/dg/ - Destiny General
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>when you finally get your M14/M1A in destiny
1st for warlocks being the best class.
boner anything ever?
In case you are unaware:
Mayhem CLash is up on Destiny 1
And by it's a BLAST
>The overall pace of the matches
>The abundance of powerful abilities and supers
>The weapons that shred
>HMGs are still there
>Rocket launchers hold more than one rocket at a time
>Bubbles being useable death domes still
>FoH with its super fast super far leap that gives you hyper armor and leaves a crater where the enemy team used to be
>Stormcallers mowing your entire team down... twice
My god, it's so much fun. A single match of Mayhem Clash was more entertaining than the entire last week of D2 I played. I want to go back. And my titan looks fresh as fuck too.
And in the tower I had a dance party with twelve guardians, the game is still very populated. I even saw a four-man team of which one had the Nightfall flames so people do that still.
I pity the few PC-only platform war shitters who genuinely think they got the best Destiny has to offer.
Shit's bad tho
Which faction is everyone choosing? I'd do dead orbit for their Veeky Forums shaders but I don't want a shit grenade launcher.
>30 NM packages in
>Still not fucking titan helmet
God fucking dammit, I didn't get it last time, if I don't fucking get it this time I'm quitting this bullshit broken RNG piece of shit game!
Should I get a Switch?
>i'm running back and forth in a dimly lit elevator cave with an epilepsy-inducing flashing light at the end to cheat the system and quickly grind tokens to turn in for guns that I'll never want since they're all bad and will never be different from one another and armor I don't want because it's ugly as sin but ultimate I feel I must do now since if I don't the lost opportunity will eat at my gut
Captcha: Farm Ahead
Was excited until I saw the perks.
I was...dissapointed
Stop playing hunter
It doesn't matter as you should have 1 character for each faction
FWC honerable mention for bitching club house. Doesnt beat NM comfy aesthetic.
Best Awoken face
Going back is actually pretty great. The subclasses are more fun, the cooldowns fair, armor looks better, and weapons are not only fun but have variety.
I'm also almost completely done getting the full nueroghast set, all I need are the arms and I'm done. Shit looks great with Blast of War.
If you actually use better devils, mida, or uriel's gift, please end your life.
You have no idea, user.
I just went and picked up Thunderlord again. It was my first exotic. And oh god it feels so good to use it again after months. This thing is my babe. Sweet Business doesn't come close.
What's wrong with them?
he mad
It's the only way to have fun in this game anymore.
Farmed 1008 faction tokens now. Pray for me to get good gear
Is she in Tokyo????
My 4 mil damage at calus says nah
That seems excessive. Isn't there a package cap?
you farmed 400 too many
there's a hard cap and after 30 packages all you get is shaders
>those ugly-ass arms
This isn't even sad anymore.
Anyone got Warlock FWC set screenshot?
Can't find it on google
>Go back to my old home, the Cosmodrome
>Patrol for a bit, mowing down filthy fallen left and right
>Public Event
>Fuck yeah, time to pull out the old PvE gold roll 1KYS
>Go to work
>MFW those idiotically powerful snipers in D1
Every shot an orgasm
Is this the destiny general? Do you mind if I listen in?
Not really though, that's some flavorful done shoulder plating, I can get a boner for that. Thank your god its not more of this garbage.
it's in there.
Ah the nightfall this week man, solar burn+specialist. I decided to run Invective, my first exotic. I expected fully to die at some point but I burned him too fast.
Titans have a big shoulder, its just something you're gonna have to get used to. You saying "again" implies that there are going to be alternatives, there won't, they're using it as a visual marker just like the class item.
How did hunter help you get this damage?
optimacy and philomath are the only ones worth a damn
titan version pls
Any fellow Goyim want to raid?
>wait 20 minutes for a game with bungies stupid guided game program
>Get dropped from game because servers are shit
>Get branded leaver and can't use guided game anymore
>Social game
How can anyone defend this?
>one hunter making orbs so we get super every plate
>me running celestial changing mid shot to foetracer on last shot
we one phase him without even trying
Are Linear Fusion Rifles worthless?
We had the infinite wipe glitch at gauntlet and had to leave
also: our dude was fucking Portuguese and couldn't understand a word we were saying so we carried him up to that point but we couldn't kick him because it'd fuck our credit score
you da real mvp
I stuck around in the cosmodrome and when the Taken event came up I went in balls deep.
Darnu, Horn of Orys spawned and I jizzed lightning bullets all over him, watching his health bar deplete rapidly before I finished him off with a Smash directly applied to his forehead.
The game feels so nice and I am reminded why I played this for three years straight.
they're better than fusion rifles, but that's not saying much
I disagree, I'm tired of those open-cup like shoulders, like you posted both here AND there. Admittedly they're not so bad on their own, but when everything except maybe two pairs of gauntlets look like that I get tired of it. Better than the Kerak gloves I guess. I just want something like the Spearhead set, or the Murvaux set, which managed to be visually distinct and angled without being obnoxious.
Hunter too while I'm at it.
>In D1 people spent hours shooting into a cave.
>In D2 people run back and for exploiting a lost sector exploit.
I thought you guys said this game wasn't an improvement on the original?
might as well finish up with hunter
I think i got all the weapons and armor save for the legs
Devastation/Phoenix Strife is the way to go. I'd also love the Kerak/Sovereign if it didn't have those dumb shoulders and divvy back-end to the helmet.
>one phase
>not one plate
Are factions account bound or are they per character?
Phoenix, since devastation is mobility gear and thats some TRASH
read the fucking thread
whats the point of sidearms?
uriels gift is strictly worse than every energy scout rifle in the game on pc. what are you complaining about?
you arnt actually playing an fps on a console are you?
>I actually like Hawthorne now
Most disgusting thing I've read so far. Worse than someone liking Vega in ME3
Eh, I'm not bothering with PvP to get that, I'll put up with mobilishit.
>not liking vega
kys yourself
He's the only good new character.
>Go back to Tower
>See two low level titans
>Both have low grimoire score
>Both are in a fireteam
>Wave to them
>They wave back
>We start dancing
>A make exo titan, a male human titan and a male awoken titan having a dance party in the plaza
I love this game still. Even if it's dead. Maybe later this week anyone would be up for some D1 raids? I only ever ran each of them once but wouldn't mind doing them anyway. Still want the full VoG set on my titan.
He's a whiny faggot who doesn't seem to realize Shepard has saved the galaxy twice by that point. He's an angsty shit and you should feel bad for liking him.
What are the power weapons worth using? I guess just in PvP since PvE anything goes. I like shotguns a lot. Mine launchers too.
I played D1 on and off but never really played much attention to it.
From past experience, what level of adjustments do bungie make to classes at dlc release? I'm assuming that pulse grenades are going to get adjusted
>not wanting all the dead orbit shaders
do you even Veeky Forums?
aren't there only 2?
>finally to the point of getting 300 level gear a month and a half into the game being out
>still haven't done the raid or trials
>only done one nightfall
I wish I didn't have to lfg, but I also don't want matchmaking. Its a befuddling conundrum.
What's it like purposefully being that big a dick sucker?
>From past experience, what level of adjustments do bungie make to classes at dlc release?
Pulse grenades will get dumbed down a lot, instead of buffing the other titan classes.
Warlocks will receive more exotics that allow them to do things the other classes do, but better.
The Mythoclast will get nerfed.
>aren't there only 2
>single use items
Get a good clan and make friends
does anyone know what level you need to make the exotic quests guarantee a 305 reward? my alt has caught up to my main somehow at 296 and I want to know if I do the mida quest now if it will be 305 so i can transfer it to my main
I plan on it. Just haven't yet.
I played destiny one mainly on xbox, but have accidentally transferred to ps4/pc for d2.
are the enemy supplies in the lost sector only on one planet a day?
>nothing as good as the Year 2 Iron Banner set
it hurts
>I disagree, I'm tired of those open-cup like shoulders, like you posted both here AND there
Look at it again, the other one is just plate armor.
What the fuck are these?
Pubic events? Theres no marker.
>hoping this is the weekly reset where I can hit 280
>literally every piece of powerful gear I get are gloves
>two exotics I get are gloves
>289 power gloves and everything else is like low 272
What is this from?
Do everyone just austically farmed the Winding Grove chest?
I dont even like pvp all that much (have only ~90 quickplay games played and a handful of competitive) and I got a full set
just do the weekly milestone, turn in the weekly clan pvp engram, and do the daily pvp challenges (like 3 games it really isnt bad) and you will eventually get it. I got the full set in a little under 2 weeks and that was with fairly bad rng (I have like 5 helms and 8 marks with only 1 chest and 1 legs)
Correct. Nothing in D2 looks as good.
when you get even a single piece that is over 7 levels above your current target light level youc an just farm public events to get to your target light level by just infusing/modding gear over and over. you will slowly creep up but its possible
They are enemy supplies.
They were for giving more token during lost sectors, but people figured out how to farm them.
So now they are kinda just there.
The titan planetary set is pretty good.
And io has a pretty good helmet and chest.
Nessus has a dank helmet and chest too, plus its legs are pretty dope.
>finally get Orpheus Rig
What faction should I join? So much gear has mobility. I kinda wanna go Monarchy just for aesthetic purposes
Correction. Nothing in Destiny looks good.
75 years old
whats your excuse?
I mean, I've done about 6/7 PvP matches at this point, mainly a couple weeklies. But over all the legendary grade shit I've had over however long I've been playing (PL 292), I've still yet to get Devastation Complex legs.
what shader is this? looks great
It makes you appreciate how much fun gunslinger can be as well.
Chain of woe+Gunslinger's with with knife juggler as a just in case. Pop skulls through a whole room and if you miss a shot, stick him with a knife to keep the buff going.
Curse of Osiris DLC. Just one of a couple promo screenshots sent out by bungie.
>I like to be a part of things.
just keep at it. you get more or less 2 free rolls a week just from weeklies and get an easy roll from the days where the crucible is the faction milestone (like twice a week). The pieces can also just drop after games on losses or wins, the grind seems bad but it really isnt when you actually do it or at least it wasnt for me.
noble constant red. Suros and Shiny suros are mostly the same but I like the shade of noble constant the best
that is a cute cat
>No crucible weapons.
>No crucible shell.
Filthy cazul.