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she wasn't lying
Reminder Lordaeron was founded as a HUMAN kingdom under the holy sanctum of the LIGHT, undead need not apply.
>The absolute SHIT state of Horde leadership
Does Monk's black ox statue have any uses anymore? I remember it being lots of fun to mob enemies with back in the day in overworld and dungeons.
Mask or no mask?
Pretty elite photoshop skills you got there bro
>Worgen , Pandaren and goblins introducted after Wotlk
>Can be death knights
I guess it's fine it doesn't make sense
>what I wanted
>what I got
If they give us these allied races at least give me he choice to not make a fat one.
(reposting because dead thread)
How the fuck do you guys retain interest in a class?
I work a full time job and when I get home I'm so tired that I just lose all interest in the class I was playing. I started a Frost Mage this week and the whole aesthetic and gameplay was just stellar but 2 days in to the work week I just cant even muster a shadow of interest in it anymore. Give me advice please
Very cute doggo!
Also, just play something else and don't think about it. Keep playing shit until something sticks.
That's all you can really do.
Hide that ugly mug
Hello, is anyone from No Fun Allowed from Illidan still here? Does the guild have a discord or anything? I used to be a member but need to talk to some of the people who were a part of it.
What tabard is that
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to enjoy vanilla WoW. The gameplay is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of game theory most of the features will go over a typical gamer’s head. There’s also Kaplan’s autistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his baby- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Lord British videogames, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this lack of qol improvements, to realise that they’re not just fun- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike vanilla WoW truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the conviction in Kaplan’s existential catchphrase “Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of an encounter can go fuck themselves.” which itself is a cryptic reference to Carmack’s American epic Doom. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as J. Allen’s genius unfolds itself on their outdated computers. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a FOR THE ALLIANCE tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladyboys’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
I actually love the look of the fat one, I really hope we get it.
Worgen DKs are former servants of Arugal, goblin DKs are from the Steamwheedle Cartel
this has been explained in the in-game dialogue for almost 7 years now
>How the fuck do you guys retain interest in a class?
>I work a full time job and when I get home I'm so tired that I just lose all interest in the class I was playing.
I play during my worktime.
Then again I work 4 on 4 off (12 hour shifts) so I have plenty of free days. I don't tend to lose interest in something just because I'm tired though.
>Not wanting ogre humans
I don't. I retain interest in being my character.
I'm interested in becoming more powerful and doing things in this fantasy world. I also like the idea of being a warlock, being the all-powerful netherlord, even though the reality of it is frequently disappointing.
What does his fur smell like, /wowg/?
Is there anywhere to find pdfs or epubs of the Chronicle volumes online?
I want proper Ogres for the Alliance.
>ogre humans
wish I had the brainlet picture saved
do you all have difficulty recognizing basic shapes? even it's position relative to the maelstrom is different
>he doesnt want BASED strongfat kultiran bois
end your life tbhfam
have a comfy screenshot, /wowg/
Would you guys commit suicide if you knew you'd be reborn in the WoW universe?
Keep in mind that it could be in any timeline except the future, and you're not guaranteed a good role.
>could be reborn as Varian
>as a random vendor in Stormwind
>as a random guy that got kidnapped by femorcs to be their sex slave
Do you take that risk?
Are they not humans with ogre skeletons?
nude mods when
Fuck yeah, we need a big brute race on the Alliance.
Nelves used to be that in Warcraft 3, but Blizz decided to remove their fangs and claws and make them prissy little hippies instead of savage brutal predators.
Draenei are too civilized, they should be fucking bloodthirsty after the orcs nearly wiped them out.
Worgen.....they're British, and that automatically makes them refined and posh. They can still be badass, but not really big and brutish.
like, 90% of all beings in WoW are undead or cursed, so I don't like those odds
me samefagging my garbage fetish when
Worgen DKs were former inhabitants of Shadowfang Keep and Pyrewood, of the Shadowfang Pack
Cherry blossoms.
It looks really familiar. I think it's from TBC?
WoW is a dangerous world to live in. Most people die.
