Vocal nuisances are. It's incredibly easy to spot and ignore such creatures.

Also a lesser known pun for Dentist

How? What language?

I really wish they'd just give us a big damage sponge to try things on. Bal Rodos lasts 2 seconds with modern damage


If only they'd give us XH free fields.

Won't happen until after the aura and revolucio files end

You had Ult Amduscia Boost week to try things out.

Maybe ult naberius will have some bullet sponges too.

So what's the story behind the Ultimate Quests? Anga Fhandarge shows up and corrupts stuff? Where did it come from? What's it made of?

I want things that don't move much so I can do single target dps tests, I'm just trying to count numbers here.

My waifu is really cute.

My waifu is the cutest.


How do I S rank? Is there a list somewhere with how much points each monster gives in each map and difficulty? Why is this so cryptic SEGA?

My rule of thumb is this: just kill stuff till you either fill up your PB gauge or Hero gauge. If you've killed enough to fill up your Dark Blast gauge, it's time to wrap things up and head to the damn end already.

You get the feel for it eventually


I will always be surprised by just how lewd Matoi is actually dressed after her first costume

Her first costume had some lewd details on it too

Rough understanding of it is that Anga Fhandage is born out of photons that become part of the Profound Darkness

The areas aren't corrupted in the same way that Darkers normally infect things, rather they've been replaced by the same physical location but from a different timeline


Dumb drakeposter

why is the weila set so good


because fuck you thats why

>look at me guys i can't even look shit up on the wiki to see their stats xd i play for fun ok nobuly

i agree back at sea server the weila set gave +200 attack and 0 rest

>weak hit pp ring
another one that wont work with hero right?

I don't understand why there isn't a training dummy room for this after all this time. It's not like it would be the most complicated thing to work in.

It's probably just not that high on their list of priorities
It'd still take a non-zero amount effort to implement

Okay I guess you actually have to be in a legit party to do Emergency Quests. Totally missed the enrage timer for DEUS ESC-A last night.

More likely your MPA was lacking damage to beat it. What difficulty were you on? If XH, it could be that you lack Expert matching.

Easy. Still very new at the game, but already 30.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I really should grind up my weapon. I've been focusing too much on +10ing the units.

Also are those 7* weapons useful at all or just fodder/vendor trash if they don't have any neat skills?

Ah, then yes, you shouldn't worry too much about EQs until you're in SH. Always grind your weapons but you want to pick ones that have %dmg boost all the time at least. 7 star weapons are mostly affix fodder (if they have good abilities), mag food or selling them to NPCs/trashing. Focus on leveling and unlocking areas, user.

*read thread*
*nods head*
I see this is where the gentlemen of fine taste gather. I heard this game has some cute catbois and I want to try them out.
>what's the furry server?? Can I play this on my PS4?

What are the minimum requirements to enter SH and not be carried?

Playing solo.

Ship 4 is the one with the furries.


I don't think I should be soloing SH EQs.

The gaybois are over there .

I'll try it out after this one xD
What's ur toon name? I want to make friends as soon as I login :3


Rappy slots are fun but I make money a lot quicker playing Black Nyack. You can also make a ton of money really quickly if you get lucky on the Arkuma slots, but the stakes are much higher so you can just as easily lose a ton of money.

I don't really find the other games worth playing, I usually walk away from them with only marginal winnings if any.


>what is dark falz luther

I'd say a 60 ele 13 (or a good potential 12) star and a decent set of units would be good enough. For the 13 star, the ones from Buster quest CF are a nice choice and shouldn't be hard to grind for if you know what you're doing when you're in VH. You have to start somewhere so you'll be getting carried until you're strong enough to carry.

I don't even know what I'm doing in VH though.I gethit constantly and do no damage.

Post your gear and skill tree.

All of my gear is total garbage.


Don't forget the mag
-We want your playstyle
-Weapons, units and rings
-Phantom Arts and Techniques
-Main class level and Subclass level
-Skill tree

Show us what you are comfortable to show. Also blot out your username in screenshots.

get a decent 10* (nt deo weapons are a good start) and upgrade it

get some hiei units at the very least and craft them if you can, also upgrade those

affix your units to be soul/stat3/stat3, do HP/attack affixes until you're more confident

VH is a damage spike and SH is an aggression spike. SH will absolutely rock your shit if you don't start paying attention to enemies and what they're capable of doing.

a lot of the problem with the VH to SH jump now is that our earlygame power levels are way too high so everything gets ohkoed by new players up until VH which starts doing damage and SH which starts just killing you, causing you to hit a brick wall in progression. its all very unorthodox.

user are you really this triggered?

Don't worry about getting carried in SH when you first get there.
You will get carried no matter what starting out, you simply don't have access to any of the good shit on VH and below and it takes some grinding on SH/XH to get it.

There is also an "Expert" setting that has specific requirements to make sure people that are still using 1* weapons don't shit up MPAs too bad, anyone that really cares about leeches will just toggle that on and since you naturally won't meet the requirements yet they won't end up in the same MPA as you.

