Dunk edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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xth for my wife Syndra
You guys know that the problem with the amount of bad yasuo players is caused by you guys, right?
Let say that a player decides that he likes Yasuo, like any other skillful character, he will suck. He is not some Annie or Orianna champion that can be mastered in 2 to 3 games.
Now, because he is a YASUO player, you guys will flame the shit out of him for every small mistake he makes. When other people make mistakes the teammates try to help him instead.
So after all that shit Yasuo players tend to play some casual normie shit like Annie, Veigar or any dumb easy point and click champion. But since they like Yasuo, they will try to master him again just to be shut down by toxic people.
If you are a high skill champ player use /mute all and don't be discouraged by silver surfers on here. They are probably just mad because they feel insecure about their skills and don't want anyone mastering a champion that requires more skill than their's.
How do you defeat Ornn? This fucker is tanky as fuck, past minute 20 he is basically immortal demigod who will CC you forever.
>no Rubick
xth for breast metal waifu
I love Riven!! My cute and perfect wife!
press the attack is something like that
it's like a mini thunderlords and then you just deal more damage to them
I don't mind him playing yasuo.
I mind him playing yasuo in ranked.
Even more so if he has trash win rate.
Now fuck off you faggot
xth for femdom being objectively best kink
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi,Magma,Fire,Kayle
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc,
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier:, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Soraka Janna
you get someone with %HP damage shit like chogath and urgot put up a good fight, gnar probably does too simply by kiting
all right yasuo main how about you shut the hell up. No one cares
Mundo page,point is using minion dematerializer on warriors so you can clear the wave much faster and shove in nonstop
Anyone gonna try a Item active CDR with zzrot and banner of command?
I wanna cuddle Jinx and see her be happy
>get this snap chat
what do you do?
5 decides the name i will use the coming season.
Keep it non banable.
I tried to kill him as Rhaast with Cleaver and Whisper but he still lives forever.
Best skin
Best game res
Where's the dick
I want to eat out Soraka after she gets me fed!
honestly they deseve the hate if they fall to the shittery, my first 2 weeks with Yasuo were terrible, tons of hate and flaming out of nowhere, shit like an Ekko outplaying me and getting a kill early would drive these people really mad, just mute and play until you git gud
How does it decide which one?
So does 90% of all bronze players and 75% of all silver players. Get in line fucker, there are literally hundreds of thousands of shitters who have riven as their perfect waifu
Okay but why do you have a boner?
> pixelbutts fell for the dual 4k display meme
Just a few hours left until Karthus fucking dies
>Taking Scorch over Gathering Storm in literally any situation
You're brain damaged stop making posts.
>log in
>third key fragment
>open the last box of the season
>Gatekeeping Galio and a gemstone
Already had dusted Demonblade Tryndamere yesterday. This shit gives so many non-waifu skins.
How do I get better at this game?
>finally get a loli champion
>she's fucking unbearable
>thinking i have 4k displays
jokes on you, i can do it virtually with no impact in performance
> do you have more ad
> do you have more ap
Cowtits are Justice
So what does it do for champions with mixed damage?
link op.gg
Literally get your ass stomped and then figure out what you did wrong so you don't do the same shit again
>ywn be friends with imaqtpie or play a ranked game with him
There's no keystones that really synch well with Karthus
Why can't I buy Zoe's skin on PBE?
I have literally no idea
I assume it works a little bit like Camille passive that generates which shield she gets by looking at your ratios and damage types? or maybe it is hard coded.
>a random rune I took while i friends and i where testing other interactions
going to hit you with a No You're Retarded and mic in a little Kill Your Self
Whatever value you have the most, if you buy only AD items, it'll give you bonus AD and if you sell everything and buy AP it'll switch over.
Natural escalation of things
literally no champion has the style meter in the middle. it always tilts a little more to one of the 2.
Practice Farming, thats literally it, once you farm better than a plat player you'll get dia
I like Ezreal
muscle daddy champion when
Sorry if I'm asking this in here, but I'm not able to find this anywhere with my googling skills.
We all know the IP and BE changes that will come out soon, but what about Hextech changes? will the BE/OE required to unlock shards stay the same as before? WIll it increase?
nice meme
I want to eat her out after she's been fed ;)
But she is the perfect waifu tho
are they doing any changes to orange essence/ skin shards or is just blue essence
you mean like champion shards
there are no more champion shards.
skin shards are still the same value to unlock but give less orange essence.
That's a little gross user
Ì Like Lolis
Checked and its avaible.
Disenchanted skins will give way less essence.
Disenchant now or regret it later.
>So brain damaged he miss spells half the words in his post
You can't make this shit up.
choice is nice
orange is getting nerfed, dust any skins you're 100% sure you're not going to use
>tfw I've been theorycrafting for 6 hours straight
>knits you a comfy sweater
Did you hit the rank you wanted to hit this season?
Also I have 1350 RP what skin should I get?
You should only play Zoe and Annie. You can play them both top and mid.
>there is now literally 2 runes that gives free health for just killing minions and killing/hitting champions
what reason is there to buy health items anymore?
This is your BestHalfBreed for tonight
literally dust everything you won't upgrade in the future, right now
I post it here because my country doesn't have laws that would stop me from sharing nudes sent to me with others on the internet.
Oh? I just opened Kayn's Shard from a chest and I cannot unlock it because I lack like 100 essence, so I have to disenchant it otherwise I will lose it?
Was the old yordle lore better than the current one?
You're all weak.
o fug alright dudes I'll scrap em
>"was the old lore better than the current one?"
Hunting a mercenary in the Guatamalan jungle with Caitlyn
I preferred her old lore but I adore her new look and some aspects of the new personality. Still, Poppy should have been more of a bitch.
So people hate the creator of yasuo, not yasuo the champion himself?
Did this riot employee rape your mothers + dog or something?
your current one
Old yordle lore didn't exist.
Any info on the new items?
You wanna be the one to fill her up?
You can fuck me in the ass while I suck your cum out of her cunt
yes it's better if you disenchant it now.
Don't change your name
Keep your current one
Delete your account
I never go past gold because there is no incentive to climb higher. There's no reason for me to git gud except for a border. So yes, I hit the rank I wanted.
>No Gnar on the list
>tfw my hybrid page will die
>Did you hit the rank you wanted to hit this season?
Sadly, no. I was really hoping for plat but my internet shit itself. I have no idea what causes the random 2,000+ ms out of nowhere for no reason that lasts almost all game.
Nightblue Fan
How about I fuck the goat and then you fuck the goat