Rolling a panda life wouldn't be bad though.
nigga that's like saying human t-rexes cause their humans with t-rex skeletons
>you get a chance to be reborn
>decide to stay a fat piece of shit
I don't get it.
Get the Draenei maids to bring the wine, we have Orcs to throw the bottles at.
the absolute state of this guy
you guys are idiots
this has been a bait meme since the expansion announcement and everyone knows it's the broken shore
this guy is raking in (You)s because you guys fell for it
>take that risk?
Nah. I've got a pretty comfy life.
>don't forget this
>what I will not forget are those words
>o-okay yeah good that's what I said
Sounds like you're just depressed and/or done with WoW desu.
>obese upper body
>frail bitch boy ankles
earthy musk
Battle Tabard of the Defilers
And people will still wank over her, talking about how she's so great and she totally thinks of the horde as her people because of one line in a cinematic, forgetting she's a lying bitch.
orc base in strom warfront is not hammerfall for some reason
I like how people are trying to make excuses for her killing her sister as well.
you're being taken on a ride user
>tricked him so good he made a picture just for me
would it be possible to sit near a lootable chest with a 100g grey inside and summon level 1 characters to loot the item and repeat?
Isn't this the same sister she already tried to murder once, so that she could reanimate her and doom her to a life of undead torment and eventual damnation to hell?
>strongfat dadbod Humans
I can smell the step-dad molestation backstories.
I actually really like the way you explained that. It's kind of inspiring me to just immerse myself instead of rushing through leveling zones and skipping dialogue and just not gaining a connection with what I'm trying to enjoy.
I'm definitely not done with WoW, it's almost all I think about outside of work and shitty anime. I could be depressed but I'd rather not think about that lol
Races I want:
Allied Races I want:
>Mag'har Orcs
>Blackrock Orcs
>Forest Trolls
>Sand Trolls
>Wildhammer Dwarf
>Frost Dwarf
>Skeleton Forsaken
>Elf Forsaken
Doesn't look very similar user. You need to get your eyes checked.
I like her because she is our evil psycho queen and is going to fuck the alliance up super good
you mean the dogshit state of the lore lmao
>WQ rewards me with a BoP relic
>none of my specs use that type of relic
>Wildhammer Dwarf
This is not even worth of allied race slot JUST GIVE US THE FUCKING MARKS AND TATTOOS
> fuck the alliance up super good
> The bitch who got her one chance at immortality stolen from her by a dogman
lol k
What is the difference between an allied race and just a race?
They're still playable and part of the Horde/Alliance why name them like that?
>tfw still no playable Ethereals
Why does life have to hurt so much?
it has to be marketable, user.
Ethereals are saved for later due to massive butthurt the fact they go Alliance will cause. You can cap this.
>waited like 8 years for goblins
>still waiting for ethereals
I just want to jew people.
resubbed 3 days ago
when is the new raid coming out?
what do I do now at ilvl900? search for a guild?
is doing kara still worth it?
why does warrior t21(? the one from Antorus) look like lvl74 wotlk questing gear?
Are you guys happy that mods are back?
They're subraces, you absolute mongoloid. You diminuitive chimpanzee.
Allied races aren't unlocked right away. You need to complete something to get access to them kinda like the heroic classes.
Because they're unlocked and not default.
regular races get more effort put into them, like a zone or two start and level in, allied races do not and start at level 20 at the capital of their faction
>wow has the hardest raiding of any mmo currently on the market
they are?
race = starting zone
allied race = quest on main + starts at 20
it's a nomenclature change to do less work
A strong man should look like the kul tiran human. Vrykul are just a bodybuilder fantasy.
>when is the new raid coming out?
nov 28
>what do I do now at ilvl900? search for a guild?
Look for a shitty casual guild.
>is doing kara still worth it?
Only in mythic+.
>why does warrior t21(? the one from Antorus) look like lvl74 wotlk questing gear?
I don't know.
tmorph updated?
It's true, unfortunate as that is.
If I'm a short stack gril, goblin ideally though gnome is fine too then hell yeah, my heaven
or a vulpera
Hey faggots lets play some fucking GAMES