>Dark Falz Loser

Similar enough to make a pun out of =/= literally the same.

Okay well, if you want that much information:
>Don't forget the mag
Level 81, all in S-ATK
>We want your playstyle
I don't really know how to answer this. I've been playing only with Jet Boots at the moment, only because I wanted to practice with them a bit before I moved on to learning Dual Blades. I want to play both.
>Weapons, units and rings
Pic related. None of my weapons are higher than 9 star, but I'm working on the Evleda CFs for both Jet Boots and Dual Blades.
>Phantom Arts and Techniques
I'm not sure how to answer this either.
>Main class level and Subclass level
53 Bouncer, 28 Hunter
>Skill tree
I'm following this skill tree from a guide someone linked here for me:

That makes me feel better, but I'd still like to at least learn how to dodge attacks so people don't have to revive me every 5 seconds.

get an adrenaline ring instead of attack advance so you can keep buffs up on yourself easier

>got btfo hard multiple times in the previous thread
he's still hurting

>Phantom Arts

Pun aside, its the same fucking thing. You guys just want to complain about because MUH ERP DEGENERACY REEEEEEE

I'd recommend buying a Saiki Set from the market as soon as you have the money for it. I think the pieces are all around 50-100k meseta each now.

Rear / Saiki Houyoku
Arm / Saiki Sou
Leg / Saiki Shoku

The set bonus from having all three equipped gives you 60Atk and 25PP, ontop of that the units themselves have a lot of defense, very good resistances, and some HP on them.
You could also craft them to get even more HP or PP but I don't think that's really worth it anymore nowadays, you will switch to 12* Units sooner rather than later.

I hate erp scumbags but they've been around for years now so I just stopped giving a fuck about them, other anons should do the same

ERP is the only reason this game and general are still alive

true but if they can still bitch about 2 certain people being a leech despite having the option to blacklist than i dont what to say. It's mainly how Veeky Forums works so w/e

I'm a good 60 DEX short of being able to equip that set.

If you're willing to waste 2 or 3 skill points, you should play hunter more for now, specifically using a sword. Get sword gear and one point in hunter gear boost and charge parry. It's not that the class is easier or requires less skill, but using guard and using charged attacks will teach you to focus on what enemies are doing. You'll have to level Hu to 75 and later 80 anyway.

I think my problem is more not knowing how to react to enemies than it is not pying attention to them. I've been in a lot of situations where I see attacks coming a mile away but still completely fail to avoid them because I just don't know how.

Honestly, I'd say to just try and deal with it for now. As soon as you get some levels, especially in your HU sub if you plan on getting Automate like you probably should, you won't just get one-shot anymore and since the attack patterns and enemy behavior is pretty different on VH and below trying to get used to enemies on those difficulties won't particularly help.

Jet boots have a dodge action, press the shift key for it
They also have invincibility frames on some of its photon arts if you press shift after or during the first animation

You are on the same level as this
This thread is clearly everything but ERP lately
How about

Has anyone here bought the pumpkin lobby action? Was it worth it? The scratch is going away tomorrow so I was thinking of buying it.

It's not even remotely the same thing. Think about what you're arguing.

>"Loser" is a pun on "Luther"
>therefore, regular guy names are perfectly valid choices for Dark Falz names

In that case, may I present to you the newest additions to the Dark Falz lineup:
>Dark Falz Steve!
>Dark Falz Bob!
>Dark Falz Mike!
>Dark Falz Stephanie!
>Dark Falz Phillip!
>Dark Falz Becky!
>Dark Falz Amanda!

Shit man, that's the same train of thought that gave us the classic "go to deviantart and look up "[your name] the hedgehog" game. Autism.

fulldive dot nu/category/pso2/jb-bouncer-guide/
If you are having problems with certain classes, you can just look up videos of said class and observe how it plays

>The scratch is going away tomorrow

did you get step advance yet? it makes dodging things much easier

most people only get lv3, but if you have points to spare you can get lv5. its not much more but i've found it noticeable enough to justify it when playing techer

I've been trying both shift action dodging and the actual dodge button to try to avoid different things, but not with any success. I also know there's apparently iframes on Jet Boots PAs too, but I have no idea how to take advantage of any of these things. It'd probably help if I understood exactly how my dodges work.
Yeah, I should probably just try and find videos of JB Bouncers doing bosses I have trouble with and watch how they dodge. I'm kinda dumb for not doing that earlier. I feel like without explanations I might end up not picking up on/understanding things though.

>shift key
>there are people who don't use a controller
Even as ranger a controller helps because you can use the right stick to change target to the right weak point

the same thing could work with Jack or anything else dumbass. Jump through enough hoops and you could still logic it

>unironically playing RA out of all the classes with controller

>Shit man, that's the same train of thought that gave us the classic "go to deviantart and look up "[your name] the hedgehog" game. Autism.
It is but with dark falz "x" if you want to go there then Dark Falz: :Elder", "Apprentice" and "Double" are just as guilty as Dark Falz Jack

The skill tree I was following doesn't take it: