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/sthg/ #1042 - Impending Doom Edition
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Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we talk all about everything Sonic! Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, comics, and more!
/sthg/ #1042 - Impending Doom Edition
>Sonic NewsGeneral Interest Links
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First for Silver a cute!
A cute!!
first for forces is a genuinely good game
Made some more edits. Please take this survery!
>All these people complaining about no Sonic Adventure 3
>But nobody is stepping up to the plate to make their own not-Sonic Adventure clone that's basically Sonic Adventure 3 in every way except the characters
Xth for killing myself due to PTSD flashbacks of the Sonic Fandom in 2009
Infinite should've been a fucking ocelot
this feels like a metaphor but I don't get it
That is a lot of work for low payoff.
I'm not using my gmail account for this.
Is this what is was like back in 2009?
>i-it's better than lost world!!
fandom saying Forces is fine because it's not Boom or 06. In a sense setting the bar really fucking low
I want to see her high on laughing gas until she's a giggling mess that would make even the most giddy hyena blush!
Infinite should've been tails
Oh ok, I got it
That's kinda sad
I mostly meant all the OCfagging kinda just tripped something in my brain to remember my own shitty 2009 OC and the shitty 2009 OCs everyone else had since EVERYONE and their leg humping dog are posting Forces OCs. Regardless of if intended to show them off outright or not.
>Not using your gmail account
I'm going to track you down via your gmail account and fly over there and murder you for not liking Sonic '06 in a survey for a random message board.
Are any of the CD key sites already selling Forces yet? I want so see if it's as mediocre as everyone says, but I'm not going to pay 40€ just for that.
So I think this is the case on all platforms which might mess with modding to some extent, the cutscenes flip back and forth between prerendered and real time, sometimes even in the same cutscene.
If buddy is on screen it is 100% real time but sometimes if he's off screen they will switch to prerendered.
It is.
*Nurses back to health*
>making adventure 3
that's far beyond anything most autists in the fandom are capable of. hell, mania is a fucking godsend despite sonic's 2d physics having a godamn wiki
Come up with more hyperboles, they're amusing.
Welp, I finished it. Not bad, but not great. Not what I wanted for a game I waited so long for.
The Avatar was a lot more fun than I thought it'd be, Classic was worse than Generations, and Modern feels like a downgrade from the previous games. Every stage is way too short. You can also feel a bit of the Lost World gameplay style creep in at points. Sonic Team needs to stop with the 2D completely. I love Boost gameplay, but I will happily give it up if we can go full 3D next game.
>No homo options in the shipping chart
How fast can /sthg/ go?
What's the record, oldfags?
Forcesfags, who repaired Omega?
It's really sad, not just kinda sad
Rouge is such a cutie
>thinks he's great
>get his delusions knocked back by reality
>start relying on what's unreal
>still fails
Is Infinite, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Forcesfag here, I dunno
Donkey Kong
Nobody. He's still dead.
Omega being destroyed was only an Infinite illusion. Once the Ruby's power was drained, he showed up to save the day.
The only correct answer
Everybody knows that it's a bad idea.
It does mean we don't have to worry about Avatar mods being all wonk, but it's still pretty retarded. There's absolutely no reason why any system besides the Switch couldn't of had the cutscenes be rendered in real-time, and even on the Switch it's not some massive dip in visual fidelity they couldn't of shouldered through. Probably would've halved the game's size or more too.
Post your unpopular Sonic opinions!
I believe the best way to do Sonic gameplay is to combine spectacle & gameplay.
Spectacle was just as important to Sonic's initial success as anything else,
Preboot had some really good moments,
but post-reboot > preboot
Sonic Forces is fun. A solid 7/10.A lot of the vitriol towards the game is absolutely absurd. I don't like the game just because it's not the worst, I like it because I find it fun.
I wouldn't mind OC creator coming back
Generations > Adventure 2 > Unleashed > Adventure > Heroes > Forces = Colors >>> Lost World > Shadow > 06
Just finished Forces, had a blast. Modern Sonic gameplay was fun but short, Avatar was all around pretty great, and while Classic had a few good moments, it was mostly held back by a lack of polish. Story is kinda spotty though, it feels like they wanted to do more but didn't have resources for it and ran out of time. I enjoyed the game more than Colors but I think Unleashed and Generations beat it in the Modern section. All in all I give this game a 7/10, and I plan on getting all the collectibles.
Damn right for avatars when
If you get rid of the royal family subplot and music, Underground would've had a perfect concept for a Sonic show.
The Rookie is the best part of the franchise. I want to make my character on all Sonic games from now on.
Sonic Forces is 9/10. Minus 1 point because Classic Sonic and his stages felt out of place and boring.
