/akg/ Ankama Gmes General

*blocks ur krosmaster game* edition

Previous thread: >Latest news:

- Krosmaga expansion December 12; Feca is the new god.
- Wakfu and Dofus balance patches.
- New Gamakna is out.

dofusgo.com/ (Useful in-game info)
statofus.com/fr/classes (Class Population Chart)

dofusplanner.com/ (build planning)
dofusbook.net/ (build planning, fr only)

FAQ, polls and additional information/tips:

Class/timezone poll for people who want to join the future guild in the pastebin.

Official discord: discordapp.com/invite/4bQ4yQf
There is a /co/ /mmog guild but they are inactive for now.
Official discord: discordapp.com/invite/UbFaSAB

/co/'s krosmoz pastebin : pastebin.com/Waq1WzVv
Booru link in the pastebin.
Tot's blog (Ankama's CEO, in french) : tot-prod.blog/
Gamakna: ankama.com/en/news/gamakna

>/akg/ clover discord server (no voice)


Guilds as of now


Illy: Clover
Dramak: Eternal Summer


Remington: Shiny Chariot (Discord "soon"!)

>Remember to ignore Jim

xth for ded game

First for shameless Wakfu shilling
come play with me

lmao rekt

>i hope we get to dom bump in the games one day

You already abandoned Cutebourg like Tot, deviched?

6th for the Siblings spreading the revolution against the useless gods.

in a sperg/10, how spergy are the guilds in the OP?

Dramak is fucking awful, the sperg are literally duny tier doing stuff only because someone else in the guild did it before and they don't want to be left out.

t. literally duny.