Does Reagan deserve the reverence as a great president?
Does Reagan deserve the reverence as a great president?
He is a great actor, not as good as Sam Harris however.
Tropic thunder > anything reagan was in.
He was certainly great at selling the supposed gravitas and importance of the Presidential office/position, so deserves acknowledgment for using his illusion
Quite obviously not.
Holy fuck
He committed high treason
He's responsible for Escobars bloodshed
he's definitely one of the most influential presidents
if not for Reagan we wouldn't have Trump for president
Suggesting this is the first step to jumping off a cliff out of sheer stupidity.
He successfully convinced Americans that somehow reducing taxes for the rich would benefit the middle class, and the GOP has been married to the "Reagan" model ever since. Even now, with their supposedly non-traditional president-elect, they are getting ready to do it again. And once again, their base will eat it up even though they will be the ones harmed the most.
their base will just blame the liberals
Why didn't they listen?
To be fair, the Donkey's were absolutely idiots this year. I mean, losing PA? Holy shit. How bad do you have to fuck up for PA to turn red.
they put Hilary on the ballot
the election was like they just ran out of charismatic candidates. Trump was a godsend to the GOP
It does benefit the middle class, if you mean educated professionals with a stock portfolio.
The working class was screwed either way because of automation
I'd still hate him if dismantling american unions was the only shit thing he did.
I don't disagree with that. The best shot the Donkey's had this year was Sanders, and they threw him under a bus to "unify the party." Great job, DNC. Great job.
>voting for a communist
He was the most anti-gun president since FDR, and he sold weapons to America's enemies for lulz.
He should have been impeached.
yup , just like trump.
Total tax revenue actually went up under Reagan after his tax cuts.
He was pretty much a drooling, senile, old man in his second term.
good speaker, but vastly overrated president.
No. He single highhandedly caused 9/11 by giving stinger missiles to the Muhammadans in Afghanistan because at the time he thought the Islamists were better than communists.
Had the Soviets won in Afghanistan, they would have put Osama Bin Laden against the wall and shot him thus preventing him from organizing 9/11.
And even if they did do it they'd be flying planes into the Kremlin instead of the Twin Towers.
Really... We should have let the Reds take that shit hole over there and kill as many of those fuckwits as possible.
He was the one that made commiefornia into commiefornia.
no, if the US didn't decide to leave '90s Afghanistan to warlords, they wouldn't have to deal with 9/11. The US involvement in the Afghan-Soviet War being responsible for 9/11 is a meme
So, what the fuck you were going to do?
Send troops to Afghanistan to stop the warlords?
Are you fucking retarded? We've been there for 10 years and Taliban is still a thing and the day we stop propping up the current government the Taliban or whoever the fuck the war lord will come back in their regions.
The only way to have dealt with Afghanistan would be let the Soviets do what they did best. Shell and bomb the villages into oblivion before exterminated the fighters.
The only way you can solve Afghanistan is genocide and do you think the US would do that?
Too be fair she did "win," if simply claiming LA as the nation is winning.
>confusing socialism with communism
He's not even a socialist. He's a social democrat.
Socialism without democracy is tyranny. And democracy is not merely voting for representatives, it is also dependent on the unconditional guarantee of certain key liberties. Democracy without freedom of dissent is not democracy. Democracy without freedom of association is not democracy. Democracy without the right to peacefully assemble is not democracy.
Pulling out WW2 era battleships and putting them back into service just because they look cool was an ingenius PR move.
>republishits rather spend tax dollars on shit like this instead of giving shameeka thirty more dollars a month in food stamps
Socialism without democracy isn't socialism.
>the proletariat's dictatorship will be a democratic one
>confusing social democracy with socialism
Looks like a consensus: no.