Have you ever thought about buying a sex slave from ISIS? Say you buy her when she's 18 and fuck her every day until she's 22. Then she's free to go or stay with you. Would you do it? They are less than 1000 USD, sometimes less than 200 USD. She could do all of the domestic shit and get some refugee program to pay for her education.
Slave trading thread
What makes you think they sell them to a kaffir?
also fuck you
Whoah edgy. I could use some Arab or Kurdish pussy. Kaffir gold is still gold.
Sure op tell me more
I roll for the most retarded post of the month
Even if you were going to buy a sex slave, why would you buy from ISIS? Buy from a traditional dealer who isn't trying to kill you.
When they sell them, do they take off the bags so you can see
No? Fuck man, I wouldn't even have to deal with ISIS, but you know it's easier just to find a girl in your own country who's into whips and chains and do everything you'd do with a slave but with informed consent.
I would buy them and make them work at mcdonalds...
Collect their paychecks.
>he thinks maintaining a crazy woman is as comfy as owning a sex slave.
Whats wrong with you?
>he doesn't know how to handle bitches
I mean I guess this is Veeky Forums.
How do you own a slave in a democratic country with anti slavery laws? She or someone who finds out can just go to the police and game over.
>written by a 19 year old in his mom's basement.
Look up modern slavery. It's real and it happens in first world nations.
If you live in a small palace or a large mansion nobody will notice your rape dungeon. Fuck, people have even gotten away with it in the suburbs.
Then there's the fact that police are usually uninterested in human trafficking when they can arrest a few pimps, madams, and drivers and call it a bump in their arrest statistics to make it look like they are doing something.
They couldn't even do anything about pic related until she finally wised up, ran away, and even then only got a win in civil court rather than criminal.
Learn from the best
At first I thought "that's too cheap to be an Israeli", then I remembered that they aren't Americans and for a developed but non Western country 30k is about right.
She wouldn't be denominated in new sheckels though.
Then why don't you go ahead and do it then faggot
Because I don't roll that way fag.
What some people actually do is make them work in strip clubs since it doesn't require any particular skill and makes more money than McDonald's.
Who is that?
Bindu Pariyar. Discovered her while browsing amateur porn. Turned out that she was a victim of human trafficking.
no ass
do not want
She has other interesting assets.
They lose 40% value as soon as you take her off lot. Forget about investing women only for consumption
Feminine penis?
Now that is Veeky Forums level thinking
Not sure about buying anyhing from isis but as goodlooking confident guy with a big dink i've thought about creating a harem of sloots that i maintain, train to be slutty hoes and then pimp out for $$. would be easy to convince them that i love them and it's for their own good and whatnot. but i'm way too good of a person to do shit like that. fun to think about though, sometimes.
>goodlooking confident guy with a big dink
>Veeky Forums
I want /misc/ to go
>when you aren't sure if he's complimenting the user or dissing him
How would that be dissing?
It is making a profit?
Because the user is right in principle (profit) but thinking so small time (McDonalds).
Sums up Veeky Forums, right in principle (make money and invest it in assets) but thinking so small time (which crypto do I invest my 1,000 in to be a millionaire).
McDonalds small time?
Well a mcdonalds franchise costs over 1,000,000.
I am currently in this situation now, joined russian dating website.
Made friends with a beautiful woman about 29, with gold fake tan, she doesn't like me but is planning on meeting me. We discuss what kind of woman I should get, and give her picks too make her jealous, so when I meet her she will grab me.
Some of the Bellarussian girls don't mind the idea of doing a 6 month stint at McDs, but the russian city girls are shocked/horrified.
The nice thing about making my these bitches to work at McDs is you guage how desperate they are to come to america, and how much control you have over them.
At McDs you can still cook them a decent meal for when they get home, make sure the water's hot and rape them, while if they are at a strip club, their coming home at 2-3 am after getting finger blasted by a bunch of guys, and they have more opportunity for a guy to pick them up, or take money before they pay me for their living expenses.
My fake tan friend
Ukraine hoe
My future wife, McDonalds hoe
Rural Russian who's phone number I will sell for .35 btc
Minus the decades in jail and ass raping you'd get in addition with this, yeah sounds nice. Fucking /b/ idiots on biz.
Filipina phone number
.25 btc
The whole point is that you don't need to handle them to act like that, you fucking retard. Why do you think OP is asking for a sex slave? He doesn't want to deal with the hassle of having to constantly deal with her insanity, and also to be able to treat her like a muslim fuck.
Single Ukranian mother .2 btc
Is the kid extra or is it a packaged deal?
realtalk though I would give my arabian sex slave a much better life than she would have in iraq with isis dudes desu
I believe so, she is her daughter.
Something you have to work out with the mother.
The mother is quite beautiful
I totally agree.
I watched casually explain, and he had a great point about how arranged marriage is actually s superior form of dating/match making.
It does solidify social classes more though.
Spoken like a true capitalist.
You're talking about sending them to flip burgers for minimum wage. Most people who do this put them in a strip club make roughly 50k through work that's part time a few nights a week. Your ROI is shit but your principle is sound.
If you don't enjoy handling crazy bitches as a hobby then you probably shouldn't be doing this sort of thing, especially since the way OP is framing it is illegal. Most guys marry a chick to get her a green card then exploit her in ways that are technically legal but probably shouldn't be, and their business model is better than min wage.
How does one handle crazy bitches?
What are other ways besides making them be bartenders or strippers?
This girl seems to aim to please, although her hair does look homely.
>How does one handle crazy bitches?
By exploiting their deviant psychology and making yourself the object of their fixations. In doing this you accept that you're going to have to play games with them, but that you're doing so from the position of power.
>other ways
Cam girls. Sex work is probably the most profitable work that they are qualified to do, but a lot of sex work is illegal and thus not worth the risk.