>working job
>having time for Veeky Forums
what job do you fucks have?
>working job
>having time for Veeky Forums
what job do you fucks have?
essentially i pretend to shoot towel heads for a living
Working in the army of an euro nation. I'm exceptionally skilled and effective at my role so I can basically come and go whenever I want. Which means lots of free time for Veeky Forums.
Best possible pay for an uneducated guy too.
working in intelligence?
Close and related, but not specifically. Deal with them a lot since our roles overlap here and there.
I bullshitted by way into a manager role with no prior experience. I just let my assistants come up with the decisions and agree with them all the time. 90k salary and I probably work about 2 actual hours a day
Gobbermint drone in European country that let's in lots of immigrants. It's just me in my office all by myself and nobody to check what I do.
Could be worse I guess.
I push 0's and 1's for the devil
Accountant. My job takes an hour or two but I have to sit there for 8 hours.
working at middle managment at a german car-manufacturer. Im kinda dumb and lazy. but people like me
I'm a student :^)
Mental health counselor. I browse in between clients and paperwork.
Telecommunications. Managing business accounts. Coordinate installs, data rollouts, repairs, billing etc. for large businesses and sell them more shit. Some days are nothing but crushing spreadsheets and looking busy, others can involve supervising multiple gigabit ethernet activations. Today is the former. (hopefully)
QC tech, I make 40k/yr
Welche Marke?
BI Analyst, work from home most of the time
kill yourselves
I own a small business. (And i am a happy coiner)
I'm a NEET.
My girlfriend is a BI analyst too, working on her CPCU. Very jealous of how lenient her WFH policy is.
I work as a counselor. Most of my time is spent sitting in my office doing nothing.
Actuary. I am at work posting here right now.
Why would anyone here have a job when it's so easy to make money trading shitcoins?
I'm an analyst at a energy trading firm. I basically do daily market research and prepare reports. I do quantitative analysis of the electricity sector and make suggestions to senior power traders.
Basically python, SQL, and MATLAB do the work for me.
Fund manager.
I browse Veeky Forums when im in the loo
Any advice for someone graduating soon and looking to enter that area?
Software sales, I shitpost like half the day
Construction industry sales. Work long hours some days, some days I do nothing but wait for the phone to ring.
This applies to you as well if you don't mind.
Load trucks at a quarry alone. Pretty comfy most days.
Days like today suck dick though. Nice af out but busy enough cant work on projects. Yet busy enough i cant watch movies and dickoff ina cuckshed.
Likely building duplicate cucksheds to rent out. Ideally thee guys are paying me to litterally build assets and retire. And then hopefully let me on in some way as a business partner or allow me funds to start another. Hell even cosigning a loan would be enough should i prove my worthiness. If not tho they probably kept me from an hero at a miserable dead end job.
400 other ideas going on at the same time. Rasing worms in my filing cabinet atm even and repairing a free 4 wheeler to sell.
Orly? How much bro.
Doesnt this place make u sad tho? Like all of us have a mental illness. Likely u as well with your choice in career.
student but i'm only a master procrastinator.
I work minimal hours each week. Contract on the side. Gov benefits all day. College ofc.
Are you me?
I work part time at the mall and I dump all my wages into milocoin
Out of curiosity, did joining the army improve your work ethic?
I'm on the business side so it's a bit different from the people working on the technical side. I would say the most important skills are:
> communication & presentation
> business knowledge
> knowing some BI tool (most of them have a free version) and SQL
I'm a slave for HAL
Manger for international company, just read shit all day, maybe an hour of work.
Is it possible to join euro army if I'm not in the army of my European country?
Get 50k to work in a warehouse after tax feels pretty good man... so much fun
would you hire a fellow 4channer, who wants to be a class A redneck driver?
unemployed NEET, 2 year grad, 4 year dropout.
saved my ass off when I had govy job.
Got DUI, now life is over, except for my 500k from stocks.
Planning to turn it all into Navy ghettos in Washington state.
Such is life in garrison
Commercial building manager in DC for network operations.
Shits a lot of work