/parag/ - Paragon General

Ded game edition
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>I want a Grim Reaper skin for Sev

I had to whip out my phone to bump this thread. Fuck you guys.

Is this the END of /parag/?!?

Fuck off and stop plaguing Veeky Forums with your shitty general we don't need any more useless dead general for a dead shitty game that will fall as hard as Battleborn did even with tons of marketing and advertising and even then it's a general for a shitty game literally HOTS 2 but without blizzard characters

go fuck yourself, stop making your shitty general (atleast those cringy poll are not here anymore)

Vargposter, is that you?

>people whining on Twitter for a new hero
Fucking why. Give us more cards, not more heroes. There's not enough variety in builds. GIVE US MORE CARDS

>Give us more cards


How about that riveting, high-skill Grux gameplay eh?

A real shame what has happened to /parag/ and Paragon. I honestly can't believe Epic is killing this game patch after patch after patch.

Take care /bushbros/

The new Aurora skin is sexy.

>I honestly can't believe Epic is killing this game patch after patch after patch.
I sure can.

>Make a skin that's a stepback from Glacial Empress for Aurora

For what reason.


Exactly what I was thinking of when I posted.

I like the new one better

Smite pls

It's perfect
It's like when Kallari and Countess ran wild but even more retarded

See he's working as intended, if they nerf him he'll go back to being worthless again

he'll be that rhino dude that does okayish dmg but isn't tanky, he'll smash n grab and do like a 3rd hp dmg and people will then just focus him and delete him.

I think making supports and their items better will help mitigate his effectiveness. that way we don't have a card too strong on x problem again or hero even without card is too strong.

I believe there's worse problems like PSK especially on heroes that already have sustain (Shinbi,Khaimera,Kwang,Ramp) these fucks are unkillable and will snowball hard and take a T2 easily by the time you PLM comes online which is pretty much too late.

>died as to finish its suffering
>revive it just to prolong it


>not saging every post

its been a good ride but we need to stop plucking out the hairs 1by1 just shave them clean and move on bros this game is just a zombie that doesn't feature any of the bushes we fell in love with.

God I remember that post... Even I only played with one of you fucks I look on the majority of you fondly.

Except for the Shinbi poster she's ugly and stupid.

but why is his winrate going up

Wtf this is Deathcrawler Grux? I never saw a Grux doing that much damage irl.

Wtf nevermind. The enemy Grux was one shotting every one of us.

>that Belica bit
I'm not really into anal but feels bad man.

Anyone else stuck in an eternal loop of dodges with that fucking grux on EU ?

If you manage to win before he gets 21 agility then it should be fine

>I'm not really into anal
Lmoa you gay or what?

Well first off my name isn't Lmoa. And I just prefer vaginal. I'm vanilla as fuck so creampies are high up there on my list. Anal's on the list just farther down.

>will never pass phase some molly in the bathroom of a club and get a quick blow for it
>will never have aurora make a perfect ice replica of your dick and DP her
>will never be whipped by yin as you are forced to orally pleasure her
>will never be given a secret concoction of new aphrodisiacs by dekker and used in a scientific experiment on their effects
>will never have paragon be a good game not destroyed by cam and tencent


Lmoa stop talking to me like that or i fuck you up and fuck you in the ass.

Then you will enjoy anal you faggot, i will cum on our butthole and kiss your lips faggot

I love my beautiful wife Aurora!

Somebody threatened to report me for cursing him out. How fucked am I?

all these best girls wasted by cam and chinks destroying the game. the rivers of 34 they deserve nothing but a small quickly evaporating puddle, forever destined to be forgotten and cast aside,

Depends on what you said.

Deader than this game's future.

Time to sleep the long sleep /parag/.


On the realest of notes, I think that besides the glaring balance issues that WILL be addressed (Grux 2k18, gideon stun) I feel like the game's in a really good place right now balance wise. Once the cards are fine tuned I think paragon will finally have a thriving bit of meta. All the heroes feel pretty fleshed out and unique.

Don't make another thread, please.