Wave, she probably did all the real technical work while Tails was busy crying.
>I wouldn't mind OC creator coming back
Same but they really need to give more side characters more to do also.
I...can add them if you want, user~
"eggman already won" is literally the fucking lamest status quo for any sonic media
Do you regret buying Forces?
I'll just repost what I said last thread. I enjoyed Forces a lot and the avatar being as fun as they were was honestly a surprise. Modern Sonic controlled really well too but he needed more expansive levels. Classic felt completely pointless and I preferred how he controlled in Generations.
I'd give the game a 7/10, maybe I'd bump it up to a 7.5 from playing it a bit more and if they update the PC version. But man, I really like having Ruby the Cat now.
If we get a game solely about the avatar and Modern Sonic with increased focus on both, I would be 110% OK with that and would probably consider it one of my favorite games ever if they do it right.
That sounds ultra bizarre.
>999 rings
>don't lose all rings when get hit
Forces was made for 5 years old kids?
>the Imperial Tower stage
>the song is literally about how a sun appeared out of nowhere and the final battle has begun
Who did this music
Randy fucking Newman
Nah. I enjoyed enough of it and will probably put more time into it.
I used the Hover Wispon in that stage, flew over everything.
I regret getting the PC version, but I still enjoyed the game
Glad to hear you enjoyed it, user!
I loved the idea of Sonic Underground & the intro was god-tier, but man, the execution was pretty fucked.
Oh yeah, one unpopular opinion: I don't mind Classic's music from Forces.
The music was made to describe the Avatar's emotions during the levels. So maybe,
but I like Buddy's music so I'll allow it
Agreed. That could have been used to re-develop Tails's character and could have added some more dramatic flair.
I regret not buying the physical version.
I like that Rouge flirts with the OC at the end of the game
Anyone else find the cutscenes awkward? Like it feels like there should've been more dialog, but it just ends.
Not really because for something like a cartoon or comic it sets up the same plot as the games, which is Sonic and friends running around shitting on Robotnik's plans. The difference with the games is the classic games don't have room for that kind of a recurring plot.
>SEGA announces that Sonic Team will get dissolved and integrated into SEGA next year
how do you react? is it a sigh of relief or is it worry because Sonic has the potential of being just another SEGA ip lost in purgatory? do you welcome it or fear it?
If I had any game-creating skills and a huge dev group, I would at least try to make a game with the Adventure formula.
Speaking of which, has there ever been a fangame with an Adventure gameplay style, outside of Sonic World, maybe?
relying on a status quo to fall back on is inherently bad
>What is the best thing about /sthg/?
depends. how have all the other development teams behind the other games been doing? are their fans happy? are their games generally good? if so then it would be nothing but a godsend
Is Sonic correct about this?
Sonic Team is just the name Sega gives to the group of people that are developing the current Sonic game. It is not a consistent group of people. In other words, there is nothing to dissolve or integrate.
Like I said in the last thread
I don't want Sonic to die as a series, 1 because I just fucking love it, 2 because I think they might have something really great with the avatars.
It's just the team working on it is fundamentally flawed.
Well, Sonic Team being dissolved will mostly mean the name is retired. Don't know what'll happen to the guys who're usually part of the games like Ohtani, Iizuka, etc.
maybe in stupid-ass iizuka's world, yes. modern sonic is basically operating on star wars prequel levels of logical dissonance from the source material.
in real sonic, no.
I like the busy, art deco look of Sonic CD
Does that mean all the implied murder that got committed was undone as well?
I really fucking love Sonic Battle
Sonic was being cocky, jesus christ.
that's so cute, you should draw more user
>Best thing about /sthg/
>Everything. You guys are awesome.
Sonic makes too much money to ever throw away like other IPs. If Sonic Team is dissolved, then it'll just be some internal team (probably of the same devs) making the games and all that will change is that we won't see the Sonic Team logo anymore.
Not for a kids cartoon.
She was doing it to tease Shadow.
Just like how everyone evacuated from Station Square before anyone was injured!
Sonic Team is actually a division but in that scenario the only change would be the name no longer being used and the possibility of other people at SEGA taking part in the Sonic franchise. If SEGA dissolved it and fired everybody it would be a different story
What were Big, Cream, Sticks (yes, she's a Sega character now, see Runners and the SC comics), and the Babylon Rouges doing while the world was taken over?
inb4 >Big was in a different world
Reminder that cities around the globe suffered heavy casualties. Lots of scraped knees and sore elbows.
Press F for Sonic.
What could have been.
Creating a perfect 3D Sonic game is harder than creating a perfect 2D Sonic game
You should separate best 2d and best 3d
>If SEGA dissolved it and fired everybody it would be a different story
You mean what basically happened since Unleashed with every second game?