Looks pretty cool but I agree with someone else saying that a Geisha skin fits countess more. Tfw this is just proof that they're going really hard with targeting the asian market but I love asian shit so i'll buy the skins anyways

I'm sure they would have given Greystone the shogun skin but that would require fixing him.

yeah just let it die guys or at least make a sendoff thread if you want one last thread. the general is just sad at this point 1 post every 3 hours and everyone hates the game

Nah, I uninstalled. Again. I don't think I'll be coming back this time, either. I've put up with a lot of shit this past year, but it's become obvious that Paragon's never going to be the game I wanted it to be.
Later, /parag/.

Fuck off, Cam.


have THICCfags gone too far?

A load of nothing that breaks its back bending over to justify Epic's retarded decision-making. And that thread is just a bunch of fedora lords sucking the OP off because he's being optimistic about what the latest update "implies" about the game in the long term. You would think these idiots would have noticed a pattern by now.

The Wallace and Gromit tits ruin it.

or Kwang

Kwang's Korean, breh.

A bunch of characters are getting asian themed skins. ALso greystone is fine outside of his ult being bugged


Is Mommy still usable? I haven't played her since the card rework came.

Stop linking Reddit in what's probably our last thread, and stop linking that dicksucking thread in particular.

like paragon cares

| do find it strange that they're aiming for the Chinese market but have no idea about how to appeal to them.
>Korean siblings prominent in the roster
>Japanese skins for their Chinese New Year event
Idiots. Not that I'd expect any better from those assclowns.

Dont let this die p-please

We're not even 20 people in the Paragon general.

> no counters argument
> call it dicksucking
legacy shitters, everyone.

Just let it die already, I love you all guys:

>/ourdeck/ author
>/ourqueen/’s ass posters
>ass posters in general

Everyone in general, it was good


almost 20
p-please dont shit it up even more
a-anyway when are we getting that new female hero with yuge armor?

never ever legacy cuckie, keep watching those devs giving more pleasure to other people than they ever did to you ahhahahaahhaha

Play a real MOBA faggot

Almost tempted to let those faggot devs on Reddit know that their only other real community on the internet is about to go under, not that they'd give a damn.

20 people lol

We are maybe 3 or so

You know you can check that, right?

I'm at least contributing 2 IP's, and someone else mentioned phonebumping earlier.
We did have 80 ip's for a good while, though: I want to say that was before v42.

>outside of his ult being bugged
That is what I was referring to, yes.

/parag/ was always a dead thread
i falseflagged all the time in this general to try and create discussion, i'm sure there was a general where i did 400 post out of the 750 there were, i was the legacyshitters, i was the monolith shitters, i was Cam Winston, Arctyc, i was also Steve Superville, i was also the Epic game cock suckers, i was the racist, the SJW, the shitposters.

Yes user, we know. We've always known.

It gets closer every time we near page 10, /parag/. There's no discussion, and almost everyone's gone because the game's a joke. Maybe someday we'll be back. Maybe someday they'll just push that button, and all of the shit they've done to Paragon will be undone.
Until then.

Can anyone share one last set of /parag/ asses snapshots

>tfw this will be the third general I’ve lost this year

For the last time, and if it's not apparent, I don't play that match anymore either, but if you guys ever wanna party up or do a /parag/ 5v5:
Epic - SSJ_Nugget
PSN - ragincajunnugz

I'll still be whooping ass with my Shinbi deck until it gets nerfed. See you fags.

Nah, that'd be like holding a knife on your wrists in front of a girl asking if she cares yet and then after the cops take your dead body away she says 'Who the hell was that's and laughs.

We'll be back someday, user. I'll think of you whenever Countess' fat ass shows up in an ad on a cheap porn site.

c u spess koreen
I can't believe the Smite, Paladins and fucking For Honour generals outlasted us


Smite general is non existant thought?

Huh. Could have sworn I saw it in the catalog, my mistake.

are you gonna let mommy's game die user?

Please stop. Just let this thread be archived so I can close the tab.

I uninstalled about a week ago but saw there was still a thread up so I came back to say just let it die already, user
It was a good run, maybe in half a year the game will turn out to be actually enjoyable, even if it'll be just a braindead brawler
Until then, see you and don't you forget about them pores


Her parents are slowly strangling her to death & we can only watch.

I love mommy!

>I'll still be whooping ass with my Shinbi deck until it gets nerfed. See you fags.
I don't play in a team with Shitbi

But i'd play against her so i can eat her fucking retarded down syndrome eyeballs after i killed her.

I got last post lol
See you, fags.